Salmos 38 ~ Psalm 38


1 J ehová, no me reprendas en tu furor, Ni me castigues en tu ira.

O Lord, do not speak sharp words to me when You are angry. Do not punish me in Your burning anger.

2 P orque tus saetas se han clavado en mí, Y sobre mí está pesando tu mano.

For Your arrows have cut deep into me. And Your hand has come down upon me.

3 N ada hay sano en mi carne, a causa de tu indignación; Ni hay reposo en mis huesos, a causa de mi pecado.

My body is in pain because of Your anger. There is no strength in my bones because of my sin.

4 P orque mis iniquidades han sobrepasado mi cabeza; Como carga pesada gravitan sobre mí.

For my sins are gone over my head. Like a heavy load, they weigh too much for me.

5 H ieden y supuran mis llagas, A causa de mi locura.

My sores smell and grow bigger because I do foolish things.

6 E stoy encorvado, estoy abatido en gran manera, Ando como enlutado todo el día.

I cannot stand straight but keep my head down. I have sorrow all day long

7 P orque mis lomos están ardiendo de fiebre, Y nada hay sano en mi carne.

for my body is filled with burning pain. There is no strength in my body.

8 E stoy debilitado y molido en gran manera; Gimo a causa de la conmoción de mi corazón.

I am weak and broken. I cry because of the pain in my heart.

9 S eñor, delante de ti están todos mis deseos, Y mi suspiro no te es oculto.

Lord, all my desire is before You. And my breathing deep within is not hidden from You.

10 M i corazón está acongojado, me ha dejado mi vigor, Y aun la luz de mis ojos me falta ya.

My heart beats fast. My strength leaves me. Even the light of my eyes has gone from me.

11 M is amigos y mis compañeros se mantienen lejos de mi llaga, Y mis allegados se han alejado.

My loved ones and my friends stay away from me because of my sickness. My family stands far away.

12 L os que buscan mi vida tienden lazos, Y los que procuran mi mal hablan iniquidades, Y maquinan engaños todo el día.

Those who want to take my life set their traps. And those who want to destroy me talk about ways to do it. They make their sinful plans all day long.

13 M as yo, como si fuera sordo, no oigo; Y soy como mudo que no abre la boca.

But like a deaf man, I do not hear. I am like one who cannot speak and does not open his mouth.

14 S oy, pues, como un hombre que no oye, Y en cuya boca no hay respuestas.

Yes, I am like a man who does not hear, and whose mouth does not argue.

15 P orque en ti, oh Jehová, he esperado; Tú responderás, Jehová Dios mío.

For I hope in You, O Lord. You will answer, O Lord my God.

16 D ije: No se alegren de mí; Cuando mi pie resbale, no se engrandezcan sobre mí.

For I said, “Do not let them be happy and raise themselves up against me when my foot trips.”

17 P orque yo estoy a punto de caer, Y mi dolor está delante de mí continuamente.

For I am ready to fall. And my sorrow is always with me.

18 P or tanto, confieso mi maldad, Y me contrista mi pecado.

For I tell my wrong-doings. I am full of sorrow because of my sin.

19 P orque mis enemigos son activos y poderosos, Y se han aumentado los que me aborrecen sin causa.

But those who fight against me are full of action and strength. There are many who hate me without reason.

20 L os que pagan mal por bien Me son contrarios, por seguir yo lo bueno.

They pay what is bad for what is good. They are against me because I follow what is good.

21 N o me desampares, oh Jehová; Dios mío, no te alejes de mí.

Do not leave me alone, O Lord! O my God, do not be far from me!

22 A presúrate a ayudarme. Oh Señor, salvación mía.

Hurry to help me, O Lord, Who saves me!