Lamentations 3 ~ Lamentaciones 3


1 I am the man who has been suffering because of the power of God’s anger.

Yo soy el hombre que ha visto la aflicción bajo la vara de su furor.

2 H e has led me and brought me into darkness and not into light.

El me ha llevado y me ha hecho andar en tinieblas y no en luz.

3 F or sure He has turned His hand against me again and again all day long.

Ciertamente contra mí ha vuelto y revuelto su mano todo el día.

4 H e has made my flesh and my skin waste away. He has broken my bones.

Ha hecho que se consuman mi carne y mi piel, ha quebrado mis huesos.

5 H e has shut me in with trouble and suffering.

Me ha sitiado y rodeado de amargura y de fatiga.

6 H e has made me live in dark places, like those who have been dead a long time.

En lugares tenebrosos me ha hecho morar, como los que han muerto hace tiempo.

7 H e has put a wall around me so that I cannot go out. He has put heavy chains on me.

Con muro me ha cercado y no puedo salir, ha hecho pesadas mis cadenas.

8 E ven when I cry and call for help, he shuts out my prayer.

Aun cuando clamo y pido auxilio, El cierra el paso a mi oración.

9 H e has stopped me with blocks of stone. He has made my paths no longer straight.

Ha cerrado mis caminos con piedra labrada, ha hecho tortuosos mis senderos.

10 H e is like a bear lying in wait, like a lion hiding in secret places.

El es para mí como oso en acecho, como león en lugares ocultos.

11 H e has turned me from the path and torn me to pieces. He has destroyed me.

Ha desviado mis caminos y me ha destrozado, me ha dejado desolado.

12 H e used His bow, and set me as a mark for His arrow.

Ha entesado su arco y me ha puesto como blanco de la flecha.

13 H e has taken out His arrows and sent them into my heart.

Hizo que penetraran en mis entrañas las flechas de su aljaba.

14 A ll my people laugh at me. They sing songs that make fun of me all day long.

He venido a ser objeto de burla de todo mi pueblo, su copla todo el día.

15 H e has filled me with bitter feelings. He has made me drunk with wormwood.

El me ha llenado de amargura, me ha embriagado con ajenjo.

16 H e has broken my teeth with rocks, and has covered me with dust.

Ha quebrado con guijarro mis dientes, ha hecho que me revuelque en el polvo.

17 P eace has left my soul. I have forgotten what it is like to be happy.

Y mi alma ha sido privada de la paz, he olvidado la felicidad.

18 S o I say, “My strength is gone, and so has my hope from the Lord.”

Digo, pues: Ha perecido mi vigor, y mi esperanza que venía del Señor.

19 R emember my trouble and my traveling from place to place, the wormwood and bitter feelings.

Acuérdate de mi aflicción y de mi vagar, del ajenjo y de la amargura.

20 I remember it always, and my soul bows down within me.

Ciertamente lo recuerda y se abate mi alma dentro de mí.

21 B ut this I remember, and so I have hope.

Esto traigo a mi corazón, por esto tengo esperanza:

22 I t is because of the Lord’s loving-kindness that we are not destroyed for His loving-pity never ends.

Que las misericordias del Señor jamás terminan, pues nunca fallan sus bondades;

23 I t is new every morning. He is so very faithful.

son nuevas cada mañana; ¡grande es tu fidelidad!

24 The Lord is my share.” says my soul, “so I have hope in Him.”

El Señor es mi porción —dice mi alma — por eso en El espero.

25 T he Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the one who looks for Him.

Bueno es el Señor para los que en El esperan, para el alma que le busca.

26 I t is good that one should be quiet and wait for the saving power of the Lord.

Bueno es esperar en silencio la salvación del Señor.

27 I t is good for a man to carry the load while he is young.

Bueno es para el hombre llevar el yugo en su juventud.

28 L et him sit alone and be quiet when God has laid the load on him.

Que se siente solo y en silencio ya que El se lo ha impuesto;

29 L et him put his mouth in the dust. There may be hope yet.

que ponga su boca en el polvo, quizá haya esperanza;

30 L et him give his face to the one who hits him, and be filled with shame.

que dé la mejilla al que lo hiere; que se sacie de oprobios.

31 F or the Lord will not turn away from a man forever.

Porque no rechaza para siempre el Señor,

32 F or if He causes sorrow, He will have loving-pity because of His great loving-kindness.

antes bien, si aflige, también se compadecerá según su gran misericordia.

33 H e does not want to cause trouble or sorrow for the children of men.

Porque El no castiga por gusto, ni aflige a los hijos de los hombres.

34 H e is not pleased when all those on earth who are in prison are crushed under foot.

Aplastar bajo los pies a todos los prisioneros de un país,

35 T he Most High is not pleased when the rights are kept away from a man who is before Him,

privar del derecho a un hombre en presencia del Altísimo,

36 a nd when wrong is done to him in his cause. The Lord is not pleased with these things.

defraudar a un hombre en su litigio: estas cosas no aprueba el Señor.

37 W ho has said that something would happen and then it did happen, unless the Lord has said that it should be?

¿Quién es aquel que habla y así sucede, a menos que el Señor lo haya ordenado ?

38 I s it not from the mouth of the Most High that both good and bad come?

¿No salen de la boca del Altísimo tanto el mal como el bien ?

39 W hy should any living man complain about the punishment of his sins?

¿Por qué ha de quejarse el ser viviente? ¡ Sea valiente frente a sus pecados!

40 L et us test and look over our ways, and return to the Lord.

Examinemos nuestros caminos y escudriñémos los, y volvamos al Señor;

41 L et us lift up our heart and hands to God in heaven, saying,

alcemos nuestro corazón en nuestras manos hacia Dios en los cielos.

42 We have sinned and would not obey You, and You have not forgiven us.

Nosotros hemos transgredido y nos hemos rebelado; tú no has perdonado.

43 Y ou have covered Yourself with anger and have followed us, killing without pity.

Te has cubierto de ira y nos has perseguido; has matado y no has perdonado.

44 Y ou have covered Yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can get through.

Te has cubierto de una nube para que no pase la oración.

45 Y ou have made us a waste and something that is not wanted among the nations.

Basura y escoria nos has hecho en medio de los pueblos.

46 A ll those who hate us have spoken against us.

Han abierto su boca contra nosotros todos nuestros enemigos.

47 F ear and a trap have come upon us. We are laid waste and destroyed.

Terror y foso nos han sobrevenido, desolación y destrucción.

48 M y eyes flow with rivers of tears because my people are destroyed.

Arroyos de agua derraman mis ojos a causa de la destrucción de la hija de mi pueblo.

49 T ears flow from my eyes all the time without stopping,

Mis ojos fluyen sin cesar, ya que no hay descanso

50 u ntil the Lord looks down from heaven and sees.

hasta que mire y vea el Señor desde los cielos.

51 M y eyes bring me suffering because of what is happening to all the women of my city.

Mis ojos causan dolor a mi alma por todas las hijas de mi ciudad.

52 I have been hunted like a bird by those who hate me for no reason.

Constantemente me han dado caza como a un ave mis enemigos, sin haber causa;

53 T hey threw me alive into the deep hole and have put a stone on me.

silenciaron mi vida en la fosa, pusieron piedra sobre mí.

54 W ater flowed over my head, and I said, “I am cut off!”

Cubrieron las aguas mi cabeza, dije: ¡Estoy perdido!

55 I called on Your name, O Lord, out of the deep hole.

Invoqué tu nombre, oh Señor, desde la fosa más profunda.

56 Y ou have heard my voice. Do not close Your ears to my cry for help.

Tú oíste mi voz: No escondas tu oído a mi clamor, a mi grito de auxilio.

57 Y ou came near when I called You, and You said, “Do not be afraid!”

Te acercaste el día que te invoqué, dijiste: No temas.

58 Y ou have helped me in my cause, O Lord. You have saved my life.

Tú has defendido, oh Señor, la causa de mi alma, tú has redimido mi vida.

59 O Lord, You have seen the wrong done to me. Judge in my favor.

Tú has visto, oh Señor, mi opresión, juzga mi causa.

60 Y ou have seen how much they hate me and plan against me.

Has visto toda su venganza, todas sus tramas contra mí.

61 O Lord, You have heard how they put me to shame and how they work against me.

Has oído sus oprobios, oh Señor, todas sus tramas contra mí;

62 T he lips and thoughts of those who hurt me are against me all day long.

los labios de mis agresores y sus murmuraciones están contra mí todo el día.

63 W atch their sitting down and standing up. I am their song as they make fun of me.

Se sienten o se levanten, míra los, yo soy el objeto de su copla.

64 O Lord, You will punish them for what they have done.

Tú les darás su pago, oh Señor, conforme a la obra de sus manos.

65 Y ou will give them hard hearts, and curse them.

Les darás dureza de corazón, tu maldición será sobre ellos.

66 G o after them in anger and destroy them from under Your heavens, O Lord.

Los perseguirás con ira y los destruirás de debajo de los cielos del Señor.