Yexesqeel 15 ~ Ezekiel 15


1 O o haddana Eraygii Rabbiga ayaa ii yimid isagoo leh,

And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

2 W iilka Aadamow, geedka canabku bal muxuu dhirta kale dheer yahay, amase laanta canabku maxay dhirta kaynta ku taal dheer tahay?

Son of man, How is the wood of the grapevine more than that of any tree, the vine branch which was among the trees of the forest?

3 M a qoryaa laga goostaa in shuqul lagu samaysto? Miyaase dadku qodob ka goostaa si ay weel u sudhaan?

Shall wood be taken from it to do any work? Or will men take a peg of it on which to hang any vessel?

4 B al eeg, xaabo ahaan baa dabka loogu dhex tuuraa, oo dabka ayaa labadiisa madaxba dhammeeya, oo dhexdiisuna way gubataa. Miyuu in shuqul lagu qabsado wax u taraa?

Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire consumes both ends of it and the middle of it is charred. Is it suitable or profitable for any work?

5 B al eeg, markuu dhamaa shuqulna waxba uma tarayn, haddaba bal intee buu ka sii liitaa haatan oo uu dab dhammeeyey oo uu gubtay?

Notice, even when it was whole, it was good for no work; how much less shall it be useful and profitable when the fire has devoured it and it is charred?

6 S idaas daraaddeed Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Sidii geedka canabka ah oo ku dhex yaal dhirta kaynta, oo aan xaabo ahaan dabka u siiyey, sidaas oo kale ayaan dadka Yeruusaalem deggan u siin doonaa.

Therefore thus says the Lord God: Like the wood of the grapevine among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give up the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

7 O o wejigaygaan u soo jeedin doonaa. Dabkay ka dhex bixi doonaan laakiinse dabku wuu baabbi'in doonaa; oo idinkuna waxaad ogaan doontaan inaan anigu Rabbiga ahay, markaan iyaga wejigayga u jeediyo.

And I will set My face against them; they shall go out from one fire and another fire shall devour them, and you shall know (understand and realize) that I am the Lord, when I set My face against them.

8 O o Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Dalkaan cidla ka dhigi doonaa, maxaa yeelay, iyagu way xadgudbeen.

And I will make the land desolate (laid waste and deserted) because they have acted faithlessly, says the Lord.