1 W oe to the bloody city! It is full of lies and booty and no end to the plunder!
وَيلٌ لَكِ يا مَدِينَةَ القَتَلَةِ، المَلِيئِةَ بِالكَذِبِ، المَلِيئِةِ بِالغَنائِمِ، الَّتِي لا تَخلُو مِنَ الفَرائِسِ.
2 T he cracking of the whip, the noise of the rattling of wheels, and prancing horses and chariots rumbling and bounding,
صَوتُ ضَرباتِ سَوطٍ، وَضَجِيجُ دَوالِيبَ، وَصَوتُ خُيُولٍ تَجرِي وَمَركَباتٍ تَتَقافَزُ.
3 H orsemen mounting and charging, the flashing sword, the gleaming spear, a multitude of slain and a great number of corpses, no end of corpses! stumble over the corpses!
الجَيادُ مُندَفِعَةٌ، وَالسَّيفُ يَلمَعُ، الرُّمحُ يُبرِقُ. أكوامٌ مِنَ القُتلَى، أكداسٌ مِنَ الجُثَثِ بِلا حُدُودٍ. إنَّهُمْ يَتَعَثَّرونَ بِالجُثَثِ!
4 A ll because of the multitude of the harlotries, the well-favored harlot, the mistress of deadly charms who betrays and sells nations through her whoredoms and peoples through her enchantments.
بِسَبَبِ الزِّنَى الكَثِيرِ لِلزّانِيَةِ، السّاحِرَةِ الجَمِيلَةِ الفاتِنَةِ، الَّتِي تَستَعبِدُ أُمَماً كامِلَةً بِطُرُقِها الخادِعَةِ، وَعَشائِرَ كامِلَةً بِأسحارِها،
5 B ehold, I am against you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will lift up your skirts over your face, and I will let the nations look on your nakedness and the kingdoms on your shame.
فَإنَّ اللهَ القَدِيرَ يَقُولُ: «أنا ضِدُّكِ، وَسَأرفَعُ أطرافَ ثَوبِكِ إلَى وَجهِكِ، وَسَأُرِي الأُمَمَ جَسَدَكِ عارِياً، وَأُرِي المَمالِكَ خِزْيَكِ.
6 I will cast abominable things at you and make you filthy, treat you with contempt, and make you a gazingstock.
سَأرميكِ بِالنِّفاياتِ، وَسَأُعامِلُكِ بِاحتِقارٍ، وَسَأُشَهِّرُ بِكِ أمامَ الجَمِيعِ.
7 A nd all who look on you will shrink and flee from you and say, Nineveh is laid waste; who will pity and bemoan her? Where shall I seek comforters for you?
حَينَئِذٍ سَيَهرُبُ مِنكِ كُلُّ مَنْ يَراكِ، وَسَيَقُولُ الجَمِيعُ: ‹نِينَوَى خَرِبَةٌ، فَمَنْ سَيَحزَنُ عَلَيها؟› لَنْ يَكُونَ هُناكَ مَنْ يُشفِقُ عَلَيكِ.»
8 A re you better than No-amon, that dwelt by the rivers or canals, that had the waters round about her, whose rampart was a sea and water her wall?
هَلْ أنتِ أفضَلُ مِنْ طِيبَةَ القائِمَةِ بَينَ جَداوِلِ نَهْرِالنِّيلِ، المُحاطَةِ بِالماءِ؟ قَدْ كانَ البَحْرُ لَها حِصْناً، وَالماءُ سُوراً مِنْ حَولِها.
9 E thiopia and Egypt were her strength, and that without limit. Put and the Libyans were her helpers.
كُوشُ وَمِصْرُ أعطَياها قُوَّةً عَظِيمَةً. كانَتِ فُوطُ وَلِيبيا مِنْ حُلَفائِها وَداعِمِيها.
10 Y et she was carried away; she went into captivity. Her young children also were dashed in pieces at all the street corners; lots were cast for her nobles, and all her great men were bound with chains.
وَمَعَ هَذا نُفِيَتْ وَسُبِيَتْ. حَتَّى أطفالُها حُطِّمُوا فِي زاوِيَةِ كُلِّ شارِعٍ. اُلقِيَتِ القُرعَةُ عَلَى أشرافِها، وَكُلُّ وُجَهائِها قُيِّدُوا بِالسَّلاسِلِ.
11 Y ou will be drunk; you will be dazed. You will seek and require a refuge because of the enemy.
حَتَّى أنتِ سَتُصبِحِينَ كَسَكرَى، وَسَتُحاوِلِينَ الاختِباءَ. حَتَّى أنتِ سَتَبحَثِينَ عَنْ مَلاذٍ مِنَ العَدُوِّ.
12 A ll your fortresses are fig trees with early figs; if they are shaken they will fall into the mouth of the eater.
سَتَكُونُ كُلُّ حُصُونِكِ كَأشجارِ تِينٍ مُحَمَّلَةٍ بِأفضَلِ ثِمارٍ، إنْ هُزَّتْ يَتَساقَطُ ثَمَرُها فِي فَمِ الآكِلِ.
13 B ehold, your troops in the midst of you are women; the gates of your land are set wide open to your enemies; fire consumes your bars.
يا نِينَوَى، سَيَبدُو شَعبُكِ فِيكِ كَالنِّساءِ! أبوابُ أرْضِكِ مَفتُوحَةٌ تَماماً لِأعدائِكِ. النّارُ التَهَمَتْ أقفالَها.
14 D raw for yourself the water for a siege, make strong your fortresses! Go down into the clay pits and trample the mortar; make ready the brickkiln!
اجمَعِي ماءً مِنْ أجلِ أيّامِ الحِصارِ. قَوِّي تَحصِيناتِكِ. أجبِلِي الطِّينَ وَالرَّملَ، وَجَهِّزِي قَوالِبَ اللِّبْنِ.
15 t here will the fire devour you; the sword will cut you off; it will destroy you as the locusts. Multiply yourselves like the licking locusts; make yourselves many like the swarming locusts!
سَتَلتَهِمُكِ النّارُ، وَسَيَقطَعُكِ السَّيفُ. سَتَأكُلُكِ النّارُ كَالجَرادِ. تَكاثَرِي كَالجَرادِ، وَازدادَي كَالجَنادِبِ!
16 Y ou increased your merchants more than the stars of the heavens. The swarming locust spreads itself and destroys, and then flies away.
كَثِّرِي تُجّارَكِ كَنُجُومِ السَّماءِ. إنَّهُمْ كَالجَرادِ الّذي يَلْتَهِمُ كُلَّ ما هُوَ أمامَهُ، وَبَعْدَ ذَلِكَ يَطِيرُ.
17 Y our princes are like the grasshoppers and your marshals like the swarms of locusts which encamp in the hedges on a cold day—but when the sun rises, they fly away, and no one knows where they are.
حُرّاسُكِ كَالجَرادِ، وقادتُكِ كَأسْرابِ الجرادِ الَّتِي تَسكُنُ فِي الجُدرانِ فِي يَومٍ بارِدٍ. لَكِنْ حِينَ تُشْرِقُ الشَّمسُ، فَإنَّها تَطِيرُ، وَلا يَعرِفُ أحَدٌ إلَى أينَ تَذْهَبُ.
18 Y our shepherds are asleep, O king of Assyria; your nobles are lying still. Your people are scattered on the mountains and there is no one to gather them.
يا مَلِكَ أشُّورَ، رُعاتُكَ نَعِسُوا وَنامُوا! قادَتُكَ استَلْقُوا لِقَضاءِ اللَّيلِ. شَعبُكَ مُشَتَّتٌ عَلَى التِّلالِ، وَلَيسَ مَنْ يَجمَعُهُ.
19 T here is no healing of your hurt; your wound is grievous. All who hear the news about you clap their hands over you. For upon whom has not your evil come continually?
لَيسَ عِلاجٌ لِكَسرِكَ، وَجُرحُكَ لا شِفاءَ لَهُ. كُلُّ الَّذينَ يَسمَعُونَ هَذا الخَبَرَ عَنْكَ، سَيُصَفِّقُونَ بِأيدِيهِمْ فَرَحاً. لِأنَّهُ مَنْ لَمْ يُعانِ مِنْ شُرُورِكِ المُتَواصِلَةِ؟