1 G oortay Yeruusaalem ku soo dhowaadeen oo ay Beytfaage galeen ilaa Buur Saytuun, markaasaa Ciise laba xer ah diray,
And when they came near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples on ahead,
2 o o wuxuu ku yidhi, Tuulada idinka soo hor jeedda taga, oo kolkiiba waxaad ka helaysaan dameer xidhan iyo qayl la jooga. Soo fura oo ii keena,
Saying to them, Go into the village that is opposite you, and at once you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie and bring to Me.
3 o o haddii nin wax idinku yidhaahdo, waxaad ku tidhaahdaan, Sayidkaa u baahan, oo kolkiiba wuu soo diri doonaa.
If anyone says anything to you, you shall reply, The Lord needs them, and he will let them go without delay.
4 W axanu waa dhaceen in la arko wixii nebiga lagaga dhex hadlay markuu yidhi,
This happened that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled, saying,
5 G abadha Siyoon u sheega, Bal eeg, boqorkaagu waa kuu imanayaa, Isagoo qalbi qabow, oo dameer fuushan Iyo qayl dameereed.
Say to the Daughter of Zion, Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
6 M arkaasaa xertii tagtay, oo sida Ciise ku amray ayay yeeleen.
Then the disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
7 D ameertii iyo qaylkii ayay keeneen, oo dharkoodii bay dusha ka saareen, wuuna ku fadhiistay.
They brought the donkey and the colt and laid their coats upon them, and He seated Himself on them.
8 D adka badidooda ayaa dharkoodii jidka ku goglay, qaar kalena laamo ayay geedaha ka soo jareen oo jidka ku gogleen.
And most of the crowd kept spreading their garments on the road, and others kept cutting branches from the trees and scattering them on the road.
9 D adkii badnaa oo hor socday iyo kuwii daba socday waxay ku qayliyeen, Hoosanna ha u jirto ina Daa'uud. Waxaa barakaysan kan Rabbiga magiciisa ku imanaya, Hoosanna ha ku jirto meelaha ugu sarreeya.
And the crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed Him kept shouting, Hosanna ( O be propitious, graciously inclined) to the Son of David, '> the Messiah]! Blessed (praised, glorified) is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (O be favorably disposed) in the highest!
10 O o goortuu Yeruusaalem galay, magaalada oo dhan waa kacsanayd, iyagoo leh, Kanu yuu yahay?
And when He entered Jerusalem, all the city became agitated and said, Who is This?
11 D adkii badnaa ayaa yidhi, Kanu waa nebiga Ciise la yidhaahdo oo ka yimid Naasared tii Galili. Ciise Macbudkuu Nadiifiyey
And the crowds replied, This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.
12 C iise wuxuu galay macbudka Ilaah oo ka eryay kulli kuwii macbudka wax ku iibinayay iyo kuwii wax ka iibsanayay, oo wuxuuna rogay miisaskii kuwii lacagta bedbeddelayay iyo kursiyadii kuwii qoolleyaha iibinayay.
And Jesus went into the temple ( whole temple enclosure) and drove out all who bought and sold in the sacred place, and He turned over the four-footed tables of the money changers and the chairs of those who sold doves.
13 W uxuuna ku yidhi, Waa qoran tahay, Gurigayga waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa guriga tukashada, laakiin waxaad ka dhigaysaan god tuugo.
He said to them, The Scripture says, My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers.
14 W axaana macbudka ugu yimid kuwa indha la' iyo kuwa luga la'; wuuna bogsiiyey.
And the blind and the lame came to Him in the porches and courts of the temple, and He cured them.
15 L aakiin wadaaddada sare iyo culimmadu goortay arkeen waxyaalaha yaabka leh oo uu suubbiyey iyo carruurta macbudka ka qaylinaysa, iyagoo leh, Hoosanna ha u jirto ina Daa'uud, way cadhoodeen
But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that He did and the boys and the girls and the youths and the maidens crying out in the porches and courts of the temple, Hosanna (O be propitious, graciously inclined) to the Son of David! they were indignant.
16 o o ku yidhaahdeen, Ma maqlaysaa kuwanu waxay leeyihiin? Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Haah, miyaydnaan weligiin akhriyin, Ammaanta waxaad ku hagaajisay afka ilmaha yaryar iyo caanonuugga?
And they said to Him, Do You hear what these are saying? And Jesus replied to them, Yes; have you never read, Out of the mouths of babes and unweaned infants You have made (provided) perfect praise?
17 M arkaasuu ka tegey iyaga oo magaaladii ka baxay ilaa Beytaniya, oo halkaasuu ku hoyday. Geedka Berdaha Ah Oo Aan Waxba Dhalin
And leaving them, He departed from the city and went out to Bethany and lodged there.
18 A roortii goortuu magaaladii ku soo noqonayay, wuu gaajaysnaa.
In the early dawn the next morning, as He was coming back to the city, He was hungry.
19 O o wuxuu arkay geed berde ah oo jidka ku ag yaal, kolkaasuu u yimid, waxbana kama uu helin, caleemo keliya maahee. Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Hadda dabadeed weligaa midho yaanay kaa bixin, oo kolkiiba geedkii berdaha ahaa waa engegay.
And as He saw one single leafy fig tree above the roadside, He went to it but He found nothing but leaves on it '> seeing that in the fig tree the fruit appears at the same time as the leaves]. And He said to it, Never again shall fruit grow on you! And the fig tree withered up at once.
20 X ertii goortay arkeen way yaabeen oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Geedkii berdaha ahaa sidee buu kolkiiba u engegay?
When the disciples saw it, they marveled greatly and asked, How is it that the fig tree has withered away all at once?
21 C iise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Haddaad rumaysan tihiin oo aydnaan shakiyin, wixii geedkii berdaha ahaa ku dhacay oo keliya ma aad samayn doontaan, laakiin weliba haddaad buurtan ku tidhaahdaan, Ruq, baddana isku tuur, way noqonaysaa.
And Jesus answered them, Truly I say to you, if you have faith (a firm relying trust) and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done.
22 O o wax kasta oo aad tukasho ku baridaan idinkoo rumaysan waad heli doontaan. Ciise Amarkiisii Baa Wax Laga Weyddiiyey
And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive.
23 O o goortuu macbudkii galay, intuu wax barayay waxaa u yimid wadaaddadii sare iyo waayeelladii dadka, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Amarkee baad waxan ku samaysaa? Oo yaa amarkan ku siiyey?
And when He entered the sacred enclosure of the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people came up to Him as He was teaching and said, By what power of authority are You doing these things, and who gave You this power of authority?
24 C iise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Aniguna hal baan idin weyddiinayaa. Haddaad taas ii sheegtaan, aniguna waan idiin sheegi doonaa amarka aan waxan ku sameeyo.
Jesus answered them, I also will ask you a question, and if you give Me the answer, then I also will tell you by what power of authority I do these things.
25 B aabtiiskii Yooxanaa xaggee buu ka yimid? Ma wuxuu ka yimid xagga jannada mise dadka? Dhexdooda ayay iskala hadleen iyagoo leh, Haddaynu nidhaahno, Xagga jannada, wuxuu inagu odhanayaa, Haddaba maxaad u rumaysan weydeen?
The baptism of John—from where was it? From heaven or from men? And they reasoned and argued with one another, If we say, From heaven, He will ask us, Why then did you not believe him?
26 L aakiin haddii aynu nidhaahno, Xagga dadka, dadka badan ayaynu ka baqaynaa, waayo, Yooxanaa sida nebi oo kale ayay kulli u haystaan.
But if we say, From men—we are afraid of and must reckon with the multitude, for they all regard John as a prophet.
27 M arkaasay Ciise u jawaabeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Garan mayno. Isaguna wuxuu ku yidhi, Aniguna idiin sheegi maayo amarka aan waxan ku sameeyo. Masaalka Ku Saabsan Labada Wiil
So they answered Jesus, We do not know. And He said to them, Neither will I tell you by what power of authority I do these things.
28 M axay idinla tahay? Nin baa laba wiil lahaa. Wuxuu u yimid kii hore oo ku yidhi, Wiilkaygiiyow, aad beerta canabka ah oo maanta ka shaqee.
What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He came to the first and said, Son, go and work today in the vineyard.
29 W uxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Dooni maayo, laakiin kolkaas dabadeed ayuu isqoomameeyey oo aaday.
And he answered, I will not; but afterward he changed his mind and went.
30 M arkaasuu wuxuu u yimid kii labaad, oo sidii oo kale ku yidhi. Isaguna wuxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waa yahay, waan tegayaa, sayidow, laakiin ma uu tegin.
Then the man came to the second and said the same. And he replied, I will, sir; but he did not go.
31 K ee baa labadoodii doonistii aabbihiis yeelay? Waxay yidhaahdeen, Kii hore. Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Cashuurqaadayaasha iyo dhillooyinka ayaa idinka hor geli doona boqortooyada Ilaah.
Which of the two did the will of the father? They replied, The first one. Jesus said to them, Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the harlots will get into the kingdom of heaven before you.
32 W aayo, Yooxanaa wuxuu idiinku yimid jidka xaqnimada ah, oo waad rumaysan weydeen isaga, laakiin cashuurqaadayaashii iyo dhillooyinkii ayaa rumaystay isaga. Idinkuna goortaad aragteen dabadeed iskama aydnaan qoomamayn si aad u rumaysataan. Masaalka Ku Saabsan Beerta Canabka Ah
For John came to you walking in the way of an upright man in right standing with God, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the harlots did believe him; and you, even when you saw that, did not afterward change your minds and believe him.
33 M aqla masaal kale. Waxaa jiri jiray nin oday reer u ah, oo beer canab ah beertay, oo ood ku heeraaray, dabadeedna god macsareed ka dhex qoday, oo munaarad ka dhisay, oo niman beerrey ah u kiraystay, oo dal kale tegey.
Listen to another parable: There was a master of a house who planted a vineyard and put a hedge around it and dug a wine vat in it and built a watchtower. Then he let it out to tenants and went into another country.
34 O o goortii xilligii midhahu soo dhowaaday ayuu addoommadiisii u soo diray beerreydii inay midhihiisii u soo qaadaan.
When the fruit season drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants to get his fruit.
35 M arkaasaa beerreydu addoommadiisii qabatay, mid way garaaceen, mid kalena way dileen, mid kalena way dhagxiyeen.
But the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another.
36 H addana wuxuu diray addoommo kale oo kuwii hore ka badan, iyagiina sidaas oo kalay ku sameeyeen.
Again he sent other servants, more than the first time, and they treated them the same way.
37 L aakiin dabadeed wuxuu u soo diray wiilkiisii isagoo leh, Wiilkayga way maamuusi doonaan.
Finally he sent his own son to them, saying, They will respect and give heed to my son.
38 L aakiin beerreydii goortay wiilkii arkeen, waxay isku yidhaahdeen, Kanu waa kii dhaxalka lahaa, kaalaya aan dilnee oo dhaxalkiisa aynu qaadannee.
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, This is the heir; come on, let us kill him and have his inheritance.
39 W ay qabteen oo beertii canabka ahayd dibaddeeda ku tuureen, wayna dileen.
And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
40 H addaba sayidkii beerta canabka ah goortuu yimaado, muxuu beerreydaas ku samayn doonaa?
Now when the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will he do to those tenants?
41 W axay ku yidhaahdeen, Nimankaas belaayada ah si baas buu u baabbi'in doonaa; beerta canabka ahna wuxuu u kiraysan doonaa beerrey kale, kuwa isaga siin doona midhihiisa xilligooda.
They said to Him, He will put those wretches to a miserable death and rent the vineyard to other tenants of such a character that they will give him the fruits promptly in their season.
42 M arkaasaa Ciise ku yidhi iyaga, Miyaanaydin weligiin Qorniinka ka akhriyin, Dhagaxii kuwa wax dhisaa ay diideen, Wuxuu noqday madaxa rukunka. Tanu xagga Rabbiga bay ka timid, Oo waa ku yaab indhahayaga?
Jesus asked them, Have you never read in the Scriptures: The very Stone which the builders rejected and threw away has become the Cornerstone; this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?
43 S idaa darteed waxaan idinku leeyahay, Boqortooyada Ilaah waa laydinka qaadi doonaa, oo waxaa la siin doonaa dad midhihii boqortooyada bixiya.
I tell you, for this reason the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce the fruits of it.
44 O o kan dhagaxan ku dhacaa, wuu jejebi doonaa, oo kan uu ku dhaco, wuu burburin doonaa.
And whoever falls on this Stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom It falls will be crushed to powder '> winnow him, scattering him like dust].
45 W adaaddadii sare iyo Farrisiintii goortay masaalladiisii maqleen waxay garteen inuu iyagu ka hadlay.
And when the chief priests and the Pharisees heard His parables (comparisons, stories used to illustrate and explain), they perceived that He was talking about them.
46 G oortay dooneen inay qabtaan ayay dadkii badnaa ka baqeen, waayo, waxay u haysteen nebi.
And although they were trying to arrest Him, they feared the throngs because they regarded Him as a prophet.