1 E l vino es petulante; el licor, alborotador; Y cualquiera que por ellos yerra no es sabio.
Wine makes people act in a foolish way. Strong drink starts fights. Whoever is fooled by it is not wise.
2 C omo rugido de león es la cólera del rey; El que lo enfurece se hace daño a sí mismo.
The anger of a king is like the noise of a lion. He who makes him angry gives up his own life.
3 E s un honor para el hombre evitar la contienda; Mas todo insensato se enreda en ella.
It is an honor for a man to keep away from fighting, but any fool will argue.
4 E l perezoso no ara a causa del invierno; Pedirá, pues, en la siega, y no hallará.
The lazy man does not plow before winter. So he begs during gathering time and has nothing.
5 C omo aguas profundas es el consejo en el corazón del hombre; Mas el hombre entendido lo alcanzará.
The plan in a man’s heart is like water in a deep well, but a man of understanding gets it out.
6 M uchos hombres proclaman cada uno su propia bondad, Pero un hombre veraz, ¿quién lo hallará?
Many men tell about their own loving-kindness and good ways but who can find a faithful man?
7 C amina en su integridad el justo; Sus hijos son dichosos después de él.
How happy are the sons of a man who is right with God and walks in honor!
8 E l rey que se sienta en el trono de juicio, Con su mirar disipa todo mal.
A king who sits on his throne to judge finds out all sin with his eyes.
9 ¿ Quién podrá decir: Yo he limpiado mi corazón, Limpio estoy de mi pecado?
Who can say, “I have made my heart clean, and I am pure from my sin?”
10 P esa falsa y medida falsa, Ambas cosas son abominación a Jehová.
The Lord hates the use of tools that lie about how heavy or how long something is.
11 Y a con sus actos da a conocer el niño Si su conducta va a ser limpia y recta.
A young man makes himself known by his actions and proves if his ways are pure and right.
12 E l oído que oye, y el ojo que ve, Ambas cosas igualmente las ha hecho Jehová.
The hearing ear and the seeing eye were both made by the Lord.
13 N o ames el sueño, para que no te empobrezcas; Abre tus ojos, y te saciarás de pan.
Do not love sleep, or you will become poor. Open your eyes, and you will be filled with food.
14 E l que compra dice: Malo es, malo es; Mas cuando se marcha, se congratula.
“It is bad, it is bad,” says the one who buys, but when he goes away, he talks much about his good buy.
15 H ay oro y multitud de piedras preciosas; Mas los labios prudentes son joya preciosa.
There is gold and many stones of great worth, but the lips of much learning are worth more.
16 Q uítale su ropa al que salió por fiador del extraño, Y toma prenda del que sale fiador por los extraños.
Take a man’s coat when he has given himself as trust for what a stranger owes. And hold him to his promise when he gives himself as trust for what the people from other lands owe.
17 S abroso es al hombre el pan de mentira; Pero después su boca será llena de cascajo.
Bread a man gets by lying is sweet to him, but later his mouth will be filled with sand.
18 L os proyectos se sopesan con el consejo; Y con dirección sabia se hace la guerra.
Make plans by listening to what others have to say, and make war by listening to the leading of wise men.
19 E l que anda en chismes descubre el secreto; No te entremetas, pues, con el suelto de lengua.
He who goes about talking to hurt people makes secrets known. So do not be with those who talk about others.
20 A l que maldice a su padre o a su madre, Se le apagará su lámpara en oscuridad tenebrosa.
If a son talks against his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in the time of darkness.
21 L os bienes que se adquieren de prisa al principio, No serán al final bendecidos.
A large gift received at one time in a hurry will not bring good in the end.
22 N o digas: Yo me vengaré; Espera en Jehová, y él te salvará.
Do not say, “I will punish wrong-doing.” Wait on the Lord, and He will take care of it.
23 A bominación son a Jehová las pesas falsas, Y la balanza falsa no es buena.
Giving the wrong weight is hated by the Lord. And weighing something wrong is not good.
24 D e Jehová son los pasos del hombre; ¿Cómo, pues, entenderá el hombre su camino?
A man’s steps are decided by the Lord. How can anyone understand his own way?
25 L azo es al hombre hacer un voto a la ligera, Y después de haberlo hecho, reflexionar.
It is a trap for a man to say without thinking, “It is holy,” and then later think more about what he has promised.
26 E l rey sabio avienta a los impíos, Y hace tornar sobre ellos la maldad.
A wise king puts the sinful aside and crushes the grain over them.
27 L ámpara de Jehová es el espíritu del hombre, La cual escudriña lo más profundo del corazón.
The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord. It shows all the inside parts of his heart.
28 M isericordia y verdad guardan al rey, Y con clemencia se sustenta su trono.
A king will stay in power as long as he is faithful and true. He can stay on his throne if he does what is right and good.
29 L a gloria de los jóvenes es su fuerza, Y la hermosura de los ancianos es su vejez.
The honor of young men is their strength. And the honor of old men is their hair turning white.
30 L as marcas de los azotes son medicina para el malo, Porque los golpes purifican el corazón.
Beatings that hurt clean away sin. And beatings make even the inside parts clean.