1 ¶ Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent unto me lest, if thou be silent unto me, I become like those that go down into the grave.
Rabbiyow, adigaan kuu qayshan doonaa, Dhagaxayga weynow, ha iska kay dhega tirin, Waaba intaas oo haddaad iga aamusto, Aan noqdaa sida kuwa yamayska hoos ugu dhaadhaca.
2 H ear the voice of my supplications when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward the oracle of thy holiness.
Maqal codka baryootankayga markaan kuu qayshado, Oo aan gacmahayga u soo taago xagga meeshaada quduuska ah.
3 D o not catch me away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbours, but evil is in their hearts.
Ha ila jiidin kuwa sharka leh, Iyo xumaanfalayaasha Oo deriskooda nabadda kula hadla, Laakiinse belaayadu qalbigooda ku jirto.
4 G ive them according to their deeds and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render unto them their desert.
Iyaga u abaalmari sida shuqulkoodu yahay, iyo sida ay xumaanta falimahoodu tahay, Iyaga u abaalmari sida shuqulka gacmahoodu yahay, Oo waxa ay galabsadaan sii.
5 B ecause they do not regard the works of the LORD nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them and not build them up.
Iyaga wuu dumin doonaa, mana uu dhisi doono mar dambe, Maxaa yeelay, kama ay fikirin Rabbiga shuqulladiisii Iyo hawshii gacmihiisa toona.
6 ¶ Blessed be the LORD because he has heard the voice of my supplications.
Mahad waxaa leh Rabbiga, Maxaa yeelay, codkii baryootankayguu maqlay.
7 T he LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices; and with my song I will praise him.
Rabbigu waa xooggayga iyo gaashaankayga, Qalbigaygu isaguu isku halleeyey, oo waa lay caawiyey, Sidaas daraaddeed qalbigaygu aad iyo aad buu u reyreeyey, Oo gabaygaygaan isaga ku ammaani doonaa.
8 T he LORD is the strength of his people, and he is the saving strength of his anointed.
Rabbigu wuxuu dadkiisa u yahay xoog, Oo kiisa subkanna wuxuu u yahay qalcad lagu badbaado.
9 S ave thy people and bless thine inheritance; feed them also and lift them up for ever.
Dadkaaga badbaadi, oo dhaxalkaagana barakee, Oo weliba quudi, oo weligaaba kor u hay.