Isaiah 41 ~ Ishacyaah 41


1 Listen unto me, O islands; and let the peoples strengthen themselves; let them come near; then let them speak; let us come near together to judgment.

Gasiiradahow, hortayda ku aamusa, oo dadkuna xooggooda ha cusboonaysiisteen, ha soo dhowaadeen, oo ha hadleen. Aynu dhammaanteen garsoorid u soo wada dhowaanno.

2 W ho raised up righteousness from the east, called him that he might follow him, gave the Gentiles before him, and made him rule over kings? He gave them as the dust to his sword and as driven stubble to his bow.

Waa kuma kan mid xagga bari ka soo kiciyey, oo isaga xaqnimo ugu yeedhay inuu raaco? Quruumaha hortiisuu ku siiyaa, oo isaga ka dhigaa inuu boqorro u taliyo. Iyaga wuxuu seeftiisa kaga dhigaa sida boodh oo kale, oo qaansadiisana wuxuu kaga dhigaa sida xaab bidaya oo kale.

3 H e pursued them and passed in peace by the way that his feet had never entered.

Isagu wuu eryadaa iyaga, oo ammaan buu ku dhaafaa jid uusan mar hore marin.

4 W ho has wrought and done it? Who calls the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and I, myself am with those who are last.

Yaa waxan sameeyey oo sidan yeelay isagoo facaca bilowgii uga yeedhaya? Anigoo Rabbiga ah, oo ah Kan ugu horreeya iyo Kan kuwa dambe la jira, isagaan ahay.

5 T he isles saw it and feared; the ends of the earth were afraid; they congregated and came.

Gasiiradahu way arkeen, wayna cabsadeen, oo dhulka darafyadiisuna way gariireen, wayna soo dhowaadeen oo yimaadeen.

6 E ach one helped his neighbour; and each one said to his brother, Be of good courage.

Midkood waluba wuxuu caawiyey deriskiisii, oo midkood waluba wuxuu walaalkiis ku yidhi, Dhiirranow.

7 S o the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smooths with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is well joined and he strengthened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

Markaasuu nijaarkii dahabtumihii dhiirrigeliyey, oo kii dubbaha wax ku simi jirayna birtumihii buu dhiirrigeliyey, isagoo leh, Laxaamaddu way wanaagsan tahay. Markaasuu masaamiir ku sii adkeeyey si ayan u dhaqdhaqaaqin.

8 B ut thou, Israel, my slave, Jacob whom I have chosen, art the seed of Abraham my friend.

Laakiinse reer binu Israa'iilow, waxaad tihiin addoommadayda, reer Yacquubkii aan doortayow, farcankii saaxiibkay Ibraahimow,

9 F or I have taken thee from the ends of the earth and called thee from the boundaries thereof and said unto thee Thou shalt be my slave; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.

waxaan idinka soo kaxaystay dhulka darafyadiisa, oo geesihiisa waan idiinka yeedhay, oo waxaan idinku idhi, Waxaad tihiin addoommadayda, waanan idin doortay, idinmana xoorin.

10 Do not fear for I am with thee; do not be dismayed, for I am thy God, who strengthens thee; I will help thee always; I will always uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Ha cabsanina, waayo, waan idinla jiraa, ha nixina, maxaa yeelay, Ilaahiinna baan ahay, waan idin xoogayn doonaa, waanan idin caawin doonaa, oo waxaan idinku tiirin doonaa midigtayda xaqa ah.

11 B ehold, all those that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded; they shall be as nothing; and those that strive with thee shall perish.

Bal eega, kuwa idinku cadhaysan oo dhammu way wada ceeboobi doonaan, wayna sharafjabi doonaan, oo kuwa idinla dirirayaana waxay noqon doonaan sida wax aan jirin, wayna wada halligmi doonaan.

12 T hou shalt seek them and shalt not find them, even those that contended with thee; those that war against thee shall be as nothing and as a thing of nought.

Waad doondooni doontaan, mana aad heli doontaan, xataa kuwa idinla diriraya, kuwa idinla dagaallamayaana waxay noqon doonaan sida wax aan jirin oo kale, iyo sida wax baabbah ah.

13 F or I am the LORD thy God that holds thy right hand saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Waayo, anigoo ah Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah ayaa gacanta midig idinku qaban doona anoo idinku leh, Ha cabsanina, anigaa idin caawin doone.

14 F ear not, thou worm Jacob, ye dead of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Dixiriga reer Yacquub ahow, ha cabsan, dadkiinnan reer binu Israa'iilow, waan idin caawin doonaa, ayuu leeyahay Rabbiga Bixiyihiinna ah oo ah Kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil.

15 B ehold, I have placed thee as a threshing instrument, as a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth; thou shalt thresh the mountains and beat them small and shalt make the hills as chaff.

Bal eega, waxaan idinka dhigi doonaa alaab cusub oo af badan oo ilka leh oo wax lagu tumo, oo waxaad tumi doontaan buuraha, waanad daqiijin doontaan, oo kurahana waxaad ka dhigi doontaa sida buunshe oo kale.

16 T hou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them; but thou shalt rejoice in the LORD, thou shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel.

Waad haadin doontaan, oo dabayshaa kaxaysan doonta, cirwareentuna way kala firdhin doontaa, oo waxaad ku rayrayn doontaan Rabbiga, waanad ku faani doontaan kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil.

17 T he poor and needy seek the waters that are not; their tongue fails for thirst; I the LORD will hear them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them.

Masaakiinta iyo saboolka baahanuba biyay doondoonaan, mana jiraan, carrabkoodiina oon buu la engegay, anigoo Rabbiga ah ayaa u jawaabi doona, anigoo ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil ma dayrin doono.

18 I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the plains; I will turn the wilderness into pools of water and the dry land into springs of water.

Meelaha sarsare ayaan webiyo ka furi doonaa, ilona dhooxooyinka dhexdood ayaan ka soo dayn doonaa. Oo cidladana waxaan ka dhigi doonaa balli biya ah, dhulka engeganna durdurro biya ah.

19 I will bring forth in the wilderness cedars, thorns, myrtles, and olive trees; I will set in the desert the fir tree and the pine and the box tree together:

Waxaan cidlada ku soo beeri doonaa geedaha la yidhaahdo kedar, iyo qudhac, iyo hadaas, iyo geedsaliid, oo lamadegaankana waxaan ka soo bixin doonaa geedaha ah beroosh, iyo tidhaar, iyo te'ashuur,

20 T hat they may see and know and take warning and understand together that the hand of the LORD does this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.

in la arko, oo la ogaado, oo laga fiirsado, oo dhammaan la wada garto in gacanta Rabbigu ay waxaas samaysay, iyo in kan Quduuska ah oo reer binu Israa'iil uu waxaas uumay.

21 Explain your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your foundations, saith the King of Jacob.

Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Dacwadiinna keena. Boqorka reer Yacquub wuxuu leeyahay, Sababihiinna adag soo saara.

22 L et them bring forth and declare unto us what shall happen; tell us what has happened from the beginning, and we shall consider it in our hearts; and we shall know what his end shall be, and cause us to understand that which is to come.

Iyagu ha soo saareen, oo waxa dhici doona ha noo sheegeen. Waxyaalihii jiri jiray iyo waxay yihiin noo sheega, si aannu uga fiirsanno, oo aannu u ogaanno waxay ugudambaystoodu noqon doonto, amase waxyaalaha iman doona na tusa.

23 G ive us news of that which is to come hereafter that we may know that ye are gods; or at least do good or do evil that we may have something to tell, and together we shall marvel.

Waxyaalaha hadda dabadeed iman doona noo sheega si aannu u ogaanno inaad idinku ilaahyo tihiin. Bal wanaag ama shar sameeya, si aannu u naxno, oo aannu dhammaantayo u wada fiirinno.

24 B ehold, ye are of nothing and your works of vanity; an abomination is he that chooses you.

Bal eega, idinku waxaad tihiin sida waxaan jirin oo kale, oo shuqulkiinnuna waa baabba', oo kii idin doortaana waa karaahiyo.

25 I have raised up one from the north, and he came from the rising of the sun; he called in my name and came unto princes as upon clay and as the potter treads clay.

Mid baan xagga woqooyi ka soo kiciyey, wuuna yimid, kaasoo tan iyo marka qorraxdu soo baxdo magacayga ku baryootama, oo wuxuu amiirro ugu dul tuman doonaa sida dhoobada malaasta ah loogu tunto oo kale, iyo sida dheryasameeyuhu dhoobada ugu tunto oo kale.

26 W ho has declared from the beginning, that we shall know? and beforetime that we shall say, He is righteous? yea, there is no one that declares this, yea, there is no one that teaches, yea, there is no one that hears your words.

Kumaase waa hore sii sheegay, si aannu u nidhaahno, Waa runtiis? Hubaal mid wax sheega ma jiro, oo mid wax tusa ma jiro, oo mid erayadiinna maqla ma jiro.

27 I am the first that has taught these things unto Zion, and unto Jerusalem I brought the news.

Anaa ah Kan ugu horreeya oo Siyoon ku yidhi, Bal eega, bal eega iyaga, oo waxaan Yeruusaalem siin doonaa mid war wanaagsan u keena.

28 F or I beheld, and there was no one; and I asked regarding these things, and there was no counsellor; I asked them, and they did not answer a word.

Oo markaan eego, ninna ma jiro, oo markaan wax weyddiiyana taliye eray iigu jawaabi kara dhexdooda laguma arag.

29 B ehold, they are all vanity; their works are nothing: their molten images are wind and confusion.

Bal eega, kulligood shuqulladoodu waa wax aan waxba ahayn, waana baabba' oo sanamyadooda la shubayna waa dabayl iyo wax aan micne lahayn.