Titus 2 ~ Tito 2


1 Y ou must teach what is right and true.

Pero en cuanto a ti, enseña lo que está de acuerdo con la sana doctrina:

2 O lder men are to be quiet and to be careful how they act. They are to be the boss over their own desires. Their faith and love are to stay strong and they are not to give up.

Los ancianos deben ser sobrios, dignos, prudentes, sanos en la fe, en el amor, en la perseverancia.

3 T each older women to be quiet and to be careful how they act also. They are not to go around speaking bad things about others or things that are not true. They are not to be chained by strong drink. They should teach what is good.

Asimismo, las ancianas deben ser reverentes en su conducta: no calumniadoras ni esclavas de mucho vino, que enseñen lo bueno,

4 O lder women are to teach the young women to love their husbands and children.

que enseñen a las jóvenes a que amen a sus maridos, a que amen a sus hijos,

5 T hey are to teach them to think before they act, to be pure, to be workers at home, to be kind, and to obey their own husbands. In this way, the Word of God is honored.

a ser prudentes, puras, hacendosas en el hogar, amables, sujetas a sus maridos, para que la palabra de Dios no sea blasfemada.

6 A lso teach young men to be wise.

Asimismo, exhorta a los jóvenes a que sean prudentes;

7 I n all things show them how to live by your life and by right teaching.

muéstrate en todo como ejemplo de buenas obras, con pureza de doctrina, con dignidad,

8 Y ou should be wise in what you say. Then the one who is against you will be ashamed and will not be able to say anything bad about you.

con palabra sana e irreprochable, a fin de que el adversario se avergüence al no tener nada malo que decir de nosotros.

9 T hose who are servants owned by someone must obey their owners and please them in everything. They must not argue.

Exhorta a los siervos a que se sujeten a sus amos en todo, que sean complacientes, no contradiciendo,

10 T hey must not steal from their owners but prove they can be trusted in every way. In this way, their lives will honor the teaching of God Who saves us.

no defraudando, sino mostrando toda buena fe, para que adornen la doctrina de Dios nuestro Salvador en todo respecto.

11 G od’s free gift of being saved is being given to everyone.

Porque la gracia de Dios se ha manifestado, trayendo salvación a todos los hombres,

12 W e are taught to have nothing to do with that which is against God. We are to have nothing to do with the desires of this world. We are to be wise and to be right with God. We are to live God-like lives in this world.

enseñándonos, que negando la impiedad y los deseos mundanos, vivamos en este mundo sobria, justa y piadosamente,

13 W e are to be looking for the great hope and the coming of our great God and the One Who saves, Christ Jesus.

aguardando la esperanza bienaventurada y la manifestación de la gloria de nuestro gran Dios y Salvador Cristo Jesús,

14 H e gave Himself for us. He did this by buying us with His blood and making us free from all sin. He gave Himself so His people could be clean and want to do good.

quien se dio a sí mismo por nosotros, para redimirnos de toda iniquidad y purificar para si un pueblo para posesion suya, celoso de buenas obras.

15 T each all these things and give words of help. Show them if they are wrong. You have the right and the power to do this. Do not let anyone think little of you.

Esto habla, exhorta y reprende con toda autoridad. Que nadie te menosprecie.