1 P orque la ley, teniendo la sombra de los bienes venideros, no la imagen misma de las cosas, nunca puede, por los mismos sacrificios que se ofrecen continuamente cada año, hacer perfectos a los que se acercan.
The Law is like a picture of the good things to come. The Jewish religious leaders gave gifts on the altar in worship to God all the time year after year. Those gifts could not make the people who came to worship perfect.
2 D e otra manera cesarían de ofrecerse, pues los que tributan este culto, limpios una vez, no tendrían ya más conciencia de pecado.
If those gifts given to God could take away sins, the people who came to worship would no longer feel guilty of sin. They would have given no more gifts.
3 P ero en estos sacrificios cada año se hace memoria de los pecados;
When they gave the gifts year after year, it made them remember that they still had their sins.
4 p orque la sangre de los toros y de los machos cabríos no puede quitar los pecados.
The blood of animals cannot take away the sins of men. In The New Way of Worship One Gift Was Given
5 P or lo cual, entrando en el mundo dice: Sacrificio y ofrenda no quisiste; Mas me preparaste cuerpo.
When Christ came to the world, He said to God, “You do not want animals killed or gifts given in worship. You have made My body ready to give as a gift.
6 H olocaustos y expiaciones por el pecado no te agradaron.
You are not pleased with animals that have been killed or burned and given as gifts on the altar to take away sin.
7 E ntonces dije: He aquí que vengo, oh Dios, para hacer tu voluntad, Como en el rollo del libro está escrito de mí. m
Then I said, ‘I have come to do what You want, O God. It is written in the Law that I would.’”
8 D iciendo primero: Sacrificio y ofrenda y holocaustos y expiaciones por el pecado no quisiste, ni te agradaron (las cuales cosas se ofrecen según la ley),
Then Christ said, “You do not want animals killed or gifts given in worship to you for sin. You are not pleased with them.” These things are done because the Law says they should be done.
9 y diciendo luego: He aquí que vengo, oh Dios, para hacer tu voluntad; quita lo primero, para establecer esto último.
Then He said, “I have come to do what You want Me to do.” And this is what He did when He died on a cross. God did away with the Old Way of Worship and made a New Way of Worship.
10 E n esa voluntad somos santificados mediante la ofrenda del cuerpo de Jesucristo hecha una vez para siempre.
Our sins are washed away and we are made clean because Christ gave His own body as a gift to God. He did this once for all time.
11 Y ciertamente todo sacerdote está día tras día ministrando y ofreciendo muchas veces los mismos sacrificios, que nunca pueden quitar los pecados;
All Jewish religious leaders stand every day killing animals and giving gifts on the altar. They give the same gifts over and over again. These gifts cannot take away sins.
12 p ero Cristo, habiendo ofrecido una vez para siempre un solo sacrificio por los pecados, se ha sentado a la diestra de Dios,
But Christ gave Himself once for sins and that is good forever. After that He sat down at the right side of God.
13 d e ahí en adelante esperando hasta que sus enemigos sean puestos por estrado de sus pies;
He is waiting there for God to make of those who have hated Him a place to rest His feet.
14 p orque con una sola ofrenda hizo perfectos para siempre a los santificados.
And by one gift He has made perfect forever all those who are being set apart for God-like living.
15 Y nos atestigua lo mismo el Espíritu Santo; porque después de haber dicho:
The Holy Spirit tells us this: First He says,
16 E ste es el pacto que haré con ellos Después de aquellos días, dice el Señor: Pondré mis leyes en sus corazones, Y en sus mentes las escribiré, m
“This is the New Way of Worship that I will give them. When that day comes, says the Lord, I will put My Laws in their hearts. And I will write them in their minds.” Then He says,
17 a ñade: Y nunca más me acordaré de sus pecados y transgresiones. m
“I will not remember their sins and wrong-doings anymore.”
18 P ues donde hay remisión de éstos, no hay más ofrenda por el pecado.
No more gifts on the altar in worship are needed when our sins are forgiven. We Can Go to God Through Christ
19 A sí que, hermanos, teniendo libertad para entrar en el Lugar Santísimo por la sangre de Jesucristo,
Christian brothers, now we know we can go into the Holiest Place of All because the blood of Jesus was given.
20 p or el camino nuevo y vivo que él nos abrió a través del velo, esto es, de su carne,
We now come to God by the new and living way. Christ made this way for us. He opened the curtain, which was His own body.
21 y teniendo un gran sacerdote sobre la casa de Dios,
We have a great Religious Leader over the house of God.
22 a cerquémonos con corazón sincero, en plena certidumbre de fe, purificados los corazones de mala conciencia, y lavados los cuerpos con agua pura.
And so let us come near to God with a true heart full of faith. Our hearts must be made clean from guilty feelings and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 M antengamos firme, sin fluctuar, la profesión de nuestra esperanza, porque fiel es el que prometió.
Let us hold on to the hope we say we have and not be changed. We can trust God that He will do what He promised.
24 Y considerémonos unos a otros para estimularnos al amor y a las buenas obras;
Let us help each other to love others and to do good.
25 n o dejando de congregarnos, como algunos tienen por costumbre, sino exhortándonos; y tanto más, cuanto veis que aquel día se acerca. Advertencia al que peca deliberadamente
Let us not stay away from church meetings. Some people are doing this all the time. Comfort each other as you see the day of His return coming near. Do Not Fall Back Into Sin
26 P orque si pecáremos voluntariamente después de haber recibido el conocimiento de la verdad, ya no queda más sacrificio por los pecados,
If we keep on sinning because we want to after we have received and know the truth, there is no gift that will take away sins then.
27 s ino una horrenda expectación de juicio, y de hervor de fuego que ha de devorar a los adversarios.
Instead, we will stand before God and on that day He will judge us. And the hot fires of hell will burn up those who work against God.
28 E l que viola la ley de Moisés, por el testimonio de dos o de tres testigos muere irremisiblemente.
Anyone who did not obey the Old Way of Worship died without loving-kindness when two or three men spoke against him.
29 ¿ Cuánto mayor castigo pensáis que merecerá el que pisoteare al Hijo de Dios, y tuviere por inmunda la sangre del pacto en la cual fue santificado, e hiciere afrenta al Espíritu de gracia?
How much more will a man have to be punished if he walks on and hates the Son of God? How much more will he be punished if he acts as if the blood of God’s New Way of Worship is worth nothing? This New Way of Worship is God’s way of making him holy. How much more will he be punished if he laughs at the Holy Spirit Who wanted to show him loving-favor?
30 P ues conocemos al que dijo: Mía es la venganza, yo daré el pago, dice el Señor. Y otra vez: El Señor juzgará a su pueblo.
For we know God said, “I will pay back what is coming to them.” And, “The Lord will judge His people.”
31 H orrenda cosa es caer en manos del Dios vivo!
The very worst thing that can happen to a man is to fall into the hands of the living God!
32 P ero traed a la memoria los días pasados, en los cuales, después de haber sido iluminados, sostuvisteis gran combate de padecimientos;
Remember how it was in those days after you heard the truth. You suffered much.
33 p or una parte, ciertamente, con vituperios y tribulaciones fuisteis hechos espectáculo; y por otra, llegasteis a ser compañeros de los que estaban en una situación semejante.
People laughed at you and beat you. When others suffered, you suffered with them.
34 P orque de los presos también os compadecisteis, y el despojo de vuestros bienes sufristeis con gozo, sabiendo que tenéis en vosotros una mejor y perdurable herencia en los cielos.
You had loving-pity for those who were in prison. You had joy when your things were taken away from you. For you knew you would have something better in heaven which would last forever.
35 N o perdáis, pues, vuestra confianza, que tiene grande galardón;
Do not throw away your trust, for your reward will be great.
36 p orque os es necesaria la paciencia, para que habiendo hecho la voluntad de Dios, obtengáis la promesa.
You must be willing to wait without giving up. After you have done what God wants you to do, God will give you what He promised you.
37 P orque aún un poquito, Y el que ha de venir vendrá, y no tardará.
The Holy Writings say, “In a little while, the One you are looking for will come. It will not be a long time now.
38 M as el justo vivirá por fe; Y si retrocediere, no agradará a mi alma. m
For the one right with God lives by faith. If anyone turns back, I will not be pleased with him.”
39 P ero nosotros no somos de los que retroceden para perdición, sino de los que tienen fe para preservación del alma.
We are not of those people who turn back and are lost. Instead, we have faith to be saved from the punishment of sin.