1 N o entrará en la congregación de Jehová el que tenga magullados los testículos, o amputado su miembro viril.
“No man who has his sex part crushed or cut off will go into the meeting of the Lord.
2 N o entrará bastardo en la congregación de Jehová; ni hasta la décima generación no entrarán en la congregación de Jehová.
No one who was born to parents who were not married will go into the meeting of the Lord. And none of his children will go into the meeting of the Lord, even to the children’s children of ten families in the future.
3 N o entrará amonita ni moabita en la congregación de Jehová, ni hasta la décima generación de ellos; no entrarán en la congregación de Jehová para siempre,
No Ammonite or Moabite will go into the meeting of the Lord. None of their children will go into the meeting of the Lord, even to the children’s children of ten families of the future,
4 p or cuanto no os salieron a recibir con pan y agua al camino, cuando salisteis de Egipto, y porque alquilaron contra ti a Balaam hijo de Beor, de Petor en Mesopotamia, para maldecirte.
because they did not meet you with food and water on your way from Egypt, and they paid Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia to curse you.
5 M as no quiso Jehová tu Dios oír a Balaam; y Jehová tu Dios te convirtió la maldición en bendición, porque Jehová tu Dios te amaba.
But the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam. Instead He changed the curse into good for you, because the Lord your God loves you.
6 N o procurarás la paz de ellos ni su bien en todos los días para siempre.
Do nothing for their peace or their well-being all your days.
7 N o aborrecerás al edomita, porque es tu hermano; no aborrecerás al egipcio, porque forastero fuiste en su tierra.
“Do not hate an Edomite, for he is your brother. Do not hate an Egyptian. For you were a stranger in his land.
8 L os hijos que nacieren de ellos, en la tercera generación entrarán en la congregación de Jehová. Leyes sanitarias
Their great-grandchildren may go into the meeting of the Lord. The Camp Is to Be Clean
9 C uando salieres a campaña contra tus enemigos, te guardarás de toda cosa mala.
“When you go as an army against those who hate you, keep yourself away from every sinful thing.
10 S i hubiere en medio de ti alguno que no fuere limpio, por razón de alguna impureza acontecida de noche, saldrá fuera del campamento, y no entrará en él.
If there is any man among you who is unclean because he had a flow from his body during the night, he must go away from the tents. He must not come among the tents.
11 P ero al caer la noche se lavará con agua, y cuando se hubiere puesto el sol, podrá entrar en el campamento.
When evening comes he must wash his body with water. And when the sun goes down he may return to the tents.
12 T endrás un lugar fuera del campamento adonde salgas;
“You should have a place to go away from the tents.
13 t endrás también entre tus armas una estaca; y cuando estuvieres allí fuera, cavarás con ella, y luego al volverte cubrirás tu excremento;
You should have a tool there to dig with. Use it to dig a hole when you sit down outside. Then use it to cover the waste from your body.
14 p orque Jehová tu Dios anda en medio de tu campamento, para librarte y para entregar a tus enemigos delante de ti; por tanto, tu campamento ha de ser santo, para que él no vea en ti cosa inmunda, y se vuelva de en pos de ti. Leyes humanitarias
Because the Lord your God walks among your tents to set you free and make you win the battle against those who hate you, the place where your tents are must be holy. He must not see anything among you that is unclean and turn away from you. Different Laws
15 N o entregarás a su señor el siervo que se huyere a ti de su amo.
“If a servant runs away from his owner and comes to you, do not return him to his owner.
16 M orará contigo, en medio de ti, en el lugar que escogiere en alguna de tus ciudades, donde a bien tuviere; no le oprimirás.
Let him stay with you, in the place he chooses in one of your towns, where it pleases him. Do not make it hard for him.
17 N o haya ramera de entre las hijas de Israel, ni haya sodomita de entre los hijos de Israel.
“No daughter of Israel is to sell the use of her body in worship to a strange god. And no son of Israel is to sell the use of his body for a strange god.
18 N o traerás la paga de una ramera ni el precio de un perro a la casa de Jehová tu Dios por ningún voto; porque abominación es a Jehová tu Dios tanto lo uno como lo otro.
You must not bring the pay of a woman who sells the use of her body or of a man who does sex sins into the house of the Lord your God for any promised gift. For the Lord your God hates both of these.
19 N o exigirás de tu hermano interés de dinero, ni interés de comestibles, ni de cosa alguna de que se suele exigir interés.
Do not make your brothers pay you for the use of money, food, or anything you might give them to use.
20 D el extraño podrás exigir interés, mas de tu hermano no lo exigirás, para que te bendiga Jehová tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos en la tierra adonde vas para tomar posesión de ella.
You may make a stranger pay you for the use of money, but not your brother. So the Lord your God may bring good to you in all you do in the land you are going into to have for your own.
21 C uando haces voto a Jehová tu Dios, no tardes en pagarlo; porque ciertamente lo demandará Jehová tu Dios de ti, y sería pecado en ti.
“When you make a promise to the Lord your God, do not be slow to pay it. It would be sin in you, for the Lord your God will be sure to ask you for it.
22 M as cuando te abstengas de prometer, no habrá en ti pecado.
But if you do not make a promise, it would not be sin in you.
23 P ero lo que hubiere salido de tus labios, lo guardarás y lo cumplirás, conforme lo prometiste a Jehová tu Dios, pagando la ofrenda voluntaria que prometiste con tu boca.
Be careful to do what you say you are going to do. Keep the promise you have made to the Lord your God because you want to.
24 C uando entres en la viña de tu prójimo, podrás comer uvas hasta saciarte; mas no pondrás en tu cesto.
“When you go into your neighbor’s grape-field, you may eat grapes until you are full. But do not put any in your basket.
25 C uando entres en la mies de tu prójimo, podrás arrancar espigas con tu mano; mas no aplicarás hoz a la mies de tu prójimo.
When you go into your neighbor’s grain field, you may pick the heads with your hand. But do not cut down any of your neighbor’s standing grain.