1 O íd palabra de Jehová, hijos de Israel, porque Jehová tiene pleito con los moradores de la tierra; porque no hay verdad, ni misericordia, ni conocimiento de Dios en la tierra.
Listen to the Word of the Lord, O people of Israel, because He has something against the people of the land. “They are not faithful or kind, and no one in the land knows God.
2 P erjuran, mienten, matan, hurtan, adulteran y oprimen, y se suceden homicidios tras homicidios.
There is swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and sex sins. They are always hurting others, and there is one killing after another.
3 P or lo cual se enlutará la tierra, y se extenuará todo morador de ella, con las bestias del campo y las aves del cielo; y aun los peces del mar morirán.
The land is filled with sorrow. Everyone who lives on it wastes away, together with the animals of the field and the birds of the sky. Even the fish of the sea are taken away.
4 Q ue nadie entre en pleito ni reprenda a nadie, porque tu pueblo es como los que ponen pleito al sacerdote.
“Yet let no one put blame or guilt upon another. For your people are like those who argue with the religious leader.
5 T ropezarás en pleno día, y tropezará también contigo el profeta de noche; y a tu madre destruiré.
You will fall during the day, and the religious leaders will fall with you during the night. And I will destroy your mother.
6 M i pueblo fue destruido porque le faltó conocimiento. Por cuanto desechaste el conocimiento, yo te echaré del sacerdocio; y porque olvidaste la ley de tu Dios, también yo me olvidaré de tus hijos.
My people are destroyed because they have not learned. You were not willing to learn. So I am not willing to have you be My religious leader. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children.
7 C onforme a su multitud, pecaron contra mí; también yo cambiaré su honra en afrenta.
“The more there were, the more they sinned against Me. I will change their shining-greatness into shame.
8 D el pecado de mi pueblo comen, y hacia su maldad dirigen su avidez.
They feed on the sin of My people, and so they want them to sin more.
9 Y será el pueblo como el sacerdote; le castigaré por su conducta, y le pagaré conforme a sus obras.
The religious leaders will be punished the same as the people. I will punish them for what they have done.
10 C omerán, pero no se saciarán; fornicarán, mas no se multiplicarán, porque se obstinaron en alejarse de Jehová.
They will eat, but not have enough. They will do sex sins, but the number of their children will not grow because they have not been faithful to the Lord. The Worship of False Gods
11 F ornicación, vino y mosto quitan el juicio.
“Their sinful ways and both old and new wine take away My people’s understanding.
12 M i pueblo pregunta a su ídolo de madera, y el leño le responde; porque un espíritu de fornicaciones lo ha descarriado, y dejaron a su Dios para fornicar.
They ask things of a wooden god and are answered by a stick of wood. A false spirit has led them the wrong way. They have not been faithful, and they have left their God.
13 S obre las cimas de los montes sacrificaron, e incensaron sobre los collados, debajo de las encinas, álamos y terebintos que tienen grata sombra; por eso, vuestras hijas fornicarán, y adulterarán vuestras nueras.
They give gifts in worship on the tops of the mountains and burn special perfume on the hills. They do this under oak, poplar and terebinth trees, because their shadow is pleasing. So your daughters are like women who sell the use of their bodies, and your brides do sex sins.
14 N o castigaré a vuestras hijas cuando forniquen, ni a vuestras nueras cuando adulteren; porque ellos mismos se van con rameras, y sacrifican con malas mujeres; y el pueblo, por no entender, perecerá.
I will not punish your daughters when they are like women who sell the use of their bodies, or your brides when they do sex sins. For the men themselves go with the sinful women to give gifts in worship to false gods. And people without understanding will be destroyed.
15 S i fornicas tú, Israel, que al menos no peque Judá; y no entréis en Gilgal, ni subáis a Bet-aven, ni juréis: Vive Jehová.
“Even if you, Israel, are like women who sell the use of their bodies, do not let Judah become guilty. Do not go to Gilgal or up to Beth-aven. And do not swear, ‘As the Lord lives!’
16 P orque se ha encabritado Israel como novilla indómita, ¿los apacentará ahora Jehová como a corderos en lugar espacioso?
The people of Israel are strong-willed like a young cow. How then can the Lord feed them like a lamb in a large field?
17 E fraín está ligado a los ídolos; déjalo.
Ephraim is joined to false gods. Let him alone.
18 C uando se les pasa la embriaguez, se dan a la fornicación; cambian la gloria por la ignominia.
Their strong drink is gone. They are like women who sell the use of their bodies all the time. Their rulers love shame.
19 E l viento los envolverá en sus alas, y serán avergonzados de sus sacrificios.
The wind will carry them away, and they will be ashamed because they gave gifts to false gods.