1 ¶ Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all the earth.
Inta dhulka deggan oo dhammay, Rabbiga farxad ugu qayliya.
2 S erve the LORD with gladness; come before his presence with joy.
Rabbiga farxad ugu adeega, Oo hortiisa gabay la kaalaya.
3 K now ye that the LORD he is God; it is he that has made us and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Ogaada in Rabbigu Ilaah yahay, Waxaa ina sameeyey isaga, oo waxaynu nahay kuwiisii, Waxaynu nahay dadkiisii iyo idihii daaqsintiisa.
4 E nter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him and bless his name.
Irdihiisa mahadnaqid la gala, Barxadihiisana ammaan. Isaga u mahadnaqa, oo magiciisa ammaana.
5 F or the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endures to all generations.
Waayo, Rabbigu waa wanaagsan yahay, naxariistiisuna weligeed way sii waartaa, Aaminnimadiisuna tan iyo ka ab ka ab.