1 N o admitirás falso rumor. No te concertarás con el impío para ser testigo falso.
“Do not tell a lie about someone else. Do not join with the sinful to say something that will hurt someone.
2 N o seguirás a los muchos para hacer mal, ni te inclinarás en un proceso por la mayoría en contra de la justicia;
Do not follow many people in doing wrong. When telling what you know in a trial, do not agree with many people by saying what is not true.
3 n i al pobre distinguirás en su causa.
And do not show favor to a poor man when he has a problem.
4 S i encuentras el buey de tu enemigo o su asno extraviado, vuelve a llevárselo.
“If you meet a bull or donkey that belongs to a man who hates you, be sure to return the animal to him.
5 S i ves el asno del que te aborrece caído debajo de su carga, ¿le dejarás sin ayuda? Antes bien le ayudarás a levantarlo.
If you see the donkey of one who hates you falling under its load, do not leave the problem to him. Help him to free the animal.
6 N o pervertirás el derecho de tu mendigo en su pleito.
Do not keep from doing what is right and fair in trying to help a poor brother when he has a problem.
7 D e palabra de mentira te alejarás, y no matarás al inocente y justo; porque yo no justificaré al impío.
Do not lie against someone. And do not kill those who are right and good or those who are not guilty. For I will not free the guilty.
8 N o recibirás presente; porque el presente ciega a los que ven, y pervierte las palabras de los justos.
Do not take pay in secret for wrong-doing. For such pay blinds the one who sees well and destroys the words of a good man.
9 Y no angustiarás al extranjero; porque vosotros sabéis cómo es el alma del extranjero, ya que extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto. El año sabático y el sábado
Do not make it hard for a stranger because you know how a stranger feels. You were strangers in the land of Egypt. Seventh Year and Seventh Day
10 S eis años sembrarás tu tierra, y recogerás su cosecha;
“You will plant seeds in your land for six years, and gather the grain.
11 m as el séptimo año la dejarás libre, para que coman los pobres de tu pueblo; y de lo que quede comerán las bestias del campo; así harás con tu viña y tu olivar.
But in the seventh year you will let the land rest without planting. So your people who are in need may eat. Whatever they leave, the animals may eat. You are to do the same with your grape-fields and olive trees.
12 S eis días trabajarás, y al séptimo día reposarás, para que descanse tu buey y tu asno, y tome refrigerio el hijo de tu sierva, y el extranjero.
You will work six days and rest on the seventh day. So your bull and your donkey may rest. And the son of your female servant, and the stranger, may get their strength again.
13 Y todo lo que os he dicho, guardadlo. Y nombre de otros dioses no mentaréis, ni se oirá de vuestra boca. Las tres fiestas anuales
Be careful to do all I have said to you. Never speak the name of other gods. Do not let them be heard from your mouth. Three Great Suppers
14 T res veces en el año me celebraréis fiesta.
“Three times a year you will have a special supper to honor Me.
15 L a fiesta de los panes sin levadura guardarás. Siete días comerás los panes sin levadura, como yo te mandé, en el tiempo del mes de Abib, porque en él saliste de Egipto; y ninguno se presentará delante de mí con las manos vacías.
You will have the special supper of bread without yeast. For seven days you are to eat bread without yeast at the time I tell you in the month of Abib. For you came out of Egypt during this month. And no one will come before Me with nothing in his hands.
16 T ambién la fiesta de la siega, los primeros frutos de tus labores, que hayas sembrado en el campo, y la fiesta de la cosecha a la salida del año, cuando hayas recogido los frutos de tus labores del campo.
You will have the special supper of the gathering time of the first-fruits of your work, of all you plant in the field. And you will have the special supper of gathering at the end of the year when you gather in the fruit of your work from the field.
17 T res veces en el año se presentará todo varón delante de Jehová el Señor.
Three times a year all your males will come before the Lord God.
18 N o ofrecerás con pan leudo la sangre de mi sacrificio, ni la grosura de mi víctima quedará de la noche hasta la mañana.
“Do not give the blood of My gift of worship with bread made with yeast. And the fat of My special supper is not to be kept all night until morning.
19 L as primicias de los primeros frutos de tu tierra traerás a la casa de Jehová tu Dios. No guisarás el cabrito en la leche de su madre. Advertencia sobre los cananeos
Bring the best first-fruits of your land to the house of the Lord your God. Do not boil the meat of a young goat in its mother’s milk. The Angel and the Promises
20 H e aquí yo envío mi Ángel delante de ti para que te guarde en el camino, y te introduzca en el lugar que yo he preparado.
“See, I am sending an angel before you to keep you safe on the way. He will bring you to the place I have made ready.
21 P órtate bien delante de él, y oye su voz; no le seas rebelde; porque él no perdonará vuestra rebelión, porque mi nombre está en él.
Listen to him and obey his voice. Do not turn against him, for he will not forgive your sins, because My name is in him.
22 P ero si en verdad oyes su voz y haces todo lo que yo te diga, seré enemigo de tus enemigos, y afligiré a los que te aflijan.
But if you obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will hate those who hate you and fight against those who fight against you.
23 P orque mi Ángel irá delante de ti, y te llevará a la tierra del amorreo, del heteo, del ferezeo, del cananeo, del heveo y del jebuseo, a los cuales yo haré destruir.
For My angel will go before you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites. And I will destroy them.
24 N o te inclinarás a sus dioses, ni los servirás, ni harás como ellos hacen; antes los destruirás del todo, y quebrarás totalmente sus estatuas.
Do not worship their gods, or serve them, or act like them. But you are to destroy them and break their pillars of worship to pieces.
25 M as a Jehová vuestro Dios serviréis, y él bendecirá tu pan y tus aguas; y yo quitaré toda enfermedad de en medio de ti.
Serve the Lord your God and He will give you bread and water. And I will take sickness from among you.
26 N o habrá mujer que aborte, ni estéril en tu tierra; y yo completaré el número de tus días.
Women in your land will not lose their babies before they are born, and will be able to give birth. I will give you a full life.
27 Y o enviaré mi terror delante de ti, y consternaré a todo pueblo donde entres, y haré huir de tu presencia a todos tus enemigos.
I will send My fear before you. The people you meet will be afraid. And I will make all those who hate you run away from you.
28 E nviaré delante de ti la avispa, que eche fuera al heveo, al cananeo y al heteo, de delante de ti.
I will send hornets before you. They will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites and the Hittites before you come.
29 N o los echaré de delante de ti en un año, para que no quede la tierra desierta, y se aumenten contra ti las fieras del campo.
I will not move them out of your way in one year. So the land will not become a waste, and the animals of the field become too many for you.
30 P oco a poco los echaré de delante de ti, hasta que te multipliques y tomes posesión de la tierra.
I will drive them out a few at a time, until you become many and take the land for your own.
31 Y fijaré tus límites desde el Mar Rojo hasta el mar de los filisteos, y desde el desierto hasta el río; porque pondré en tus manos a los moradores de la tierra, y tú los echarás de delante de ti.
I will give you the land from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. For I will give you power over the people of the land. And you will drive them away from you.
32 N o harás alianza con ellos, ni con sus dioses.
Make no agreement with them or their gods.
33 E n tu tierra no habitarán, no sea que te hagan pecar contra mí sirviendo a sus dioses, porque te será tropiezo.
They are not to live in your land, or they will make you sin against Me. If you worship their gods, for sure it will be a trap to you.”