Ezekiel 18 ~ Yexesqeel 18


1 The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying,

Oo haddana Eraygii Rabbiga ayaa ii yimid isagoo leh,

2 W hat mean ye, that ye use this saying concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge?

Maxaad ula jeeddaan markaad maahmaahdan dalka reer binu Israa'iil ugu maahmaahdaan, idinkoo leh, Aabbayaashu waxay cuneen canab dhanaan, oo carruurta ilkahoodiina way saliilyoodeen?

3 A s I live, said the Lord GOD, ye shall never again have reason to use this saying in Israel.

Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Noloshaydaan ku dhaartaye inaydaan mar dambe maahmaahdan dalka reer binu Israa'iil kaga dhex maahmaahi doonin.

4 B ehold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine; the soul that sins, it shall die.

Bal eega, nafaha oo dhan anigaa iska leh, oo sida nafta aabbuhu ay taydii u tahay ayaa tan wiilkuna ay taydii u tahay, haddaba naftii dembaabtaa way dhiman doontaa.

5 B ut if a man is just and does judgment and righteousness,

Laakiinse haddii nin xaq yahay oo uu waxa xaqa ah oo qumman sameeyo,

6 t hat he does not eat upon the mountains, neither lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither defile his neighbour’s wife, neither come near to the menstruous woman,

oo uusan buuraha wax ku cunin, ama uusan indhihiisa sanamyada reer binu Israa'iil kor ugu taagin, ama uusan naagta deriskiisa nijaasayn, ama uusan naag xayl qabta u dhowaan,

7 n either oppress any, but restores to the debtor his pledge, does not commit robbery, gives his bread to the hungry, and covers the naked with a garment,

oo uusan cidna dulmin, laakiinse uu kii wax ka deyntay rahaamaddiisii u celiyey, oo uusan waxba xoog ku boobin, oo uu cuntadiisiina mid gaajaysan siiyey, oo uu kii qaawanna dhar huwiyey,

8 n either lends at interest, neither takes any increase, withdraws his hand from iniquity, executes true judgment between man and man,

ama uusan korsaar wax ku bixin, oo uusan ribo cidna ka qaadan, oo uu yahay mid gacantiisa xumaanta dib uga celiya, oo si caddaalad ah ugu garsooray nin iyo nin kale,

9 w alks in my statutes, and keeps my rights, to do according to the truth: he is just; he shall surely live, said the Lord GOD.

oo uu qaynuunnadayda ku socday, oo uu xukummadayda u xajiyey si uu wax qumman u sameeyo, kaasu waa xaq, oo hubaal wuu noolaan doonaa, ayaa Sayidka Rabbiga ahu leeyahay.

10 If he begets a son that is a robber, a shedder of blood, and that does the like of any one of these things,

Oo ninkaasu hadduu dhalo wiil tuug ah, oo gacankudhiigle ah, amase wax waxyaalahaas la mid ah sameeya,

11 a nd that does not do any of those duties, but, on the other hand, he does eat upon the mountains, or defiles his neighbour’s wife,

oo uusan waxyaalaha waajibka ku ah samayn, laakiinse uu buuraha wax ku cunay, oo uu naagtii deriskiisana nijaaseeyey,

12 o ppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery, does not restore the pledge, or lifts up his eyes to the idols, or makes an abomination,

oo uu miskiinka iyo saboolka baahan dulmay, oo uu xoog wax ku boobay, oo uusan cidna rahaamad u celin, oo uu indhihiisana sanamyada kor ugu taagay, oo uu wax karaahiya ah sameeyey,

13 g ives forth upon usury and takes increase, shall he then live? He shall not live; he has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.

oo uu korsaar wax ku bixiyey, oo uu cid kale ribo ka qaatay, kaasu miyuu noolaanayaa? Isagu noolaan maayo, waayo, waxyaalahaas karaahiyada ah oo dhan ayuu sameeyey, hubaal wuu dhiman doonaa, oo dhiiggiisuna isaguu dul saarnaan doonaa.

14 B ut if he begets a son that sees all his father’s sins which he has done and seeing them, does not do according to them,

Haddaba bal eeg, kaasu hadduu dhalo wiil dembigii aabbihiis sameeyey oo dhan arka, oo uu markaas cabsado, oo aan waxaas oo kale samayn,

15 t hat he does not eat upon the mountains, neither lifts up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, nor defiles his neighbour’s wife,

oo uusan buuraha wax ku cunin, ama uusan indhihiisa sanamyada reer binu Israa'iil kor ugu taagin, oo uusan naagta deriskiisa nijaasayn,

16 n either oppresses any, nor withholds the pledge, neither commits robbery, but gives his bread to the hungry, and covers the naked with a garment,

ama uusan cidnaba dulmin, oo uusan rahaamadda qaadan, oo uusan waxba xoog ku boobin, laakiinse uu cuntadiisa kii gaajaysan siiyey, oo kii qaawanna dhar huwiyey,

17 t akes off his hand from oppressing the poor, does not receive usury nor increase, acts according to my rights, and walks in my statutes; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father; he shall surely live.

oo uu gacantiisana masaakiinta dib uga celiyey, oo uusan korsaar amase ribo cidna ka qaadan, oo uu xukummadayda sameeyey, oo uu qaynuunnadayda ku socday, kaasu xumaantii aabbihiis sameeyey aawadeed uma dhiman doono, hubaalse wuu noolaan doonaa.

18 A s for his father, because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his brother by violence, and did that which is not good among his people, behold, even he shall die for his iniquity.

Laakiinse aabbihiis xumaantiisuu ku dhex dhiman doonaa, maxaa yeelay, isagu si nac weyn ayuu wax u dulmay, oo walaalkiisna xoog buu wax kaga boobay, oo dadkiisana wax aan wanaagsanayn buu ku dhex sameeyey.

19 Y et if ye say, Why does not the son bear the iniquity of the father? Because the son has lived according to judgment and righteousness and has kept all my statutes and has done them, he shall surely live.

Laakiinse idinku waxaad tidhaahdaan, Wiilku muxuu u qaadan waayaa xumaantii aabbihiis? Wiilku hadduu sameeyo waxa xaqa ah oo qumman, oo uu qaynuunnadayda oo dhan xajiyey, oo uu wada sameeyey, hubaal wuu noolaan doonaa.

20 T he soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him who is righteous, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him who is wicked.

Nafta dembaabtaa way dhiman doontaa. Wiilku ma uu qaadan doono xumaanta aabbaha, aabbuhuna ma uu qaadan doono xumaanta wiilka. Ka xaqa ah xaqnimadiisaa dul saarnaan doonta, oo ka sharka lehna sharnimadiisaa dul saarnaan doonta.

21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed and keep all my statutes and live according to judgment and righteousness, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Laakiinse ka sharka lihi hadduu dembiyadiisii uu sameeyey oo dhan ka soo noqdo, oo uu qaynuunnadayda oo dhan wada xajiyo, oo uu waxa xaqa ah oo qumman sameeyo, hubaal kaasu wuu noolaan doonaa, mana dhiman doono.

22 A ll his rebellions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him; by his righteousness that he has done he shall live.

Oo xadgudubyadiisii uu sameeyey oo dhan midna looma soo xusuusan doono. Wuxuu ku noolaan doonaa xaqnimadiisii uu sameeyey.

23 D o I desire perchance the death of the wicked? said the Lord GOD, Shall he not live if he should leave his ways?

Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu miyaan innaba sharrowga dhimashadiisa ku farxaa? Sowse kama aan jecli inuu jidkiisa ka soo noqdo oo uu noolaado?

24 B ut if the righteous should leave his righteousness and commit iniquity, and do according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned; by his rebellion in which he has trespassed and by his sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.

Laakiinse ka xaqa ahu hadduu xaqnimadiisa ka leexdo, oo uu xumaan sameeyo, oo uu wada sameeyo waxyaalaha karaahiyada ah ee uu sharrowgu sameeyo oo dhan, markaas miyuu sii noolaan doonaa? Waxyaalihii xaqa ahaa ee uu sameeyey oo dhan innaba lama soo xusuusan doono, oo wuxuu ku dhex dhiman doonaa xadgudubkiisii uu xadgudbay, iyo dembigiisii uu dembaabay.

25 A nd if ye say, The way of the Lord is not straight. Hear now, O house of Israel: Is my way not straight? Are not your ways crooked?

Laakiinse idinku waxaad tidhaahdaan, Sayidka jidkiisu ma qummana, haddaba reer binu Israa'iilow, bal i maqla. Sow jidkaygu ma qummana? Sow jidadkiinnu ma aha kuwa aan qummanaynu?

26 W hen a righteous man leaves his righteousness, and commits iniquity, he shall die in it; for his iniquity that he has done he shall die.

Marka ka xaqa ahu uu xaqnimadiisa ka leexdo, oo uu xumaan sameeyo, oo uu taas ku dhinto, wuxuu ku dhiman doonaa xumaantii uu sameeyey.

27 A gain, when the wicked man leaves his wickedness that he has committed and lives according to judgment and righteousness, he shall cause his soul to live.

Haddaba sharrowgu markuu sharnimadiisii uu sameeyey ka soo noqdo, oo uu waxa xaqa ah ee qumman sameeyo, markaasuu naftiisa badbaadin doonaa.

28 B ecause he saw and left all his rebellions that he has committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

Isagu wuu fiirsadaa, oo xadgudubyadiisii uu sameeyey oo dhan wuu ka soo noqdaa, oo sidaas aawadeed hubaal wuu noolaan doonaa, mana dhiman doono.

29 I f even now the house of Israel should say, The way of the Lord is not straight. O house of Israel, are not my ways straight? Certainly your ways are not straight.

Laakiinse reer binu Israa'iil waxay yidhaahdaan, Sayidka jidkiisu ma qummana. Reer binu Israa'iilow, sow jidadkaygu ma qummana? Sow jidadkiinnu ma aha kuwa aan qummanaynu?

30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, each one according to his ways, said the Lord GOD. Repent and turn yourselves from all your iniquities, so iniquity shall not be your ruin.

Sidaas daraaddeed Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Reer binu Israa'iilow, anigu midkiin kastaba waxaan u xukumi doonaa siday jidadkiisu ahaayeen. Haddaba soo noqda, oo xadgudubyadiinnii oo dhan ka soo noqda, si ayan xumaantu halligaaddiinnii u noqon.

31 C ast away from you all your iniquities by which ye have rebelled, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Xadgudubyadiinnii aad xadgudubteen oo dhan iska xoora, oo waxaad yeelataan qalbi cusub iyo ruux cusub, waayo, reer binu Israa'iilow, bal maxaad u dhimanaysaan?

32 F or I do not desire the death of him that dies, said the Lord GOD; therefore turn yourselves, and ye shall live.

Waayo, Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu innaba kii dhinta dhimashadiisa kuma farxo, haddaba soo noqda oo noolaada.