Revelation 13 ~ Apocalipsis 13


1 I stood on the sand by the sea-shore. There I saw a wild animal coming up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns with a crown on each horn. There were names on each head that spoke bad words against God.

El dragón se paró sobre la arena del mar. Y vi que subía del mar una bestia que tenía diez cuernos y siete cabezas; en sus cuernos había diez diademas, y en sus cabezas había nombres blasfemos.

2 T he wild animal I saw was covered with spots. It had feet like those of a bear. It had a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave this wild animal his own power and his own throne as king. The wild animal was given much power.

La bestia que vi era semejante a un leopardo, sus pies eran como los de un oso y su boca como la boca de un león. Y el dragón le dio su poder, su trono y gran autoridad.

3 O ne of the heads of the wild animal looked as if it had been killed. But the bad cut given to kill him was healed. The whole world was surprised and wondered about this, and they followed after the wild animal.

Y vi una de sus cabezas como herida de muerte, pero su herida mortal fue sanada. Y la tierra entera se maravilló y seguía tras la bestia;

4 T hey worshiped the dragon for giving this wild animal such power. And they worshiped this wild animal. They said, “Who is like this wild animal? Who can fight against it?”

y adoraron al dragón, porque había dado autoridad a la bestia; y adoraron a la bestia, diciendo: ¿Quién es semejante a la bestia, y quién puede luchar contra ella?

5 T he animal was given a mouth which spoke words full of pride and it spoke very bad things against the Lord. It was given much power for forty-two months.

Se le dio una boca que hablaba palabras arrogantes y blasfemias, y se le dio autoridad para actuar durante cuarenta y dos meses.

6 A nd it opened its mouth speaking very bad things against God. It spoke against God’s name and His house and against those living in heaven.

Y abrió su boca en blasfemias contra Dios, para blasfemar su nombre y su tabernáculo, es decir, contra los que moran en el cielo.

7 I t was allowed to fight against the people who belong to God, and it had power to win over them. It had power over every family and every group of people and over people of every language and every nation.

Se le concedió hacer guerra contra los santos y vencerlos; y se le dio autoridad sobre toda tribu, pueblo, lengua y nación.

8 E very person on the earth from the beginning of the world whose name has not been written in the book of life of the Lamb Who was killed will worship this animal.

Y la adorarán todos los que moran en la tierra, cuyos nombres no han sido escritos, desde la fundación del mundo, en el libro de la vida del Cordero que fue inmolado.

9 Y ou have ears! Then listen.

Si alguno tiene oído, que oiga.

10 W hoever is to be tied and held will be held. Whoever kills with a sword must himself be killed with a sword. Now is when God’s people must have faith and not give up. The Second Animal—from the Land

Si alguno es destinado a la cautividad, a la cautividad va; si alguno ha de morir a espada, a espada ha de morir. Aquí está la perseverancia y la fe de los santos. La bestia que sube de la tierra

11 T hen I saw another wild animal coming out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb. His voice was like that of the dragon.

Y vi otra bestia que subía de la tierra; tenía dos cuernos semejantes a los de un cordero y hablaba como un dragón.

12 H e used the power of the first wild animal who was there with him. He made all the people on earth worship the first wild animal who had received the bad cut to kill him but was healed.

Ejerce toda la autoridad de la primera bestia en su presencia, y hace que la tierra y los que moran en ella adoren a la primera bestia, cuya herida mortal fue sanada.

13 T he second wild animal did great powerful works. It spoke and made those who did not worship the first wild animal to be killed.

También hace grandes señales, de tal manera que aun hace descender fuego del cielo a la tierra en presencia de los hombres.

14 H e fooled the men of the earth by doing powerful works. He did these things in front of the first wild animal. He told those who live on the earth to make a god that looks like the first wild animal. The first wild animal was the one that was cut by the sword but lived.

Además engaña a los que moran en la tierra a causa de las señales que se le concedió hacer en presencia de la bestia, diciendo a los moradores de la tierra que hagan una imagen de la bestia que tenía la herida de la espada y que ha vuelto a vivir.

15 T he second wild animal was given power to give life to the false god. This false god was the one that was made to look like the first wild animal. It was given power to talk. All those who did not worship it would die.

Se le concedió dar aliento a la imagen de la bestia, para que la imagen de la bestia también hablara e hiciera dar muerte a todos los que no adoran la imagen de la bestia.

16 T he second wild animal made every person have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. It was given to important men and to those not important, to rich men and poor men, to those who are free and to those who are servants.

Y hace que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, se les dé una marca en la mano derecha o en la frente,

17 N o one could buy or sell anything unless he had the mark on him. This mark was the name of the first wild animal or another way to write his name.

y que nadie pueda comprar ni vender, sino el que tenga la marca: el nombre de la bestia o el número de su nombre.

18 T his is wisdom. Let the person who has good understanding learn the meaning of the other way to write the name of the first wild animal. This name is a man’s name. It is 666.

Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, que calcule el número de la bestia, porque el número es el de un hombre, y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.