Psalm 149 ~ Salmos 149


1 P raise the Lord! Sing a new song to the Lord! Praise Him in the meeting of His people.

¡Aleluya! Cantad al Señor un cántico nuevo: su alabanza en la congregación de los santos.

2 L et Israel be glad in his Maker. Let the sons of Zion be full of joy in their King.

Alégrese Israel en su Creador; regocíjense los hijos de Sion en su Rey.

3 L et them praise His name with dancing. Let them sing praises to Him with timbrels and a harp.

Alaben su nombre con danza; cántenle alabanza con pandero y lira.

4 F or the Lord is happy with His people. He saves those who have no pride and makes them beautiful.

Porque el Señor se deleita en su pueblo; adornará de salvación a los afligidos.

5 L et those who are God-like be full of joy and honor. Let them sing for joy on their beds.

Regocíjense de gloria los santos; canten con gozo sobre sus camas.

6 L et the high praises of God be in their mouth, and in their hand a sword that cuts both ways.

Sean los loores de Dios en su boca, y una espada de dos filos en su mano,

7 L et it be used to punish the nations and the people.

para ejecutar venganza en las naciones, y castigo en los pueblos;

8 L et their kings be tied in chains, and their rulers with ropes of iron.

para atar a sus reyes con cadenas, y a sus nobles con grillos de hierro;

9 L et the punishment that is written be given to them. This is an honor for all His faithful ones. Praise the Lord!

para ejecutar en ellos el juicio decretado: esto es gloria para todos sus santos. ¡Aleluya!