Job 17 ~ Job 17


1 M i aliento se agota, se acaban mis días, Y me está preparado el sepulcro.

¶ My breath is corrupt, my days are cut off, and the grave is ready for me.

2 N o hay conmigo sino escarnecedores, Y mis ojos pasan las noches en amarguras.

Now there are only mockers with me, upon whose bitterness my eye continues to gaze.

3 D ame fianza, oh Dios; sea mi protección cerca de ti, Ya que nadie quiere estrechar mi mano.

Put up now, give me surety with thee; who is he that will strike hands with me?

4 P orque a éstos les has escondido de su corazón la inteligencia; Por tanto, no prevalecerán.

For with these, thou hast hid their heart from understanding; therefore, thou shalt not exalt them.

5 E l que traiciona a sus amigos con lisonjas, Los ojos de sus hijos languidecerán.

He that speaks flattery to his neighbour, even the eyes of his sons shall fail.

6 É l me ha puesto como proverbio de las gentes, Y delante de ellos he sido como una escupidera.

He has made me a byword of the peoples; and before them I have been as a tambourine.

7 M is ojos se oscurecieron por el dolor, Y mis miembros todos son como sombra.

My eyes are dim by reason of sorrow, and all my thoughts are as a shadow.

8 L os rectos se maravillarán de esto, Y el inocente se indignará contra el impío.

Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.

9 N o obstante, el justo proseguirá su camino, Y el limpio de manos aumentará su fuerza.

The righteous shall hold on to his way, and he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

10 P ero volved todos vosotros, y venid ahora, Y no hallaré entre vosotros ni un sabio.

¶ But return all of you, and come now; for I shall not find one that is wise among you.

11 P asaron mis días, fracasaron mis planes, Los designios de mi corazón.

My days are past, my thoughts were broken off, even the purposes of my heart.

12 C ambian la noche en día, Y la luz se acerca delante de las tinieblas.

They changed the night into day; the light is short because of the darkness.

13 P ero ¿qué espero?, el Seol es mi casa; Haré mi cama en las tinieblas.

If I wait, Sheol is my house; I have made my bed in the darkness.

14 A la podredumbre he dicho: Mi padre eres tú; A los gusanos: Mi madre y mi hermana.

I have said to the pit, Thou art my father; to the worms, my mother, and my sister.

15 ¿ Dónde, pues, estará ahora mi esperanza? Y mi esperanza, ¿quién la verá?

And where shall my hope be now? As for my hope, who shall see it?

16 A la profundidad del Seol descenderá conmigo, Y juntamente descansará en el polvo.

They shall go down to the bars of Sheol, and together they shall rest in the dust.