1 N essa ocasião, o rei Herodes prendeu alguns que pertenciam à igreja, com a intenção de maltratá-los,
About that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to afflict and oppress and torment some who belonged to the church (assembly).
2 e mandou matar à espada Tiago, irmão de João.
And he killed James the brother of John with a sword;
3 V endo que isso agradava aos judeus, prosseguiu, prendendo também Pedro durante a festa dos pães sem fermento.
And when he saw that it was pleasing to the Jews, he proceeded further and arrested Peter also. This was during the days of Unleavened Bread.
4 T endo-o prendido, lançou-o no cárcere, entregando-o para ser guardado por quatro escoltas de quatro soldados cada uma. Herodes pretendia submetê-lo a julgamento público depois da Páscoa.
And when he had seized, he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers of four each to guard him, purposing after the Passover to bring him forth to the people.
5 P edro, então, ficou detido na prisão, mas a igreja orava intensamente a Deus por ele.
So Peter was kept in prison, but fervent prayer for him was persistently made to God by the church (assembly).
6 N a noite anterior ao dia em que Herodes iria submetê-lo a julgamento, Pedro estava dormindo entre dois soldados, preso com duas algemas, e sentinelas montavam guarda à entrada do cárcere.
The very night before Herod was about to bring him forth, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, fastened with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison.
7 R epentinamente apareceu um anjo do Senhor, e uma luz brilhou na cela. Ele tocou no lado de Pedro e o acordou. “Depressa, levante-se!”, disse ele. Então as algemas caíram dos punhos de Pedro.
And suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the place where he was. And the angel gently smote Peter on the side and awakened him, saying, Get up quickly! And the chains fell off his hands.
8 O anjo lhe disse: “Vista-se e calce as sandálias”. E Pedro assim fez. Disse-lhe ainda o anjo: “Ponha a capa e siga-me”.
And the angel said to him, Tighten your belt and bind on your sandals. And he did so. And he said to him, Wrap your outer garment around you and follow me.
9 E , saindo, Pedro o seguiu, não sabendo que era real o que se fazia por meio do anjo; tudo lhe parecia uma visão.
And went out following him, and he was not conscious that what was apparently being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision.
10 P assaram a primeira e a segunda guarda, e chegaram ao portão de ferro que dava para a cidade. Este se abriu por si mesmo para eles, e passaram. Tendo saído, caminharam ao longo de uma rua e, de repente, o anjo o deixou.
When they had passed through the first guard and the second, they came to the iron gate which leads into the city. Of its own accord swung open, and they went out and passed on through one street; and at once the angel left him.
11 E ntão Pedro caiu em si e disse: “Agora sei, sem nenhuma dúvida, que o Senhor enviou o seu anjo e me libertou das mãos de Herodes e de tudo o que o povo judeu esperava”.
Then Peter came to himself and said, Now I really know and am sure that the Lord has sent His angel and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.
12 P ercebendo isso, ele se dirigiu à casa de Maria, mãe de João, também chamado Marcos, onde muita gente se havia reunido e estava orando.
When he, at a glance, became aware of this '> comprehending all the elements of the case], he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, whose surname was Mark, where a large number were assembled together and were praying.
13 P edro bateu à porta do alpendre, e uma serva chamada Rode veio atender.
And when he knocked at the gate of the porch, a maid named Rhoda came to answer.
14 A o reconhecer a voz de Pedro, tomada de alegria, ela correu de volta, sem abrir a porta, e exclamou: “Pedro está à porta!”
And recognizing Peter’s voice, in her joy she failed to open the gate, but ran in and told the people that Peter was standing before the porch gate.
15 E les porém lhe disseram: “Você está fora de si!” Insistindo ela em afirmar que era Pedro, disseram-lhe: “Deve ser o anjo dele”.
They said to her, You are crazy! But she persistently and strongly and confidently affirmed that it was the truth. They said, It is his angel!
16 M as Pedro continuou batendo e, quando abriram a porta e o viram, ficaram perplexos.
But meanwhile Peter continued knocking, and when they opened the gate and saw him, they were amazed.
17 M as ele, fazendo-lhes sinal para que se calassem, descreveu como o Senhor o havia tirado da prisão e disse: “Contem isso a Tiago e aos irmãos”. Então saiu e foi para outro lugar.
But motioning to them with his hand to keep quiet and listen, he related to them how the Lord had delivered him out of the prison. And he said, Report all this to James and to the brethren. Then he left and went to some other place.
18 D e manhã, não foi pequeno o alvoroço entre os soldados quanto ao que tinha acontecido a Pedro.
Now as soon as it was day, there was no small disturbance among the soldiers over what had become of Peter.
19 F azendo uma busca completa e não o encontrando, Herodes fez uma investigação entre os guardas e ordenou que fossem executados. A Morte de Herodes Depois Herodes foi da Judéia para Cesaréia e permaneceu ali durante algum tempo.
And when Herod had looked for him and could not find him, he placed the guards on trial and commanded that they should be led away. Then went down from Judea to Caesarea and stayed on there.
20 E le estava cheio de ira contra o povo de Tiro e Sidom; contudo, eles haviam se reunido e procuravam ter uma audiência com ele. Tendo conseguido o apoio de Blasto, homem de confiança do rei, pediram paz, porque dependiam das terras do rei para obter alimento.
Now cherished bitter animosity and hostility for the people of Tyre and Sidon; and came to him in a united body, and having made Blastus the king’s chamberlain their friend, they asked for peace, because their country was nourished by and depended on the king’s for food.
21 N o dia marcado, Herodes, vestindo seus trajes reais, sentou-se em seu trono e fez um discurso ao povo.
On an appointed day Herod arrayed himself in his royal robes, took his seat upon throne, and addressed an oration to them.
22 E les começaram a gritar: “É voz de deus, e não de homem”.
And the assembled people shouted, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man!
23 V isto que Herodes não glorificou a Deus, imediatamente um anjo do Senhor o feriu; e ele morreu comido por vermes.
And at once an angel of the Lord smote him and cut him down, because he did not give God the glory (the preeminence and kingly majesty that belong to Him as the supreme Ruler); and he was eaten by worms and died.
24 E ntretanto, a palavra de Deus continuava a crescer e a espalhar-se.
But the Word of the Lord continued to grow and spread.
25 T endo terminado sua missão, Barnabé e Saulo voltaram de Jerusalém, levando consigo João, também chamado Marcos.
And Barnabas and Saul came back from Jerusalem when they had completed their mission, bringing with them John whose surname was Mark.