1 T an iyo yaraantaydii marar badan bay i dhibeen, Reer binu Israa'iil hadda ha yidhaahdeen,
“ Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up,” Let Israel now say,
2 T an iyo yaraantaydii marar badan bay i dhibeen, Laakiinse igama ay adkaan.
“ Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up; Yet they have not prevailed against me.
3 K uwa beerta jeexa ayaa dhabarkayga jeexay, Oo jeexjeexoodiina way dheereeyeen.
“The plowers plowed upon my back; They lengthened their furrows.”
4 R abbigu waa xaq, Oo isagu wuxuu kala gooyay xadhkihii kuwa sharka leh.
The Lord is righteous; He has cut in two the cords of the wicked.
5 I nta Siyoon neceb oo dhammu, Ha ceeboobeen oo dib ha u noqdeen.
May all who hate Zion Be put to shame and turned backward;
6 H a noqdeen sida cawska guryaha korkooda ka baxa Oo engega intaanu korin,
Let them be like grass upon the housetops, Which withers before it grows up;
7 O o aan beergooyuhu gacantiisa ka buuxin, Kan xidhmooyinka xidhaana aanu laabtiisa ka buuxin.
With which the reaper does not fill his hand, Or the binder of sheaves his bosom;
8 O o kuwa ag maraana ma yidhaahdaan, Barakadii Rabbigu korkiinna ha ahaato. Waxaan idiinku ducaynaynaa magaca Rabbiga.
Nor do those who pass by say, “The blessing of the Lord be upon you; We bless you in the name of the Lord.”