1 K uwanu waa erayadii wacdiyihii ahaa ina Daa'uud oo Yeruusaalem boqorka ku ahaa.
The words of the Preacher, the son of David and king in Jerusalem.
2 W acdiyuhu wuxuu leeyahay, Waa wax aan waxba tarayn, waa wax aan waxba tarayn, wax waluba waa wax aan waxba tarayn.
Vapor of vapors and futility of futilities, says the Preacher. Vapor of vapors and futility of futilities! All is vanity (emptiness, falsity, and vainglory).
3 B al maxaa faa'iido ah oo nin ka hela hawshiisa uu qorraxda hoosteeda ku hawshoodo oo dhan?
What profit does man have left from all his toil at which he toils under the sun?
4 Q arni baa taga, oo qarni kalena wuu yimaadaa, laakiinse dhulku weligiisba wuu waaraa.
One generation goes and another generation comes, but the earth remains forever.
5 O o qorraxduna way soo baxdaa, oo haddana way dhacdaa, oo waxay ku degdegtaa meeshii ay ka soo baxdo.
The sun also rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.
6 D abayshu waxay tagtaa xagga koonfureed, oo haddana waxay u soo rogmataa xagga woqooyi, oo had iyo goorba way wareegtaa, oo dabayshu waxay ku soo noqotaa wareeggeedii.
The wind goes to the south and circles about to the north; it circles and circles about continually, and on its circuit the wind returns again.
7 W ebiyaasha oo dhammu waxay ku shubmaan badda, oo weli badduna ma buuxsanto, oo webiyaashu meeshii ay ku socdaan ayay haddana ku sii socdaan.
All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. To the place from which the rivers come, to there and from there they return again.
8 W ax kastaaba waa daal miidhan, dadku ma sheegi karo innaba. Ishu wax arag kama dheregto, dhegtuna waxmaqlid kama buuxsanto.
All things are weary with toil and all words are feeble; man cannot utter it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
9 W ixii hore u jiri jiray waa waxa dibna u jiri doona, oo wixii la sameeyeyna waa waxa hadda ka dib la samayn doono, oo inta qorraxda ka hoosaysana wax cusub laguma arko.
The thing that has been—it is what will be again, and that which has been done is that which will be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 M iyey jiraan wax la odhan karo, Bal eeg, waxanu waa cusub yihiine? Way jiri jireen tan iyo waayihii inaga horreeyey.
Is there a thing of which it may be said, See, this is new? It has already been, in the vast ages of time which were before us.
11 W axyaalihii hore lama xusuusto, oo waxyaalaha iman doonana innaba laguma xusuusan doono kuwa dabadeed iman doona. Xigmaddu Waa Wax Aan Micne Lahayn
There is no remembrance of former happenings or men, neither will there be any remembrance of happenings of generations that are to come by those who are to come after them.
12 A nigan wacdiyaha ahu boqor baan reer binu Israa'iil ugu ahaa Yeruusaalem.
I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem.
13 O o waxaan qalbigayga oo dhan u soo jeedshay inaan doono oo xigmad ku baadho waxyaalaha samada hoosteeda lagu sameeyo oo dhan. Dhibaatadan kulul ayaa Ilaah binu-aadmigu u siiyey inay ku hawshoodaan.
And I applied myself by heart and mind to seek and search out by wisdom all human activity under heaven. It is a miserable business which God has given to the sons of man with which to busy themselves.
14 S huqullada qorraxda hoosteeda lagu sameeyo oo dhan waan arkay, oo bal eeg, dhammaantood waa wax aan waxba tarayn iyo dabagalka dabaysha oo kale.
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity, a striving after the wind and a feeding on wind.
15 W ixii qalloocan lama toosin karo, oo wixii dhimmanna lama tirin karo.
What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is defective and lacking cannot be counted.
16 Q albigaygaan la hadlay, oo waxaan ku idhi, Bal eeg, anigu waxaan helay xigmad ka sii badan tii kuwii hortaydii Yeruusaalem u talin jiray oo dhan, oo qalbigaygu aad buu u arkay xigmad badan iyo aqoon dheer.
I entered into counsel with my own mind, saying, Behold, I have acquired great wisdom, yes, more than all who have been over Jerusalem before me; and my mind has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.
17 W axaan qalbigayga siiyey inaan xigmad ogaado iyo inaan waalli iyo nacasnimo ogaado, oo waxaan gartay inay taasuna tahay dabagalka dabaysha oo kale.
And I gave my mind to know wisdom and to discern madness and folly; I perceived that this also is a searching after wind and a feeding on it.
18 W aayo, xigmaddii badan caloolxumo badan baa ku jirta, oo kii aqoon korodhsadaana murug buu sii korodhsadaa.
For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.