Deuteronomio 24 ~ Deuteronomy 24


1 C uando alguno tome mujer y se case con ella, si después no le agrada por haber hallado en ella alguna cosa vergonzosa, le escribirá carta de divorcio, y se la entregará en su mano, y la despedirá de su casa.

“When a man takes a wife and marries her, and he does not like her because he finds something bad in her, he will write her a paper of divorce and give it to her and send her away from his house.

2 Y salida de su casa, podrá ir y casarse con otro hombre.

When she leaves his house, she may go and become another man’s wife.

3 P ero si la aborrece este último, y le escribe carta de divorcio, y se la entrega en su mano, y la despide de su casa; o si ha muerto el postrer hombre que la tomó por mujer,

If the second husband turns against her and gives her a paper of divorce and sends her out of his house, or if the second husband dies who took her for his wife,

4 n o podrá su primer marido, que la despidió, volverla a tomar para que sea su mujer, después que fue envilecida; porque es abominación delante de Jehová, y no has de pervertir la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da por heredad.

then her first husband who sent her away is not allowed to take her for his wife again, because she has become unclean. It is a hated thing to the Lord and you must not bring sin on the land the Lord your God is giving you.

5 C uando alguno esté recién casado, no saldrá a la guerra, ni en ninguna cosa se le ocupará; libre estará en su casa por un año, para alegrar a la mujer que tomó.

“When a man takes a new wife, he must not go with the army or be given any other work. He should be free to be at home one year to make the wife he has taken happy.

6 N o tomarás en prenda la muela del molino, ni la de abajo ni la de arriba; porque sería tomar en prenda la vida del hombre.

“No one should take a man’s stones that he uses to crush grain as a promise to pay what he owes, for he would be taking away a man’s living.

7 C uando sea hallado alguno que haya raptado a uno de sus hermanos los hijos de Israel, y le haya esclavizado, o le haya vendido, morirá el tal ladrón, y quitarás el mal de en medio de ti.

“If a man is found stealing one of his brothers of the sons of Israel, and makes it hard for him, or sells him, then that robber must die. You must get rid of the sin from among you.

8 E n cuanto a la plaga de la lepra, ten cuidado de observar diligentemente y hacer según todo lo que os enseñen los sacerdotes levitas; según yo les he mandado, así cuidaréis de hacer.

“When there is a very bad skin disease, be careful to do all the Levite religious leaders tell you to do. Be careful to do what I have told them.

9 A cuérdate de lo que hizo Jehová tu Dios a María en el camino, después que salisteis de Egipto.

Remember what the Lord your God did to Miriam on your way out of Egypt.

10 C uando entregues a tu prójimo alguna cosa prestada, no entrarás en su casa para tomarle prenda.

“When you let your neighbor use anything of yours, do not go into his house to take what he would give you to make his promise sure.

11 T e quedarás fuera, y el hombre a quien prestaste te sacará la prenda.

Stay outside. The man who is using something of yours will bring the object out to you.

12 Y si el hombre es pobre, no te acostarás reteniendo aún su prenda.

If he is a poor man, do not keep what he gives you through the night.

13 S in falta le devolverás la prenda cuando el sol se ponga, para que pueda dormir en su ropa, y te bendiga; y te será justicia delante de Jehová tu Dios.

Return his coat to him when the sun goes down so he may sleep in it and be thankful for you. You will be doing what is right before the Lord your God.

14 N o explotarás al jornalero humilde y menesteroso, ya sea de tus hermanos o de los extranjeros que habitan en tu tierra dentro de tus ciudades.

“Do not make it hard for a paid servant who is poor and in need, if he is one of your brothers or one of the strangers who is living in one of your towns.

15 C ada día le darás su jornal, y no se pondrá el sol sin dárselo; pues es pobre, y con él sustenta su vida; para que no clame contra ti a Jehová, y sea en ti pecado.

Give him his pay on the day he earns it before the sun goes down. He is poor and he needs it. Then he will not cry to the Lord against you and you would be guilty of sin.

16 L os padres no morirán por los hijos, ni los hijos por los padres; cada uno morirá por su pecado.

“Fathers are not to be put to death for their children. Children are not to be put to death for their fathers. Each man will be put to death for his own sin.

17 N o torcerás el derecho del extranjero ni del huérfano, ni tomarás en prenda la ropa de la viuda,

“Do what is fair for a stranger or a child whose parents are dead. Do not take the clothing of a woman whose husband has died to make sure she will pay what she owes.

18 s ino que te acordarás que fuiste siervo en Egipto, y que de allí te rescató Jehová tu Dios; por tanto, yo te mando que hagas esto.

Remember that you were servants in Egypt, and that the Lord your God set you free. So I am telling you to do this.

19 C uando siegues tu mies en tu campo, y olvides alguna gavilla en el campo, no volverás para recogerla; será para el extranjero, para el huérfano y para la viuda; para que te bendiga Jehová tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos.

“When you gather the grain in your field and have forgotten some of it, do not return to the field to get it. Leave it for the stranger, the child whose parents have died, and the woman whose husband has died. Then the Lord your God will bring good to you in all the work of your hands.

20 C uando sacudas tus olivos, no recorrerás las ramas que hayas dejado tras de ti; serán para el extranjero, para el huérfano y para la viuda.

When you beat your olive trees, do not beat the branches a second time. Leave the fruit for the stranger, the child whose parents have died, and the woman whose husband has died.

21 C uando vendimies tu viña, no rebuscarás tras de ti; será para el extranjero, para el huérfano y para la viuda.

When you gather the grapes from your vines, do not gather a second time. Leave them for the stranger, the child whose parents have died, and the woman whose husband has died.

22 Y acuérdate que fuiste esclavo en tierra de Egipto; por tanto, yo te mando que hagas esto.

Remember that you were servants in the land of Egypt. Because of this, I am telling you to do this.