Salmos 147 ~ Psalm 147


1 ¡ Aleluya! Porque bueno es cantar alabanzas a nuestro Dios, porque agradable y apropiada es la alabanza.

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God. For it is pleasing and praise is right.

2 E l Señor edifica a Jerusalén; congrega a los dispersos de Israel;

The Lord builds up Jerusalem. He gathers those of Israel who had been taken away.

3 s ana a los quebrantados de corazón, y venda sus heridas.

He heals those who have a broken heart. He heals their sorrows.

4 C uenta el número de las estrellas, y a todas ellas les pone nombre.

He knows the number of the stars. He gives names to all of them.

5 G rande es nuestro Señor, y muy poderoso; su entendimiento es infinito.

Great is our Lord, and great in power. His understanding has no end.

6 E l Señor sostiene al afligido y humilla a los impíos hasta la tierra.

The Lord lifts up those who are suffering, and He brings the sinful down to the ground.

7 C antad al Señor con acción de gracias; cantad alabanzas con la lira a nuestro Dios,

Sing to the Lord with thanks. Sing praises to our God on the harp.

8 e l que cubre de nubes los cielos, el que provee lluvia para la tierra, el que hace brotar la hierba en los montes.

He covers the heavens with clouds. He gives rain for the earth. He makes grass grow on the mountains.

9 E l da su alimento al ganado y a la cría de los cuervos cuando chillan.

He gives food to the animals, and to the young ravens that cry.

10 N o se deleita en la fuerza del caballo, ni se complace en las piernas ágiles del hombre.

His joy is not in the strength of a horse. He does not find joy in the legs of a man.

11 E l Señor favorece a los que le temen, a los que esperan en su misericordia.

But the Lord favors those who fear Him and those who wait for His loving-kindness.

12 ¡ Alaba al Señor, oh Jerusalén! ¡Alaba a tu Dios, oh Sion!

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion!

13 P orque ha reforzado los cerrojos de tus puertas; ha bendecido a tus hijos dentro de ti.

For He has made your gates strong. He has made good come to your children within you.

14 E l hace la paz en tus fronteras; te sacia con lo mejor del trigo.

He makes peace within your walls. He fills you with the best grain.

15 E nvía sus órdenes a la tierra; su palabra corre velozmente.

He sends His Word to the earth. And His Word runs fast.

16 M anda la nieve como lana; esparce la escarcha cual ceniza.

He gives snow like wool. He spreads ice like ashes.

17 A rroja su hielo como migas de pan; ¿Quién puede resistir ante su frío ?

He throws down His ice as hail stones. Who can stand before His cold?

18 E nvía su palabra y los derrite; hace soplar su viento y el agua corre.

He sends out His Word and melts them. He makes His wind blow and the waters flow.

19 D eclara su palabra a Jacob, y sus estatutos y sus ordenanzas a Israel.

He speaks His Word to Jacob, and His Law to Israel.

20 N o ha hecho así con ninguna otra nación; y en cuanto a sus ordenanzas, no las han conocido. ¡Aleluya!

He has not done this with any other nation. They do not know His Law. Praise the Lord!