Falimaha Rasuullada 27 ~ Acts 27


1 H addaba markii la goostay inaannu Itaaliya u dhoofo ayaa Bawlos iyo dhawr kale oo maxaabiis ah waxaa loo dhiibay boqol-u-taliye magiciisa Yulyos la odhan jiray oo ka tirsanaa ciidankii boqorka.

Now when it was determined that we should sail for Italy, they turned Paul and some other prisoners over to a centurion of the imperial regiment named Julius.

2 O o waxaannu fuulnay doonni Adramuteyon ka timid oo u dhoofaysay meelaha xeebta Aasiya ku yaal, markaasaannu dhoofnay oo waxaa nala socday nin Aristarkhos la odhan jiray oo reer Makedoniya ahaa oo Tesaloniika ka yimid.

And going aboard a ship from Adramyttium which was about to sail for the ports along the coast of Asia, we put out to sea; and Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica, accompanied us.

3 O o maalintii dambe waxaannu nimid Siidoon; markaasaa Yulyos u naxariistay Bawlos oo fasax u siiyey inuu saaxiibbadiis u tago oo uu dhaqaalo ka helo.

The following day we landed at Sidon, and Julius treated Paul in a loving way, with much consideration (kindness and care), permitting him to go to his friends and be refreshed and be cared for.

4 O o haddana halkaas waannu ka dhoofnay, oo waxaannu ka hoos marnay Qubrus, maxaa yeelay, dabayshu waa na haysay.

After putting to sea from there we passed to the leeward (south side) of Cyprus, for the winds were contrary to us.

5 O o markii aannu ka gudubnay badda u dhow Kilikiya iyo Bamfuliya, waxaannu nimid Mura oo ku taal Lukiya.

And when we had sailed over of sea which lies off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we reached Myra in Lycia.

6 O o halkaas boqol-u-taliyihii wuxuu ka helay doonni Iskanderiya ka timid oo u dhoofaysa Itaaliya; markaasuu na fuushiiyey.

There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship bound for Italy, and he transferred us to it.

7 O o kolkii aannu maalmo badan aayar soconaynay, waxaannu dhib ku nimid Kinidos horteeda, oo dabayshii ayaa noo diiday inaan hore u sii soconno, kolkaasaannu ka hoos marnay Kereetee oo ka hor jeedda Salmoonee.

For a number of days we made slow progress and arrived with difficulty off Cnidus; then, as the wind did not permit us to proceed, we went under the lee (shelter) of Crete off Salmone,

8 O o markii aannu dhib ku dhaafnay, waxaannu nimid meel magaceeda la yidhaahdo Marsooyin Wanaagsan oo u dhow magaalada Lasaya. Melita Buu U Dhoofay. Duufaan Baa Dhacay Oo Doonnidii Waa Burburtay

And coasting along it with difficulty, we arrived at a place called Fair Havens, near which is located the town of Lasea.

9 M arkii wakhti badanu dhammaaday, oo haatan dhoofku halis ahaa, maxaa yeelay, Soonkii goor horaa la soo dhaafay, ayaa Bawlos waaniyey iyagii,

But as much time had been lost and navigation was already dangerous, for the time for the Fast had already gone by, Paul warned and advised them,

10 o o wuxuu ku yidhi, Niman yahow, waxay ila tahay in dhoofkanu lahaan doono waxyeello iyo khasaaro badan, umana ahaan doonaan shixnadda iyo doonnida oo keliya, laakiin xataa nafaheennu khatar bay ku sugan yihiin.

Saying, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be attended with disaster and much heavy loss, not only of the cargo and the ship but of our lives also.

11 L aakiin boqol-u-taliyihii wuxuu dhegaystay hadalkii naakhudihii iyo ninkii doonnida lahaa intuu dhegaysan lahaa waxyaalihii Bawlos yidhi.

However, the centurion paid greater attention to the pilot and to the owner of the ship than to what Paul said.

12 O o marsadaasu ma ay ahayn mid ku wanaagsan in wakhtiga qabowga la joogo, sidaas daraaddeed ayaa dadkii intiisii badnayd waxay ku talisay in halkaas laga sii dhoofo, haddii si uun lagu gaadhi karo Foynikis oo halkaas wakhtiga qabowga la joogo, taasoo ah marso Kereetee ku taal oo u jeedda woqooyi-bari iyo koonfur-bari.

And as the harbor was not well situated and so unsuitable to winter in, the majority favored the plan of putting to sea again from there, hoping somehow to reach Phoenice, a harbor of Crete facing southwest and northwest, and winter there.

13 O o kolkii dabayshii koonfureed tartiib u socotay ayay waxay u maleeyeen inay qasdigoodii heleen, kolkaasay barroosinkii qaadeen, oo waxay ag mareen Kereetee.

So when the south wind blew softly, supposing they were gaining their object, they weighed anchor and sailed along Crete, hugging the coast.

14 L aakiin wakhti aan dheerayn dabadeed ayaa waxaa ka soo kacay duufaan weyn oo magiciisa la yidhaahdo Yurokludoon;

But soon afterward a violent wind, called a northeaster, came bursting down from the island.

15 o o markii doonnidii la qabsaday oo ay wejiga siin kari weyday dabaysha, ayaannu iska dhiibnay, kolkaasay na kaxaysatay.

And when the ship was caught and was unable to head against the wind, we gave up and, letting her drift, were borne along.

16 O o waxaannu ku orodnay gasiirad yar oo Kalawda la yidhaahdo dugsigeed, oo annagoo aad u dhibtoonnay ayaan waxaan awood u helnay inaan huurigii aad u xidhno;

We ran under the shelter of a small island called Cauda, where we managed with difficulty to draw the boat on deck and secure it.

17 O o kolkii ay kor u soo bixiyeen ayay waxay ku isticmaaleen xadhko wax tara oo doonnidiina way adkeeyeen, oo iyagoo ka cabsanaya inay Surtis oo bacaad ah ku dhacaan, ayay waxay dejiyeen shiraaqii, oo sidaasaa loo kaxaystay.

After hoisting it on board, they used supports with ropes to undergird and brace the ship; then afraid that they would be driven into the Syrtis, they lowered the gear (sails and ropes) and so were driven along.

18 O o sidii aannu duufaankii aad ugu hawshoonaynay, ayay maalintii dambe shixnaddii badda ku tuureen.

As we were being dangerously tossed about by the violence of the storm, the next day they began to throw the freight overboard;

19 O o maalintii saddexaadna waxay gacmahoodii ku tuureen alaabtii doonnida.

And the third day they threw out with their own hands the ship’s equipment (the tackle and the furniture).

20 O o markii intii maalmo badan ah ayan qorraxdii iyo xiddigihii toona ifin, oo duufaan aan yaraynuna uu nagu dhacayay, ayaa rajadii aannu badbaado ku rajaynaynay oo dhan nalaga qaaday.

And when neither sun nor stars were visible for many days and no small tempest kept raging about us, all hope of our being saved was finally abandoned.

21 O o kolkii ay wakhti dheer cuntola'aan sii joogeen ayaa Bawlos dhexdooda istaagay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Niman yahow, waxaa idinku habboonayd inaad i maqashaan oo aydaan Kereetee ka soo dhoofin oo helin waxyeelladan iyo khasaaradan toona.

Then as they had eaten nothing for a long time, Paul came forward into their midst and said, Men, you should have listened to me, and should not have put to sea from Crete and brought on this disaster and harm and misery and loss.

22 H addaba waxaan idinku waaninayaa inaad kalsoonaataan; waayo, midkiinna nafta waayi maayo, laakiin waxaa keliyahoo dumaya doonnida.

But now I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you but only of the ship.

23 W aayo, xalayto ayaa waxaa i soo ag istaagtay malaa'igtii Ilaaha i leh oo aan weliba u adeego.

For this night there stood by my side an angel of the God to Whom I belong and Whom I serve and worship,

24 W axay igu tidhi, Bawlosow, ha cabsan; waayo, waa inaad Kaysar hortiisa istaagtaa; oo weliba bal eeg, Ilaah wuxuu adiga ku wada siiyey kuwa kula socda oo dhan.

And he said, Do not be frightened, Paul! It is necessary for you to stand before Caesar; and behold, God has given you all those who are sailing with you.

25 H addaba, niman yahow, kalsoonaada, waayo, anigu Ilaah waan rumaysanahay inay noqon doonto sidii la ii sheegay.

So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith (complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told me;

26 H abase yeeshee waa inaynu ku dhacno gasiirad.

But we shall have to be stranded on some island.

27 L aakiin intii badda Adriya hore iyo gadaal nalagu kaxeeyey, kolkii habeenkii afar iyo tobnaad la gaadhay, goor habeenbadhkii ku dhow, ayaa baxriyiintii waxay u maleeyeen inay dhul ku soo dhowaanayeen;

The fourteenth night had come and we were drifting and being driven about in the Adriatic Sea, when about midnight the sailors began to suspect that they were drawing near to some land.

28 k olkaasay moolkii badda qiyaas ka qaadeen, oo waxay heleen inuu yahay labaatan baac, oo haddana kolkay in yar socdeen ayay mar kale qiyaas qaadeen, oo waxay heleen inuu yahay shan iyo toban baac.

So they took soundings and found twenty fathoms, and a little farther on they sounded again and found fifteen fathoms.

29 W axay ka cabsadeen inaannu ku dhacno meelo dhagaxyo leh, markaasay waxay doonnida xaggeeda dambe ka tuureen afar barroosin, oo waxay aad u jeclaysteen in maalin noqoto.

Then fearing that we might fall off onto rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and kept wishing for daybreak to come.

30 O o baxriyiintii ayaa waxay damceen inay doonnida ka baxsadaan, oo waxay badda qarsoodi ugu dejiyeen huurigii sidii iyagoo barroosinno ka tuuraya doonnidii xaggeeda hore.

And as the sailors were trying to escape from the ship and were lowering the small boat into the sea, pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow,

31 M arkaasaa Bawlos boqol-u-taliyihii iyo askartii ku yidhi, Kuwanu haddayan doonnida sii joogin, idinku badbaadi kari maysaan.

Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, Unless these men remain in the ship, you cannot be saved.

32 M arkaasaa askartii xadhkaha huuriga ka jareen oo ay huurigii sii daayeen inuu dhaco.

Then the soldiers cut away the ropes that held the small boat, and let it fall and drift away.

33 O o intii waagu soo beryayay, ayaa Bawlos wuxuu dadkii oo dhan ka baryay inay wax cunaan, oo wuxuu yidhi, Maanta waa maalintii afar iyo tobnaad intii aad sugayseen oo aad iska soomanaydeen, oo aydnaan waxba qaadan.

While they waited until it should become day, Paul entreated them all to take some food, saying, This is the fourteenth day that you have been continually in suspense and on the alert without food, having eaten nothing.

34 H addaba waxaan idinka baryayaa inaad cunto qaadataan, waayo, taasu waa caafimaadkiinna aawadiis; maxaa yeelay, midkiinna tin keliyahu ka go'i maayo madaxiisa.

So I urge (warn, exhort, encourage, advise) you to take some food —it will give you strength; for not a hair is to perish from the head of any one of you.

35 O o markii uu saas yidhi, ayuu wuxuu soo qaatay kibis, oo dadkii oo dhan hortooda ayuu Ilaah ugu mahadnaqay, oo intuu kala jebiyey ayuu bilaabay inuu wax cuno.

Having said these words, he took bread and, giving thanks to God before them all, he broke it and began to eat.

36 M arkaasay wada dhiirranaadeen dhammaantood, oo iyagiina wax bay cuneen.

Then they all became more cheerful and were encouraged and took food themselves.

37 O o intayadii doonnidii ku jirtay oo dhammu waxaannu ahayn laba boqol iyo lix iyo toddobaatan qof.

All told there were 276 souls of us in the ship.

38 O o markii ay cuntada ka dhergeen, ayay doonnidii fududeeyeen, oo sarreenkiina waxay ku tuureen badda.

And after they had eaten sufficiently, to lighten the ship, throwing out the wheat into the sea.

39 O o markii waagii beryay, ayay dhulkii garan waayeen; laakiin waxay arkeen marso xeeb leh, oo waxay doonayeen inay doonnidii halkaas ku kaxeeyaan hadday karaan.

Now when it was day, they did not recognize it, but they noticed a bay with a beach on which they purposed to run the ship ashore if they possibly could.

40 M arkaasay barroosinnadii badda ku xooreen oo badda ku sii daayeen, oo isla markaasba waxay fureen xadhkihii shukaanaha ku xidhnaa, oo intay shiraaqii dabaysha u sii daayeen, ayay xeebta ku hagaageen.

So they cut the cables and severed the anchors and left them in the sea; at the same time unlashing the ropes that held the rudders and hoisting the foresail to the wind, they headed for the beach.

41 L aakiin waxay ku dhaceen meel laba badood isaga darmadaan, markaasaa doonnidii dhulka ku dhufatay; oo dhankeedii hore ayaa meel ku liimbaaday oo waxay noqotay wax aan la dhaqdhaqaajin karin, laakiin dhankii dambe wuxuu bilaabay inuu ku burburo mawjadihii xooggooda.

But striking a crosscurrent (a place open to two seas) they ran the ship aground. The prow stuck fast and remained immovable, and the stern began to break up under the violent force of the waves.

42 M arkaasaa askartii waxay ku taliyeen inay maxaabiista laayaan, si aan midkoodna intuu dabaasho uga baxsan.

It was the counsel of the soldiers to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim to land and escape;

43 L aakiin boqol-u-taliyihii oo doonayay inuu badbaadiyo Bawlos, ayaa qasdigoodii ka joojiyey; oo wuxuu amray in kuwa dabaalan karaa ay doonnida iska tuuraan, oo ay marka hore dhulka tagaan;

But the centurion, wishing to save Paul, prevented their carrying out their purpose. He commanded those who could swim to throw themselves overboard first and make for the shore,

44 o o inta kalena qaar ha ku dabaasho looxaan, qaarna waxyaalo kale oo ay doonnida ka sii qaataan. Oo sidaas daraaddeed waxay noqotay inay dhammaantood dhulkii u baxsadeen iyagoo nabdoon.

And the rest on heavy boards or pieces of the vessel. And so it was that all escaped safely to land.