1 J esus came down from the mountain. Many people followed Him.
Y cuando bajó del monte, grandes multitudes le seguían.
2 A man with a bad skin disease came and got down before Him and worshiped Him. He said, “Lord, if You will, You can heal me!”
Y he aquí, se le acercó un leproso y se postró ante El, diciendo: Señor, si quieres, puedes limpiarme.
3 T hen Jesus put His hand on him and said, “I will. You are healed!” At once the man was healed.
Y extendiendo Jesús la mano, lo tocó, diciendo: Quiero; sé limpio. Y al instante quedó limpio de su lepra.
4 J esus said to him, “Go now, but tell no one. Let the religious leader see you. Give the gift in worship that Moses told you to give. This will show them you have been healed.” Healing of the Captain’s Servant
Entonces Jesús le dijo: Mira, no se lo digas a nadie, sino ve, muéstrate al sacerdote y presenta la ofrenda que ordenó Moisés, para que les sirva de testimonio a ellos. Jesús sana al criado del centurión
5 J esus came to the city of Capernaum. A captain of the army came to Him. He asked for help,
Y cuando entró Jesús en Capernaúm se le acercó un centurión suplicándole,
6 s aying, “Lord, my servant is sick in bed. He is not able to move his body. He is in much pain.”
y diciendo: Señor, mi criado está postrado en casa, paralítico, sufriendo mucho.
7 J esus said to the captain, “I will come and heal him.”
Y Jesús le dijo: Yo iré y lo sanaré.
8 T he captain said, “Lord, I am not good enough for You to come to my house. Only speak the word, and my servant will be healed.
Pero el centurión respondió y dijo: Señor, no soy digno de que entres bajo mi techo; mas solamente di la palabra y mi criado quedará sano.
9 I am a man who works for someone else and I have men working under me. I say to this man, ‘Go!’ and he goes. I say to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this!’ and he does it.”
Porque yo también soy hombre bajo autoridad, con soldados a mis órdenes; y digo a éste: “Ve”, y va; y al otro: “Ven”, y viene; y a mi siervo: “Haz esto”, y lo hace.
10 W hen Jesus heard this, He was surprised and wondered about it. He said to those who followed Him, “For sure, I tell you, I have not found so much faith in the Jewish nation.
Al oír lo Jesús, se maravilló y dijo a los que le seguían: En verdad os digo que en Israel no he hallado en nadie una fe tan grande.
11 I say to you, many people will come from the east and from the west. They will sit down with Abraham and with Isaac and with Jacob in the holy nation of heaven.
Y os digo que vendrán muchos del oriente y del occidente, y se sentarán a la mesa con Abraham, Isaac y Jacob en el reino de los cielos.
12 B ut those who should have belonged to the holy nation of heaven will be thrown out into outer darkness, where there will be crying and grinding of teeth.”
Pero los hijos del reino serán arrojados a las tinieblas de afuera; allí será el llanto y el crujir de dientes.
13 J esus said to the captain, “Go your way. It is done for you even as you had faith to believe.” The servant was healed at that time. Peter’s Mother-In-Law Healed
Entonces Jesús dijo al centurión: Vete; así como has creído, te sea hecho. Y el criado fue sanado en esa misma hora. Jesús sana a la suegra de Pedro y a muchos otros
14 J esus came to Peter’s house. He saw Peter’s wife’s mother in bed. She was very sick.
Al llegar Jesús a casa de Pedro, vio a la suegra de éste que yacía en cama con fiebre.
15 H e touched her hand and the sickness left her. She got up and cared for Jesus. Many People Are Healed
Le tocó la mano, y la fiebre la dejó; y ella se levantó y le servía.
16 T hat evening they brought to Jesus many people who had demons in them. The demons were put out when Jesus spoke to them. All the sick people were healed.
Y al atardecer, le trajeron muchos endemoniados; y expulsó a los espíritus con su palabra, y sanó a todos los que estaban enfermos,
17 I t happened as the early preacher Isaiah said it would happen. He said, “He took on Himself our sickness and carried away our diseases.” Testing Some Followers
para que se cumpliera lo que fue dicho por medio del profeta Isaías cuando dijo: El mismo tomo nuestras flaquezas y llevo nuestras enfermedades. Lo que demanda el discipulado
18 J esus saw many people and told them to go to the other side of the lake.
Viendo Jesús una multitud a su alrededor, dio orden de pasar al otro lado.
19 A teacher of the Law came to Jesus. He said, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.”
Y un escriba se le acercó y le dijo: Maestro, te seguiré adondequiera que vayas.
20 J esus said to him, “Foxes have holes. Birds have nests. But the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.”
Y Jesús le dijo: Las zorras tienen madrigueras y las aves del cielo nidos, pero el Hijo del Hombre no tiene dónde recostar la cabeza.
21 A nother of His followers said to Him, “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.”
Otro de los discípulos le dijo: Señor, permíteme que vaya primero y entierre a mi padre.
22 J esus said to him, “Follow Me. Let the people who are dead bury their own dead.” The Wind and Waves Obey Jesus
Pero Jesús le dijo: Sígueme, y deja que los muertos entierren a sus muertos. Jesús calma la tempestad
23 J esus got into a boat. His followers followed Him.
Cuando entró Jesús en la barca, sus discípulos le siguieron.
24 A t once a bad storm came over the lake. The waves were covering the boat. Jesus was sleeping.
Y de pronto se desató una gran tormenta en el mar, de modo que las olas cubrían la barca; pero Jesús estaba dormido.
25 H is followers went to Him and called, “Help us, Lord, or we will die!”
Y llegándose a El, le despertaron, diciendo: ¡Señor, sálva nos, que perecemos!
26 H e said to them, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then He stood up. He spoke sharp words to the wind and the waves. Then the wind stopped blowing.
Y El les dijo: ¿Por qué estáis amedrentados, hombres de poca fe ? Entonces se levantó, reprendió a los vientos y al mar, y sobrevino una gran calma.
27 T hen men were surprised and wondered about it. They said, “What kind of a man is He? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.” Demons Ask Jesus to Let Them Live in Pigs
Y los hombres se maravillaron, diciendo: ¿Quién es éste, que aun los vientos y el mar le obedecen? Los endemoniados gadarenos
28 J esus came to the other side of the lake into the country of the Gadarenes. Two men came to Him from among the graves. They had demons in them and were very wild men. They were so bad that no one would go near them.
Cuando llegó al otro lado, a la tierra de los gadarenos, le salieron al encuentro dos endemoniados que salían de los sepulcros, violentos en extremo, de manera que nadie podía pasar por aquel camino.
29 T hey called out, saying, “What do You want of us, You Son of God? Have You come here to make us suffer before it is our time to suffer?”
Y gritaron, diciendo: ¿Qué tenemos que ver contigo, Hijo de Dios ? ¿Has venido aquí para atormentarnos antes del tiempo ?
30 A long way from there many pigs were eating.
A cierta distancia de ellos había una piara de muchos cerdos paciendo;
31 T he demons begged Jesus, saying, “If You put us out, send us into the pigs.”
y los demonios le rogaban, diciendo: Si vas a echarnos fuera, mándanos a la piara de cerdos.
32 J esus said to the demons, “Go!” They came out of the men and went into the pigs. At once the pigs ran down the mountain side. They fell into the water and died.
Entonces El les dijo: ¡Id! Y ellos salieron y entraron en los cerdos; y he aquí que la piara entera se precipitó por un despeñadero al mar, y perecieron en las aguas.
33 T he men who cared for the pigs ran fast into the city and told everything. They told what happened to the men who had the demons.
Los que cuidaban la piara huyeron; y fueron a la ciudad y lo contaron todo, incluso lo de los endemoniados.
34 E very person in the city came to meet Jesus. When they saw Jesus, they asked Him to leave their country.
Y toda la ciudad salió al encuentro de Jesús; y cuando le vieron, le rogaron que se fuera de su comarca.