Falimaha Rasuullada 28 ~ Acts 28


1 O o kolkii aannu wada baxsannay ayaan ogaannay in gasiiraddaas la yidhaahdo Melita.

After we were safe on the island, we knew and recognized that it was called Malta.

2 O o barbariyiintii waxay na tuseen raxmad khaas ah; waayo, iyagu waxay shideen dab, oo dhammaantayona way na soo dhoweeyeen, sababtuna waa roobkii wakhtigaas jiray daraaddiis iyo dhaxantii daraaddeed.

And the natives showed us unusual and remarkable kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed and received us all, since it had begun to rain and was cold.

3 L aakiin Bawlos ayaa soo ururshay xaabo badan, oo wuxuu saaray dabka, kolkaasaa kulaylka daraaddiis waxaa soo baxay jilbis oo gacantiisuu ku dhegay.

Now Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and he was laying them on the fire when a viper crawled out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand.

4 O o barbariyiintiina markay arkeen bahalkii gacantiisa ka laalaaday ayaa midkoodba wuxuu mid kale ku yidhi, Shakila'aan ninkanu waa nin dhiig qaba, waayo, in kastoo uu baddii nabdoonaan kaga baxsaday, haddana xaqnimadu uma oggolaan inuu sii noolaado.

When the natives saw the little animal hanging from his hand, they said to one another, Doubtless this man is a murderer, for though he has been saved from the sea, Justice '> the goddess of avenging] has not permitted that he should live.

5 H abase yeeshee bahalkii ayuu dabka iskaga tuuray, oo innaba waxyeello ma gaadhin isagii.

Then shook off the small creature into the fire and suffered no evil effects.

6 L aakiin iyagii waxay filanayeen inuu haddiiba bararo ama uu markiiba dhaco isagoo meyd ah; laakiin kolkii ay wakhti dheer dhawrayeen oo ay arkeen inaan waxyeello ku dhicin isagii, ayay fikirradoodii beddeleen, oo waxay isku yidhaahdeen, Isagu waa ilaah.

However, they were waiting, expecting him to swell up or suddenly drop dead; but when they had watched him a long time and saw nothing fatal or harmful come to him, they changed their minds and kept saying over and over that he was a god.

7 H addaba meeshaas waxaa u dhowaa dhulal uu leeyahay ninkii gasiiradda madaxda u ahaa oo magiciisa la odhan jiray Bobliyos. Kaasuna waa na soo dhoweeyey, oo intii saddex maalmood ah ayuu si sharaf ah noo marti qaaday.

In the vicinity of that place there were estates belonging to the head man of the island, named Publius, who accepted and welcomed and entertained us with hearty hospitality for three days.

8 O o waxay noqotay in Bobliyos aabbihiis jiifsaday isagoo qandho iyo dabadhiig qaba. Markaasaa Bawlos isagii u galay oo intuu u duceeyey ayuu gacmihiisii saaray oo wuu bogsiiyey isagii.

And it happened that the father of Publius was sick in bed with recurring attacks of fever and dysentery; and Paul went to see him, and after praying and laying his hands on him, he healed him.

9 O o markii waxaas la sameeyey dabadeed ayaa intii kale oo cudurro qabtay oo gasiiraddii joogtay oo dhammu wada yimaadeen, oo iyana waa la bogsiiyey;

After this had occurred, the other people on the island who had diseases also kept coming and were cured.

10 o o kuwaasuna waxay nagu sharfeen sharaf badan; oo markii aannu dhoofaynay ayay doonnida noo saareen wax alla wixii aannu u baahnayn. Bawlos Wuxuu Ku Sii Socday Rooma

They showed us every respect and presented many gifts to us, honoring us with many honors; and when we sailed, they provided and put on everything we needed.

11 S addex bilood dabadeed waxaannu ku dhoofnay doonni Iskanderiya ka timid oo wakhtigii qabowga gasiiraddii joogtay taasoo sumaddeedii ahayd Walaalihii Mataanaha ahaa.

It was after three months’ stay there that we set sail in a ship which had wintered in the island, an Alexandrian ship with the Twin Brothers as its figurehead.

12 M arkaasaannu nimid Surakus, oo saddex maalmood ayaan halkaas sii joognay.

We landed at Syracuse and remained there three days,

13 O o halkaasaannu ka wareegnay oo waxaannu gaadhnay Regiyon; oo maalin dabadeed waxaa kacday dabayl koonfureed, oo maalintii labaadna waxaannu nimid Botiyolos.

And from there we made a circuit and reached Rhegium; and one day later a south wind sprang up, and the next day we arrived at Puteoli.

14 O o halkaas waxaan ka helnay walaalo, oo waxay naga baryeen inaan toddoba maalmood iyaga la sii joogno, oo sidaas ayaan Rooma ku nimid.

There we found some brethren and were entreated to stay with them for seven days. And so we came to Rome.

15 O o halkaasna walaalihii markii ay maqleen warkayagii, ayay u soo baxeen inay naga hor yimaadaan, oo waxay soo gaadheen tan iyo Suuqa Abbiyus iyo Saddexdii Makhaayadood. Oo Bawlosna markuu arkay iyagii ayuu Ilaah ku mahadnaqay oo sii dhiirranaaday.

And the brethren there, having had news of us, came as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and received new courage.

16 O o markii aannu Rooma galnay ayaa Bawlos waxaa loo oggolaaday inuu keli ahaantiis u joogo isaga iyo askarigii dhawrayay. Bawlos Wuxuu La Hadlay Yuhuuddii Rooma Joogtay

When we arrived at Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard, but Paul was permitted to live by himself with the soldier who guarded him.

17 O o waxay noqotay in saddex maalmood dabadeed uu isugu wada yeedhay kuwii Yuhuudda ugu waaweynaa; oo kolkii ay u yimaadeen, ayuu ku yidhi iyagii, Walaalayaalow, anigu in kastoo aanan wax xumaan ah ku samayn dadkii ama caadooyinkii awowayaasheen toona, haddana anoo maxbuus ah ayaa waxaa layga soo waday Yeruusaalem oo waxaa la ii gacangeliyey reer Rooma.

Three days after, he called together the leading local Jews; and when they had gathered, he said to them, Brethren, though I have done nothing against the people or against the customs of our forefathers, yet I was turned over as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.

18 I yaguna, markii ay i imtixaameen, waxay damceen inay iska kay daayaan, maxaa yeelay, sabab dhimasho istaahisha aanay igu jirin.

After they had examined me, they were ready to release me because I was innocent of any offense deserving the death penalty.

19 L aakiin Yuhuuddu markay taas qilaafeen ayaa waxaa dirqi igu noqotay inaan Kaysar u ashtakoodo; taasuna ma ahaan inaan haystay wax aan quruuntayda ku dacwaynayo.

But when the Jews protested, I was forced to appeal to Caesar, though it was not because I had any charge to make against my nation.

20 S ababtaas daraaddeed ayaan idiin yeedhay inaan idin arko oo aan idinla hadlo; maxaa yeelay, rajadii reer binu Israa'iil sugayaan daraaddeed ayaan silsiladdan ugu xidhnahay.

This is the reason therefore why I have begged to see you and to talk with you, since it is because of the Hope of Israel (the Messiah) that I am bound with this chain.

21 O o iyana waxay isagii ku yidhaahdeen, Annagu wax warqadaa oo adiga kugu saabsan Yahuudiya kama aannu helin, oo walaalihii midkoodna xaggaas kama iman, noomana soo sheegin ama kaama soo warramin xumaato.

And they answered him, We have not received any letters about you from Judea, and none of the brethren coming here has reported or spoken anything evil about you.

22 L aakiin waxaannu jeclaan lahayn inaannu kaa maqalno waxaad u malaynaysid; maxaa yeelay, xagga dariiqadan waxaannu ka og nahay in meel walba ka gees ahaan lagaga hadlo.

But we think it fitting and are eager to hear from you what it is that you have in mind and believe and what your opinion is, for with regard to this sect it is known to all of us that it is everywhere denounced.

23 O o intay maalin ka ballanqaadeen, ayay hoygiisii ugu yimaadeen iyagoo tiro badan, oo isna xaalkii aad buu ugu sii caddeeyey oo u marag furay boqortooyada Ilaah, oo wuxuu iyagii ku waaninayay wax Ciise ku saabsan oo ku yaalla sharciga Muuse iyo nebiyadiiba tan iyo aroortii ilaa fiidkii.

So when they had set a day with him, they came in large numbers to his lodging. And he fully set forth and explained the matter to them from morning until night, testifying to the kingdom of God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.

24 O o qaar baa rumaystay waxyaalihii lagu hadlay, qaar kalena way rumaysan waayeen.

And some were convinced and believed what he said, and others did not believe.

25 O o intay dhexdooda ka heshiin waayeen, ayay kala tageen, Bawlos se wax keliya ayuu ku hadlay, isagoo leh, Ruuxa Quduuska ah si hagaagsan ayuu uga dhex hadlay nebi Isayos markuu awowayaashiin la hadlay,

And as they disagreed among themselves, they began to leave, Paul had added one statement: The Holy Spirit was right in saying through Isaiah the prophet to your forefathers:

26 o o ku yidhi, Adigu dadka u tag, oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Maqal baad ku maqli doontaan, mana garan doontaan; Idinkoo arkaya, wax baad arki doontaan, idiinmana dhaadhici doonto;

Go to this people and say to them, You will indeed hear and hear with your ears but will not understand, and you will indeed look and look with your eyes but will not see.

27 W aayo, dadkan qalbigoodu waa qallafsanaaday, Oo dhib bay dhegahooda wax ugu maqlaan, Indhahoodana way isku qabteen; Si aanay indhaha wax ugu arkin, Oo dhegaha wax ugu maqlin, Oo qalbiga wax ugu garan, Si aanay u soo noqon, Oo aanan u bogsiin.

For the heart (the understanding, the soul) of this people has grown dull (stupid, hardened, and calloused), and their ears are heavy and hard of hearing and they have shut tight their eyes, so that they may not perceive and have knowledge and become acquainted with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their souls and turn, that I may heal them.

28 H addaba idinku waxaad ogaataan in badbaadadan Ilaah loo soo diray dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn; oo iyaguna way maqli doonaan.

So let it be understood by you then that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!

29 O o markuu waxyaalahaas ku yidhi ayaa Yuhuuddii iska tageen, iyagoo isla murmaya. Bawlos Wuxuu Injiilka Ku Wacdiyey Dadkii Rooma Joogay

And when he had said these things, the Jews went away, arguing and disputing among themselves.

30 O o laba sannadood oo dhan ayuu iska degganaa hoy uu isagu kiraystay, oo kulli intii u soo gashay oo dhanna wuu soo wada dhoweeyey.

After this Paul lived there for two entire years in his own rented lodging, and he welcomed all who came to him,

31 O o isagoo aad u dhiirran ayuu wuxuu ku wacdiyi jiray boqortooyada Ilaah, wuxuuna bari jiray waxyaalaha ku saabsan Rabbi Ciise Masiix, cidnana uma diidin.

Preaching to them the kingdom of God and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ with boldness and quite openly, and without being molested or hindered.