Ezequiel 16 ~ Ezekiel 16


1 D e nuevo vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo:

The Word of the Lord came to me, saying,

2 H ijo de hombre, notifica a Jerusalén sus abominaciones,

“Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her hated sins.

3 y di: Así dice el Señor Jehová a Jerusalén: Tu origen y tu nacimiento es de la tierra de Canaán; tu padre fue un amorreo, y tu madre, una hetea.

Tell them, ‘This is what the Lord God says to Jerusalem: “Your beginning and your birth are from the land of the Canaanite. Your father was an Amorite and your mother was a Hittite.

4 Y en cuanto a tu nacimiento, el día que naciste no fue cortado tu ombligo, ni fuiste lavada con agua para limpiarte, ni salada con sal, ni fuiste envuelta con fajas.

On the day you were born the cord between you and your mother was not cut. You were not washed with water to make you clean. You were not rubbed with salt or even covered with cloth.

5 N o hubo ojo que se compadeciese de ti para hacerte algo de esto, teniendo compasión de ti; sino que fuiste arrojada al campo, con menosprecio de tu vida, en el día que naciste.

No one looked with pity on you or did any of these things for you out of loving-kindness. Instead you were thrown out into the open field, for you were hated on the day you were born.

6 Y cuando yo pasé junto a ti, y te vi agitándote en tu sangre, te dije, cuando estabas en tus sangres: ¡Vive! Sí, te dije cuando estabas en tus sangres: ¡Vive!

“When I passed by you and saw you rolling about in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ Yes, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’

7 Y o te hago crecer como la hierba del campo. Y creciste y te hiciste grande, y llegaste a ser muy hermosa; tus pechos se habían formado, y tu pelo había crecido; pero estabas desnuda y descubierta.

I made you become many, like plants of the field. Then you grew up and became tall. You grew into a beautiful woman. You had breasts and your hair had grown. Yet you were not covered and your body could be seen.

8 Y cuando pasé otra vez junto a ti, y te miré, y he aquí que tu tiempo era tiempo de amores, extendí mi manto sobre ti, y cubrí tu desnudez; y te di juramento y entré en pacto contigo, dice el Señor Jehová, y fuiste mía.

Then I passed by you and saw that you were old enough for love. So I spread my clothing over you and covered your body. I gave you my promise and made an agreement with you so that you became Mine,” says the Lord God.

9 T e lavé con agua, te quité de encima la sangre, te ungí con aceite.

“Then I washed you with water, washed the blood from you, and poured oil on you.

10 T e vestí de valioso recamado, te calcé de piel de tejón, te ceñí de lino fino y te cubrí de seda.

I dressed you with beautiful cloth, and put leather shoes on your feet. I dressed you with fine linen and covered you with silk.

11 T e atavié con adornos, y puse brazaletes en tus brazos y collar en tu cuello.

I put on you objects of beauty. I put beautiful objects on your arms and around your neck.

12 P use un anillo en tu nariz, pendientes en tus orejas, y una hermosa diadema en tu cabeza.

I put rings in your nose and in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.

13 A sí fuiste adornada de oro y de plata, y tu vestido era de lino fino, seda y recamado; comiste flor de harina de trigo, miel y aceite; y llegaste a ser extraordinariamente hermosa, y prosperaste hasta llegar a reinar.

So you were dressed with gold and silver. Your clothing was of fine linen, silk, and beautiful cloth. You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. So you were very beautiful, and you became a queen.

14 Y adquiriste fama entre las naciones a causa de tu hermosura; porque era perfecta, a causa del esplendor que yo había puesto en ti, dice el Señor Jehová.

Your name became known among the nations because of your beauty. For it was perfect because of My shining-greatness which I had given to you,” says the Lord God.

15 P ero te envaneciste de tu hermosura, y te prostituiste a causa de tu renombre, y derramaste tus fornicaciones sobre cuantos pasaron; suya eras.

“But you trusted in your beauty. Because your name was well-known, you acted like a woman who sells the use of her body. And you did sex sins with anyone who passed by.

16 Y tomaste de tus vestidos, y te hiciste lugares altos, decorados con diversos colores, y fornicaste sobre ellos; cosa semejante nunca había sucedido, ni sucederá más.

You took some of your clothes of many colors and made for yourself places of worship. There you acted like a woman who sells the use of her body. Such things should never happen or come to pass.

17 T omaste asimismo tus hermosas alhajas de oro y de plata que yo te había dado, y te hiciste imágenes de hombres y fornicaste con ellas;

You also took your objects of beauty made of My gold and silver, which I had given you. And you used them to make things that looked like men, that you might play with them as a woman who sells the use of her body.

18 y tomaste tus vestidos de valioso recamado y las cubriste; y pusiste delante de ellas mi aceite y mi incienso.

Then you took your beautiful cloth and covered them, and set My oil and My special perfume in front of them.

19 M i pan también, que yo te había dado, la flor de la harina, el aceite y la miel, con que yo te mantuve, los pusiste delante de ellas para olor agradable; y así fue, dice el Señor Jehová.

You also set in front of them My bread which I gave you, the fine flour, oil and honey I gave you to eat. You gave it all to them as a special perfume. So it was,” says the Lord God.

20 A demás de esto, tomaste tus hijos y tus hijas que habías dado a luz para mí, y los sacrificaste a ellas para que fuesen consumidos. ¿Eran cosa de poca monta tus fornicaciones,

“You even took your sons and daughters whom you had given birth for Me, and gave them to the false gods to be destroyed. Were your sex sins too little?

21 p ara que degollases también a mis hijos y los ofrecieras a aquellas imágenes, haciéndolos pasar por el fuego?

You killed My children and gave them as burnt gifts to false gods.

22 Y en medio de todas tus abominaciones y de tus fornicaciones no te has acordado de los días de tu juventud, cuando estabas desnuda y descubierta, y estabas revolviéndote en tu sangre.

And in all your hated acts and sex sins you did not remember the days when you were young. You did not remember when you were without clothing or covering, and when you rolled about in your blood.

23 Y sucedió que después de toda tu maldad (¡ay, ay de ti!, dice el Señor Jehová),

“It is bad for you!” says the Lord God. “After all your sinful acts,

24 t e edificaste lugares altos, y te hiciste un altar idolátrico en todas las plazas.

you built a place of worship for yourself, and a high place in every street.

25 E n la cabecera de todo camino edificaste lugar alto, e hiciste abominable tu hermosura, ofreciéndote a cuantos pasaban, y multiplicando tus fornicaciones.

You built yourself a high place at the beginning of every street and made your beauty a hated thing. You gave yourself to anyone who passed by, to make your sex sins many.

26 Y fornicaste con los hijos de Egipto, tus vecinos, de cuerpos fornidos; y multiplicaste tus fornicaciones para provocarme.

You also gave the use of your body to the Egyptians, your neighbors who have much desire for sex sins. And you sinned many times to make Me angry.

27 P or tanto, he aquí que yo extendí contra ti mi mano, y disminuí tu provisión ordinaria, y te entregué a la voluntad de las hijas de los filisteos, que te aborrecen, las cuales se avergüenzan de tu camino deshonesto.

So I have raised My hand to punish you and have made your share smaller. I have given you over to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your sinful actions.

28 F ornicaste también con los asirios, por no haberte saciado; y fornicaste con ellos y tampoco te saciaste.

You also gave the use of your body to the Assyrians because you had not had enough. Yes, you even gave the use of your body to them and still thought you had not had enough.

29 M ultiplicaste asimismo tu fornicación en la tierra de Canaán y de los caldeos, y tampoco con esto te saciaste.

You did many sex sins with Babylon, the land of those who trade. Yet even this was not enough for you.

30 ¡ Cuán inconstante es tu corazón, dice el Señor Jehová, habiendo hecho todas estas cosas, obras propias de una ramera desvergonzada,

“How sinful your heart is,” says the Lord God, “that you do all these things, the actions of a sinful woman, and show no shame.

31 e dificando tus lugares altos a la cabecera de cada camino, y haciendo tus altares en todas las plazas! Y no fuiste semejante a la ramera que va buscando la paga,

You built your places of worship at the beginning of every street and made your high place at every crossing. But you were not like a woman who sells the use of her body, because you did not want pay.

32 s ino como mujer adúltera, que en lugar de su marido recibe a ajenos.

You are like a wife who is not faithful and has strangers instead of her husband!

33 A todas las rameras les dan dones; mas tú diste tus dones a todos tus amantes; y les diste presentes, para que de todas partes se llegasen a ti en tus fornicaciones.

Men give gifts to all women who sell the use of their body. But you give your gifts to all your lovers. You pay them to come to you from everywhere for your sex sins.

34 Y ha sucedido contigo, en tus fornicaciones, lo contrario de las demás mujeres: porque nadie te solicitaba para fornicar; eras tú la que dabas paga, en lugar de recibirla; por esto has sido diferente.

You are different from other women in your sex sins. You go after men; they do not come to you. You pay men instead of them giving pay to you. Yes, you are different.” God Judges Jerusalem

35 P or tanto, ramera, oye palabra de Jehová.

So, sinful woman, hear the Word of the Lord.

36 A sí dice el Señor Jehová: Por cuanto han sido descubiertas tus desnudeces en tus fornicaciones, y tus vergüenzas han sido manifestadas a tus amantes, y a los ídolos de tus abominaciones, y por la sangre de tus hijos, los cuales les diste;

The Lord God says, “Your shame was poured out and your clothing was taken off because of your sex sins with your lovers and with all your hated false gods. And you killed your children and gave them to false gods. Because of these things,

37 p or tanto, he aquí que yo reuniré a todos tus amantes con los cuales tomaste placer, y a todos los que amaste, con todos los que aborreciste; y los reuniré contra ti de todas partes y les descubriré tu desnudez, y ellos verán toda tu desnudez.

I will gather all your lovers who pleased you. I will gather all those whom you loved and all those whom you hated. I will gather them against you from every side, and take off your covering so that they may see all your shame.

38 Y yo te aplicaré la sentencia de las adúlteras, y de las que derraman sangre; y traeré sobre ti sangre de ira y de celos.

I will punish you as I punish women who are not faithful in marriage, or women who kill. I will do it in My anger and jealousy.

39 Y te entregaré en manos de ellos; y destruirán tus lugares altos, y derribarán tus altares, y te despojarán de tus ropas, se llevarán tus hermosas alhajas, y te dejarán desnuda y descubierta.

And I will give you over to your lovers. They will tear down your places of worship and destroy your high places. They will take all of your clothes and your beautiful objects, and will leave you without any covering.

40 Y harán subir contra ti muchedumbre de gente, y te apedrearán, y te atravesarán con sus espadas.

They will bring up a group of people against you, and they will kill you with stones and cut you to pieces with their swords.

41 Q uemarán tus casas a fuego, y ejecutarán justicia en ti en presencia de muchas mujeres; y así haré que dejes de ser ramera, y que ceses de prodigar tus regalos de ramera.

They will burn your houses with fire and punish you as many women watch. Then I will stop you from acting like a woman who sells the use of her body, and you will no longer pay your lovers.

42 Y desahogaré mi ira sobre ti, y se apartará de ti mi celo, y descansaré y no me enojaré más.

Then I will take away My anger from you, and My jealousy will leave you. I will be at peace, and will not be angry any more.

43 P or cuanto no te acordaste de los días de tu juventud, y me provocaste a ira en todo esto, por eso, he aquí que yo también traeré tu camino sobre tu cabeza, dice el Señor Jehová; y nunca se te ha ocurrido arrepentirte de tus abominaciones.

You have not remembered the days when you were young, but have made Me angry with all these things. So I will punish you for what you have done,” says the Lord God. “Did you not add these sex sins to all your other hated sins? More Sinful Than Samaria and Sodom

44 H e aquí, todo el que usa de refranes te aplicará a ti el refrán que dice: Cual la madre, tal la hija.

“Every one who uses sayings will use this saying about you: ‘Like mother, like daughter.’

45 E res hija digna de tu madre, que aborreció a su marido y a sus hijos; y digna hermana de tus hermanas, que aborrecieron a sus maridos y a sus hijos; vuestra madre era una hetea, y vuestro padre un amorreo.

You are the daughter of your mother, who hated her husband and her children. You are also a sister of your sisters who hated their husbands and children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father was an Amorite.

46 Y tu hermana mayor es Samaria con sus hijas, que habita a tu izquierda; y tu hermana menor es Sodoma con sus hijas, la cual habita a tu derecha.

Your older sister is Samaria, who lives north of you with her daughters. And your younger sister is Sodom, who lives south of you with her daughters.

47 N i aun anduviste en sus caminos, ni hiciste según sus abominaciones; sino que en muy corto espacio de tiempo, te corrompiste más que ellas en todos tus caminos.

Yet you have walked in their ways and done their hated acts. As if that were too little, you acted worse in all your ways than they.

48 V ivo yo, dice el Señor Jehová, que Sodoma tu hermana y sus hijas no han hecho como hiciste tú y tus hijas.

As I live,” says the Lord God, “your sister Sodom and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done.

49 H e aquí que esta fue la maldad de Sodoma tu hermana: soberbia, saciedad de pan, y abundancia de ociosidad tuvieron ella y sus hijas; y no fortaleció la mano del pobre, ni del desvalido.

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters had pride, much food, and too much rest, but she did not help those who were poor and in need.

50 Y se llenaron de soberbia, e hicieron abominación delante de mí, y cuando lo vi las quité de en medio.

They were proud and did hated sins in front of Me. So I took them away when I saw it.

51 Y Samaria no cometió ni la mitad de tus pecados; pero tú multiplicaste tus abominaciones más que ellas, y has justificado a tus hermanas con todas las abominaciones que tú has hecho.

Samaria has not done half of your sins. You have done more sins than they. So you have made your sisters look right and good by all the hated sins which you have done.

52 T ú también, que juzgaste a tus hermanas, lleva tu vergüenza; por los pecados que tú hiciste, más abominables que los de ellas, más justas son que tú; avergüénzate, pues, tú también, y lleva tu confusión, por cuanto has justificado a tus hermanas.

Take your shame upon you, for you have made Me show favor to them in their punishment. Because of your sins in which you acted worse than they, they are more in the right than you. So then be ashamed and take your shame upon you, for you have made your sisters look right and good.

53 Y o, pues, haré volver a sus cautivos, los cautivos de Sodoma y de sus hijas, y los cautivos de Samaria y de sus hijas, y haré volver los cautivos de tus cautiverios en medio de ellas,

“I will return them to their land, both Sodom and her daughters, and Samaria and her daughters. With them I will return you to your land.

54 p ara que lleves tu confusión, y te avergüences de todo lo que has hecho, siendo tú motivo de consuelo para ellas.

This is so you will take your shame upon you, and feel ashamed for all that you have done in becoming a comfort to them.

55 Y tus hermanas, Sodoma con sus hijas y Samaria con sus hijas, volverán a su primer estado; tú también y tus hijas volveréis a vuestro primer estado.

Your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to the land they had before. And you with your daughters will return to your land also.

56 N o era tu hermana Sodoma digna de mención en tu boca en el tiempo de tus soberbias,

You did not speak against your sister Sodom in the days of your pride,

57 a ntes que tu maldad fuese descubierta, como también ahora llevas tú la afrenta de las hijas de Siria y de todas las hijas de los filisteos, las cuales por todos lados te desprecian.

before your sinful acts were seen. Now you have become like her, an object of shame for the daughters of Edom and all her neighbors, and for the daughters of the Philistines. All those around you who hate you now look on you with shame.

58 S ufre tú el castigo de tu lujuria y de tus abominaciones, dice Jehová.

The penalty of your sex sins and other hated sins has come upon you,” says the Lord.

59 P ues así dice el Señor Jehová: Yo haré contigo como tú hiciste, que menospreciaste el juramento al invalidar el pacto.

For the Lord God says, “I will do with you as you have done, because you have hated your promise by breaking the agreement. An Agreement That Lasts Forever

60 N o obstante, yo tendré memoria de mi pacto que concerté contigo en los días de tu juventud, y estableceré contigo un pacto sempiterno.

“But I will remember My agreement which I made with you when you were young. And I will make an agreement with you that lasts forever.

61 E ntonces te acordarás de tus caminos y te avergonzarás, cuando recibas a tus hermanas, las mayores que tú y las menores que tú, las cuales yo te daré por hijas, mas no por tu pacto.

Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your sisters, both your older one and younger one. I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of your agreement with Me.

62 Y o estableceré mi pacto contigo; y sabrás que yo soy Jehová;

So I will make My agreement with you, and you will know that I am the Lord.

63 p ara que te acuerdes y te avergüences, y nunca más abras la boca, a causa de tu vergüenza; cuando yo te haya perdonado todo lo que hiciste, dice el Señor Jehová.

Then you will remember and be ashamed. You will never open your mouth again because of your shame, when I have forgiven you for all that you have done,” says the Lord God.