1 Chronicles 26 ~ Taariikhdii Kowaad 26


1 Concerning the divisions of the porters, of the Korhites: Meshelemiah, the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph.

Oo kooxihii iridjoogayaashiina waa kuwan: reer Qorax waxaa laga doortay Meshelemyaah ina Qore oo ahaa reer Aasaaf.

2 T he sons of Meshelemiah: Zechariah, the firstborn, Jediael, the second, Zebadiah, the third, Jathniel, the fourth,

Oo Meshelemyaahna wuxuu lahaa wiilal, oo curadkiisii wuxuu ahaa Sekaryaah, kii labaadna Yediica'eel, kii saddexaadna Sebadyaah, kii afraadna Yatnii'eel,

3 E lam, the fifth, Jehohanan, the sixth, Elioenai, the seventh.

kii shanaadna Ceelaam, kii lixaadna Yehooxaanaan, kii toddobaadna Eliihooceenay.

4 T he sons of Obededom: Shemaiah, the firstborn, Jehozabad, the second, Joah, the third, and Sacar, the fourth, Nethaneel, the fifth,

Oo Cobeed Edoomna wuxuu lahaa wiilal, oo curadkiisii wuxuu ahaa Shemacyaah, kii labaadna Yehoosaabaad, kii saddexaadna Yoo'aax, kii afraadna Saakaar, kii shanaadna Netaneel,

5 A mmiel, the sixth, Issachar, the seventh, Peulthai, the eighth; for God had blessed him.

kii lixaadna Ammii'eel, kii toddobaadna Isaakaar, kii siddeedaadna Fecultay, waayo, Ilaah baa isaga barakeeyey.

6 A lso unto Shemaiah, his son, were sons born, that ruled throughout the house of their fathers, for they were mighty men of valour.

Oo weliba wiilkiisii Shemacyaahna wiilal baa u dhashay, oo iyagaa u talin jiray reerkii aabbahood, waayo, waxay ahaayeen rag xoog badan.

7 T he sons of Shemaiah: Othni, Rephael, Obed, Elzabad, and their brethren, strong men; likewise, Elihu and Semachiah.

Wiilashii Shemacyaahna waxay ahaayeen Cotnii, iyo Refa'eel, iyo Coobeed, iyo Elsaabaad, walaalahoodna oo ah Eliihuu iyo Semakiyaah waxay ahaayeen rag xoog badan.

8 A ll these of the sons of Obededom; they and their sons and their brethren, valiant men strong for the ministry, were sixty-two, of Obededom.

Oo kulli intaasoo dhammu waxay ahaayeen reer Cobeed Edoom, oo iyaga iyo wiilashoodii iyo walaalahoodba waxay ahaayeen rag xoog iyo karti adeegidda u leh, waxayna ahaayeen laba iyo lixdan nin oo reer Cobeed Edoom wada ah.

9 A nd Meshelemiah had sons and brethren, valiant men, eighteen.

Oo Meshelemyaahna wuxuu lahaa siddeed iyo toban nin oo ahaa rag xoog badan, waxayna wada ahaayeen wiilashiisii iyo walaalihiis.

10 O f Hosah, of the sons of Merari: Simri, the chief, (for though he was not the firstborn, yet his father made him the chief)

Oo weliba Xosaah oo ahaa reer Meraariina wuxuu lahaa wiilal, waxaana ugu weynaa Shimrii (waayo, in kastoo uusan curadkii ahayn haddana aabbihiis ayaa madax ka dhigay),

11 H ilkiah the second, Tebaliah, the third, Zechariah, the fourth; all the sons and brethren of Hosah were thirteen.

kii labaadna wuxuu ahaa Xilqiyaah, kii saddexaadna Tebalyaah, kii afraadna Sekaryaah. Oo Xosaah wiilashiisii iyo walaalihiis oo dhammu waxay ahaayeen saddex iyo toban.

12 A mong these were the divisions of the porters, even among the chief men, having wards one against another two by two, to minister in the house of the LORD.

Oo iridjoogayaasha kooxahooduna intaasay ka koobnaayeen, waxayna ahaayeen rag madax ah, oo sida walaalahood hawl madax ka ah inay guriga Rabbiga ka dhex adeegaan.

13 A nd they cast lots, the small as well as the great, according to the houses of their fathers, for each gate.

Oo iyana midkooda ugu yar iyo midka ugu weynba, sidii ay qolooyinkoodu kala ahaayeen ayay irid kasta saami ugu riteen.

14 A nd the lot of the east fell to Shelemiah. Then for Zechariah, his son, a wise counsellor, they cast lots; and his lot came out for the north.

Oo saamigii dhanka bari wuxuu u soo baxay Shelemyaah. Oo haddana waxay saami u rideen wiilkiisii Sekaryaah, oo ahaa lataliye xigmad badan, oo saamigiisiina wuxuu ku helay dhankii woqooyi.

15 T o Obededom towards the Negev; and to his sons the house of consultation.

Cobeed Edoomna waxaa u soo baxay dhankii koonfureed, oo wiilashiisiina waxaa u soo baxay guryihii wax lagu kaydin jiray.

16 T o Shuppim and Hosah to the west, with the gate Shallecheth, by the causeway of the going up, ward against ward.

Shufiim iyo Xosaahna waxaa u soo baxay dhankii galbeed oo u dhowaa iriddii Shalleked la odhan jiray, oo ku ag tiil jidka kor u baxa, oo waardiyeba waardiyaha kaluu ka soo hor jeeday.

17 T o the east six Levites, to the north four by day, to the Negev four by day, and toward the house of the consultation two by two.

Dhanka bari waxaa joogi jiray lix reer Laawi ah, dhanka woqooyina maalintiiba waxaa dhawri jiray afar nin, dhanka koonfureedna maalintiiba waxaa dhawri jiray afar nin, oo guryaha wax lagu kaydiyana waxaa dhawri jiray laba laba nin.

18 A t the chamber of the vessels to the west, four in the way and two in the chamber.

Oo Farbaar dhankeedii galbeed, oo u dhow jidkiina waxaa dhawri jiray afar, oo Farbaarna waxaa dhawri jiray laba.

19 T hese are the divisions of the porters among the sons of Kore and among the sons of Merari.

Intaasu waxay ahaayeen kooxihii iridjoogayaasha, oo waxayna ahaayeen reer Qorax iyo reer Meraarii. Khasnajiyada Iyo Madax Kale

20 And of the Levites, Ahijah was over the treasures of the house of God and over the treasures of the holy things.

Oo mid ka mid ahaa reer Laawi oo Axiiyaah ahaana wuxuu u talin jiray khasnadihii guriga Ilaah, iyo khasnadihii ay alaabta quduuska ahu tiil.

21 A s concerning the sons of Laadan; the sons of Gershon: of Laadan; chief fathers of Laadan were Gershon and Jehieli.

Kuwii reer Lacdaan ee reer Gershoon oo uu lahaa Lacdaan, oo ahaa madaxdii reerahooda oo uu lahaa Lacdaan oo ahaa reer Gershoon, waxay ahaayeen Yexii'eelii,

22 T he sons of Jehieli: Zetham and Joel, his brother, who were over the treasures of the house of the LORD.

iyo wiilashii Yexii'eelii oo ahaa Seetaam, iyo Yoo'eel oo walaalkiis ahaa, waxayna u talin jireen khasnadihii guriga Rabbiga.

23 O f the Amramites, and the Izharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites,

Oo waxaana jiray reer Camraam, iyo reer Isehaar, iyo reer Xebroon, iyo reer Cusii'eel.

24 S hebuel, the son of Gershon, the son of Moses, was ruler of the treasures.

Oo Shebuu'eel oo ahaa ina Gershoom, oo ahaa reer Muusena wuxuu ahaa taliye xukuma khasnadihii.

25 A nd his brother Eliezer, Rehabiah, his son, Jeshaiah, his son, Joram, his son, Zichri, his son, and Shelomith, his son.

Waxaana la jiray walaalihiis ahaa reer Eliiceser, kuwaasoo ahaa wiilkiisii Rexabyaah, iyo isagii wiilkiisii Yeshacyaah, iyo isagii wiilkiisii Yooraam, iyo isagii wiilkiisii Sikrii, iyo isagii wiilkiisii Shelomood.

26 T his Shelomith and his brethren were over all the treasures of the holy things, which David, the king, and the chief fathers, the captains over thousands and hundreds, and the princes of the host had dedicated.

Oo kuwan oo ah Shelomood iyo walaalihiis waxay u talin jireen khasnadihii alaabta quduuska ah, kuwaasoo ay quduus ka dhigeen Boqor Daa'uud, iyo madaxdii qolooyinka, iyo kuwii kun kun u taliyey iyo kuwii boqol boqol u taliyey, iyo saraakiishii ciidanku.

27 T hat which out of the spoils won in battles they had dedicated to maintain the house of the LORD.

Maalkii boolida ahaa oo dagaalka lagu soo dhacay waxay quduus uga dhigeen si loogu cusboonaysiiyo gurigii Rabbiga.

28 L ikewise, all that Samuel, the seer, and Saul, the son of Kish, and Abner, the son of Ner, and Joab, the son of Zeruiah, and all that anyone had dedicated; it was under the hand of Shelomith and of his brethren.

Oo kulli waxyaalihii ay quduus ka dhigeen Samuu'eel oo wax arke ahaa, iyo Saa'uul ina Qiish, iyo Abneer ina Neer, iyo Yoo'aab oo ay Seruuyaah dhashay, iyo wax alla wixii quduus laga dhigay oo dhammu waxay ku jireen gacantii Shelomood iyo tii walaalihiis.

29 Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his sons were governors and judges over Israel.

Oo Kenanyaah iyo wiilashiisii oo ahaa reer Isehaarna waxay saraakiil iyo xaakinno u ahaayeen hawlaha dibadda oo reer binu Israa'iil.

30 O f the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brethren, men of valour, a thousand seven hundred, presided over Israel on the other side of the Jordan westward in all the work of the LORD and in the service of the king.

Oo Xashabyaah iyo walaalihiis oo ahaa reer Xebroon, oo weliba ahaa rag xoog badan, oo tiradoodu ahayd kun iyo toddoba boqol oo nin, waxay u talin jireen reer binu Israa'iilkii dhanka galbeed oo Webi Urdun ka shisheeyey, iyo shuqulkii Rabbiga oo dhan, iyo adeegiddii boqorkaba.

31 O f the Hebronites was Jerijah, the chief among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Gilead.

Oo reer Xebroonna Yeriyaah madax buu ahaa, intaasu waa reer Xebroon sidii dadka reerahoodu u kala dhasheen. Oo waxaa iyaga la doondoonay sannaddii afartanaad oo boqortooyadii Daa'uud, oo waxaa iyaga dhexdoodii laga helay rag xoog badan oo jooga Yacser tii reer Gilecaad.

32 A nd his brethren, men of valour, were two thousand seven hundred chief fathers, whom King David made rulers over the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, for every matter pertaining to God and affairs of the king.

Oo walaalihiis oo ahaa rag xoog badanuna waxay ahaayeen laba kun iyo toddoba boqol oo nin, oo ah madaxdii qolooyinka kuwaasoo boqor Daa'uud uu ka dhigay inay taliyayaal ugu ahaadaan reer Ruubeen, iyo reer Gaad, iyo qabiilkii reer Manaseh badhkiis, xagga wax kasta oo xag Ilaah ku saabsan, iyo xagga danaha boqorkaba.