Salmos 142 ~ Psalm 142


1 C on mi voz clamo a Jehová; Con mi voz suplico a Jehová misericordia.

I cry with a loud voice to the Lord. I pray with my voice to the Lord.

2 D elante de él expongo mi queja; Delante de él manifiesto mi angustia.

I talk and complain to Him. I tell Him all my trouble.

3 C uando mi espíritu desfallece dentro de mí, tú conoces mi senda. En el camino por donde voy, me han tendido un lazo.

When my spirit had grown weak within me, You knew my path. They have hidden a trap for me in the way where I walk.

4 M ira a mi diestra y observa: No hay quien me quiera conocer; No tengo refugio, ni hay quien cuide de mi vida.

Look to the right and see. For there is no one who thinks about me. There is no place for me to go to be safe. No one cares about my soul.

5 C lamo a ti, oh Jehová; Digo: Tú eres mi refugio, Y mi porción en la tierra de los vivientes.

I cried out to You, O Lord. I said, “You are my safe place, my share in the land of the living.

6 E scucha mi clamor, porque estoy muy afligido. Líbrame de los que me persiguen, porque son más fuertes que yo.

Listen to my cry, for I am brought down. Save me from those who make it hard for me. For they are too strong for me.

7 S aca mi alma de la cárcel, para que alabe tu nombre; Me rodearán los justos, Porque tú me habrás favorecido.

Bring my soul out of prison, so that I may give thanks to Your name. Those who are right and good will gather around me. For You will give much to me.”