1 A wise son heeds his father’s instruction and correction, but a scoffer listens not to rebuke.
الابنُ الحَكِيمُ يَستَمِعُ إلَى تَعلِيمِ أبِيهِ، أمّا المُسْتَهْزئُ فَلا يَستَمِعُ إلَى التَّأدِيبِ.
2 A good man eats good from the fruit of his mouth, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence.
مِنْ ثَمَرِ كَلامِهِ يَأكُلُ الإنسانُ ما هُوَ صالِحٌ، وَالغادِرُونَ يَشتَهُونَ العُنفَ وَالظُّلْمَ.
3 H e who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.
مَنْ يَحرِصْ عَلَى كَلامِهِ يَحرِصْ عَلَى حَياتِهِ، وَالَّذِي يَتَكَلَّمُ كَثِيراً يُدَمَّرُ.
4 T he appetite of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.
الكَسْلانُ يَشتَهِي وَلَكِنَّهُ لا يَحصُلُ عَلَى شَيءٍ، أمّا المُجتَهِدُ فَيَحصُلُ عَلَى مُبتَغاهُ.
5 A righteous man hates lying and deceit, but a wicked man is loathsome and he comes to shame.
البارُّ يَكرَهُ الكَذِبَ، أمّا الشِّرِّيرُ فَيَتَصَرَّفُ بِطَرِيقَةٍ مُخزِيَةٍ.
6 R ighteousness (rightness and justice in every area and relation) guards him who is upright in the way, but wickedness plunges into sin and overthrows the sinner.
البِرُّ يَحرُسُ الإنسانَ الَّذِي يَحيا بِصِدقٍ وَاسْتِقامةٍ، وَالشَّرُّ يُسقِطُ الخاطِئَ.
7 O ne man considers himself rich, yet has nothing; another man considers himself poor, yet has great riches.
يُوجَدُ إنسانٌ يَتَظاهَرُ بِالغِنَى وَهُوَ لا يَملِكُ شَيئاً، وَآخَرُ يَتَظاهَرُ بِالفَقرِ، مَعَ أنَّهُ يَملِكُ ثَروَةً عَظِيمَةً.
8 A rich man can buy his way out of threatened death by paying a ransom, but the poor man does not even have to listen to threats.
ثَروَةُ الإنسانِ فِديَةٌ لِحَياتِهِ، أمّا الفَقِيرُ فَلا يَسْمَعُ التَّهدِيدَ.
9 T he light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out shortly.
يَسْطَعُ نُورُ الأبرارِ، أمّا الأشرارُ فَيَنطَفِئُ مِصباحُهُمْ.
10 B y pride and insolence comes only contention, but with the well-advised is skillful and godly Wisdom.
الكِبرِياءُ تُؤَدِّي إلَى الخِلافِ، أمّا الحِكْمَةُ فَمَعِ الَّذِينَ يأخُذُونَ بِالنَّصِيحَةِ.
11 W ealth won in haste or unjustly or from the production of things for vain or detrimental use will dwindle away, but he who gathers little by little will increase.
الغِنَى الَّذِي يَأتِي بِالغِشِّ وَالأساليبِ البَطّالةِ سَيَتَناقَصُ، أمّا الَّذِي يَجمَعُ الثَّروَةَ بِتَعَبِهِ فيَسْتَغْنِيَ.
12 H ope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.
الرَّغبَةُ المُؤَجَّلَةُ تُسَبِّبُ المَرَضَ لِلقَلبِ، وَالأُمنِيَةُ المُتَحَقِّقَةُ تُعطِي حَياةً.
13 W hoever despises the word and counsel brings destruction upon himself, but he who fears and respects the commandment is rewarded.
مَنْ يَرفُضِ التَّعلِيمَ يُعَرِّضْ نَفْسَهُ للخَرابِ، وَمَنْ يَلتَزِمْ بِالوَصِيَّةِ يُكافَأْ.
14 T he teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may avoid the snares of death.
تَعلِيمُ الحَكِيمِ يُنبُوعُ حَياةٍ حَتَّى يَبتَعِدَ الإنسانُ عَنْ فِخاخِ المَوتِ.
15 G ood understanding wins favor, but the way of the transgressor is hard.
التَّفكَيرُ الصّالِحُ وَالسَّليمُ يُعطِي نِعْمَةً، أمّا طَرِيقُ الغادِرِينَ فَصَعْبٌ.
16 E very prudent man deals with knowledge, but a fool exposes and flaunts his folly.
يَسلُكُ النَّبِيهُ وَفْقَ مَعرِفَتِهِ، أمّا الأحْمَقُ فَيَكَشِفُ غَباءَهُ.
17 A wicked messenger falls into evil, but a faithful ambassador brings healing.
المَبعُوثُ الشِّرِّيرُ يُسَبِّبُ المَشاكِلَ، أمّا الرَّسُولُ الأمِينُ فَيُعطِي شِفاءً.
18 P overty and shame come to him who refuses instruction and correction, but he who heeds reproof is honored.
مَنْ يَتَجاهَلِ التَّعلِيمَ سَيُصِيبُهُ الفَقرُ وَالذُّلُّ، أمّا مَنْ يَقبَلِ التَّوبِيخَ فَسَيُكَرَّمُ.
19 S atisfied desire is sweet to a person; therefore it is hateful and exceedingly offensive to fools to give up evil.
الرَّغبَةُ المُجابَةُ تُفرِحُ النَّفسَ، أمّا الأغبِياءَ فَيَكرَهُونَ الابتِعادَ عَنِ الشَّرِّ.
20 H e who walks with wise men is wise, but he who associates with fools is shall smart for it.
مَنْ يُصادِقِ الحَكِيمَ يَصبِحْ حَكِيماً، وَمَنْ يُرافِقُ الأغبِياءَ فَسَيُعانِي.
21 E vil pursues sinners, but the consistently upright and in right standing with God is recompensed with good.
الضِّيقُ يُلاحِقُ الخُطاةَ، أمّا الأبْرارُ فَمُكافَأَتُهُمُ الخَيرُ.
22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner into the hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up.
الرَّجُلُ الصّالِحُ يَترُكُ مِيراثاً لأحفادِهِ، وَغِنَى الأشرارِ يَأخُذُهُ الأبرارُ.
23 M uch food is in the tilled land of the poor, but there are those who are destroyed because of injustice.
أرْضُ الفَقِيرِ المَحرُوثَةُ قَدْ تُنتِجُ غَلَّةً، وَلَكِنَّ الظُّلْمَ يَسلُبُها.
24 H e who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines diligently and punishes him early.
مَنْ يَمنَعُ عَصا التَّأدِيبِ عِنْ ابْنِهِ فَإنَّهُ يَكرَهُهُ، وَمَنْ يُحِبُّ ابْنَهُ يَسْعَى إلَى تأديبِهِ.
25 T he righteous eats to his own satisfaction, but the stomach of the wicked is in want.
البارُّ يَأكُلُ حَتَّى يَشبَعُ، أمّا بَطنُ الشِّرِّيرِ فَيَبقَى فارِغاً.