1 И видях звяр, който излизаше от морето и имаше десет рога и седем глави; и на роговете му десет корони, и на главите му богохулни имена.
I stood on the sand by the sea-shore. There I saw a wild animal coming up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns with a crown on each horn. There were names on each head that spoke bad words against God.
2 И звярът, който видях приличаше на леопард, и краката му бяха като крака на мечка, устата му като уста на лъв; и змеят даде нему силата си, престола си и голяма власт.
The wild animal I saw was covered with spots. It had feet like those of a bear. It had a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave this wild animal his own power and his own throne as king. The wild animal was given much power.
3 И видях една от главите му като-че-ли смъртно ранена; но смъртоносната му рана оздравя; и цялата земя очудена отиде след звяра и поклониха се на змея по причина, че даде властта си на звяра;
One of the heads of the wild animal looked as if it had been killed. But the bad cut given to kill him was healed. The whole world was surprised and wondered about this, and they followed after the wild animal.
4 п оклониха се и на звяра, казвайки: Кой е тоя звяр? и кой може да воюва против него?
They worshiped the dragon for giving this wild animal such power. And they worshiped this wild animal. They said, “Who is like this wild animal? Who can fight against it?”
5 И даде му се да говори и с устата си горделиво и богохулно; даде му се още власт да действува четиридесет и два месеца.
The animal was given a mouth which spoke words full of pride and it spoke very bad things against the Lord. It was given much power for forty-two months.
6 И отвори устата си да изрече хули против Бога, да хули името Му и скинията Му, па и ония, които живеят на небесата.
And it opened its mouth speaking very bad things against God. It spoke against God’s name and His house and against those living in heaven.
7 И позволи му се да воюва против светиите и да ги победи; и даде му се власт над всяко племе и люде, език и народ.
It was allowed to fight against the people who belong to God, and it had power to win over them. It had power over every family and every group of people and over people of every language and every nation.
8 И ще му се поклонят всички, които живеят на земята, всеки, чието име не е било записано от създанието на света в книгата на живота на закланото Агне.
Every person on the earth from the beginning of the world whose name has not been written in the book of life of the Lamb Who was killed will worship this animal.
9 А ко има човек ухо нека слуша.
You have ears! Then listen.
10 А ко някой завежда в плен, и той в плен ще отиде; ако някой убива със сабя, и той трябва от сабя да бъде убит. Тука е нуждно търпението и вярата на светиите.
Whoever is to be tied and held will be held. Whoever kills with a sword must himself be killed with a sword. Now is when God’s people must have faith and not give up. The Second Animal—from the Land
11 И видях друг звяр, който възлизаше от земята; и имаше два рога прилични на агнешки; а говореше като змей.
Then I saw another wild animal coming out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb. His voice was like that of the dragon.
12 Т ой упражняваше всичката власт на първия звяр в неговото присъствие, и принуди земята и живеещите на нея да се поклонят на първия звяр, чиято смъртоносна рана бе оздравяла.
He used the power of the first wild animal who was there with him. He made all the people on earth worship the first wild animal who had received the bad cut to kill him but was healed.
13 И вършеше големи знамения, до там щото да направи и огън да излиза от небето на земята пред човеците.
The second wild animal did great powerful works. It spoke and made those who did not worship the first wild animal to be killed.
14 И мамеше живеещите на земята чрез знаменията, които му беше позволено да извърши пред звяра, като казваше на живеещите на земята да направят образ на звяра, който беше ранен от сабята и оздравя.
He fooled the men of the earth by doing powerful works. He did these things in front of the first wild animal. He told those who live on the earth to make a god that looks like the first wild animal. The first wild animal was the one that was cut by the sword but lived.
15 И позволи му да се даде дишане на звяровия образ, така щото звяровия образ да продума: също и да направи да бъдат избити ония, които не се покланят на звяровия образ.
The second wild animal was given power to give life to the false god. This false god was the one that was made to look like the first wild animal. It was given power to talk. All those who did not worship it would die.
16 И принуждаваше всички, малки и големи, богати и сиромаси, свободни и роби, да им се тури белег на десницата или на челата им;
The second wild animal made every person have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. It was given to important men and to those not important, to rich men and poor men, to those who are free and to those who are servants.
17 з а да не може никой да купува или да продава, освен оня, който носи за белег името на звяра или числото на неговото име.
No one could buy or sell anything unless he had the mark on him. This mark was the name of the first wild animal or another way to write his name.
18 Т ук е нужно мъдрост; който е разумен, нека сметне числото на звяра, защото е число на човек; а числото му е шестстотин шестдесет и шест.
This is wisdom. Let the person who has good understanding learn the meaning of the other way to write the name of the first wild animal. This name is a man’s name. It is 666.