Proverbios 19 ~ Proverbs 19


1 M ejor es el pobre que anda en su integridad que el de labios perversos y necio.

A poor man who walks with honor is better than a fool who is sinful in his speaking.

2 T ampoco es bueno para una persona carecer de conocimiento, y el que se apresura con los pies peca.

It is not good for a person to be without much learning, and he who hurries with his feet rushes into sin.

3 L a insensatez del hombre pervierte su camino, y su corazón se irrita contra el Señor.

The foolish acts of man make his way bad, and his heart is angry toward the Lord.

4 L a riqueza añade muchos amigos, pero el pobre es separado de su amigo.

Riches add many friends, but a poor man is separated from his friend.

5 E l testigo falso no quedará sin castigo, y el que cuenta mentiras no escapará.

A man who tells lies about someone will be punished. He who tells lies will not get away.

6 M uchos buscan el favor del generoso, y todo hombre es amigo del que da.

Many will ask for the favor of a man who gives much, and every man is a friend to him who gives gifts.

7 T odos los hermanos del pobre lo aborrecen, ¡cuánto más sus amigos se alejarán de él!; los persigue con palabras, pero ellos se han ido.

All the brothers of a poor man hate him. How much more do his friends go far from him! He runs to them with words, but they are gone.

8 E l que adquiere cordura ama su alma; el que guarda la prudencia hallará el bien.

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul. He who keeps understanding will find good.

9 E l testigo falso no quedará sin castigo, y el que cuenta mentiras perecerá.

A man who tells lies about someone will be punished. He who tells lies will be lost.

10 A l necio no le sienta la vida de lujo; mucho menos a un siervo gobernar a los príncipes.

It is not right for a fool to live in great comfort, and for sure, for a servant to rule over rulers.

11 L a discreción del hombre le hace lento para la ira, y su gloria es pasar por alto una ofensa.

A man’s understanding makes him slow to anger. It is to his honor to forgive and forget a wrong done to him.

12 C omo rugido de león es la ira del rey, y su favor como rocío sobre la hierba.

The king’s anger is like the noise of a lion, but his favor is like morning water upon the grass.

13 E l hijo necio es ruina de su padre, y gotera continua las contiendas de una esposa.

A foolish son destroys his father. The arguing of a wife is like water falling drop by drop all the time.

14 C asa y riqueza son herencia de los padres, pero la mujer prudente viene del Señor.

House and riches are handed down from fathers, but an understanding wife is from the Lord.

15 L a pereza hace caer en profundo sueño, y el alma ociosa sufrirá hambre.

Being lazy makes one go into a deep sleep, and a lazy man will suffer from being hungry.

16 E l que guarda el mandamiento guarda su alma, mas el que menosprecia sus caminos morirá.

He who keeps God’s Word keeps his soul, but he who is not careful of his ways will die.

17 E l que se apiada del pobre presta al Señor, y El lo recompensará por su buena obra.

He who shows kindness to a poor man gives to the Lord and He will pay him in return for his good act.

18 C orrige a tu hijo mientras hay esperanza, pero no desee tu alma causarle la muerte.

Punish your son if he needs it while there is hope, and do not worry about his crying.

19 E l hombre de gran ira llevará el castigo, porque si tú lo rescatas, tendrás que hacerlo de nuevo.

An angry man will suffer punishment. For if you save him from his trouble, you will only have to do it again.

20 E scucha el consejo y acepta la corrección, para que seas sabio el resto de tus días.

Listen to words about what you should do, and take your punishment if you need it, so that you may be wise the rest of your days.

21 M uchos son los planes en el corazón del hombre, mas el consejo del Señor permanecerá.

There are many plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s plan that will stand.

22 L o que es deseable en un hombre es su bondad, y es mejor ser pobre que mentiroso.

What is desired in a man is his kindness, and it is better to be a poor man than a liar.

23 E l temor del Señor conduce a la vida, para dormir satisfecho sin ser tocado por el mal.

The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will sleep well, and will not be touched by sin.

24 E l perezoso mete su mano en el plato, y ni aun a su boca la llevará.

The lazy man buries his hand in the dish, and will not even bring it to his mouth again.

25 G olpea al escarnecedor y el ingenuo se volverá astuto, pero reprende al inteligente y ganará conocimiento.

Hit a man who laughs at the truth, and the foolish may become wise. But speak strong words to one who has understanding, and he will get more learning.

26 E l que asalta a su padre y echa fuera a su madre es un hijo que trae vergüenza y desgracia.

He who hurts his father and puts his mother out of the house is a son who causes much shame.

27 C esa, hijo mío, de escuchar la instrucción, y te desviarás de las palabras de sabiduría.

My son, stop listening to teaching that will cause you to turn away from the words of much learning.

28 E l testigo perverso se burla de la justicia, y la boca de los impíos esparce iniquidad.

A man without worth who tells all he knows laughs at what is right and fair, and the mouth of the sinful spreads wrong-doing.

29 L os juicios están preparados para los escarnecedores, y los azotes para la espalda de los necios.

Ways of punishing are made ready for those who laugh at the truth, and beatings are for the back of fools.