1 Corintios 7 ~ 1 Corinthians 7


1 E n cuanto a las cosas de que me escribisteis, bueno le sería al hombre no tocar mujer;

You asked me some questions in your letter. This is my answer. It is good if a man does not get married.

2 p ero a causa de las fornicaciones, cada uno tenga su propia mujer, y cada una tenga su propio marido.

But because of being tempted to sex sins, each man should get married and have his own wife. Each woman should get married and have her own husband.

3 E l marido cumpla con la mujer el deber conyugal, y asimismo la mujer con el marido.

The husband should please his wife as a husband. The wife should please her husband as a wife.

4 L a mujer no tiene potestad sobre su propio cuerpo, sino el marido; ni tampoco tiene el marido potestad sobre su propio cuerpo, sino la mujer.

The wife is not the boss of her own body. It belongs to the husband. And in the same way, the husband is not the boss of his own body. It belongs to the wife.

5 N o os neguéis el uno al otro, a no ser por algún tiempo de mutuo consentimiento, para ocuparos sosegadamente en la oración; y volved a juntaros en uno, para que no os tiente Satanás a causa de vuestra incontinencia.

Do not keep from each other that which belongs to each other in marriage unless you agree for awhile so you can use your time to pray. Then come together again or the devil will tempt you to do that which you know you should not do.

6 M as esto digo por vía de concesión, no por mandamiento.

This is what I think. I am not saying you must do it.

7 Q uisiera más bien que todos los hombres fuesen como yo; pero cada uno tiene su propio don de Dios, uno a la verdad de un modo, y otro de otro.

I wish everyone were as I am, but each has his own gift from God. One has one gift. Another has another gift.

8 D igo, pues, a los solteros y a las viudas, que bueno les fuera quedarse como yo;

This is what I say to those who are not married and to women whose husbands have died. It is good if you do not get married. I am not married.

9 p ero si no tienen don de continencia, cásense, pues mejor es casarse que estarse quemando.

But if you are not able to keep from doing that which you know is wrong, get married. It is better to get married than to have such strong sex desires.

10 P ero a los que están unidos en matrimonio, mando, no yo, sino el Señor: Que la mujer no se separe del marido;

I have this to say to those who are married. These words are from the Lord. A wife should not leave her husband,

11 y si se separa, quédese sin casar, o reconcíliese con su marido; y que el marido no abandone a su mujer.

but if she does leave him, she should not get married to another man. It would be better for her to go back to her husband. The husband should not divorce his wife.

12 Y a los demás yo digo, no el Señor: Si algún hermano tiene mujer que no sea creyente, y ella consiente en vivir con él, no la abandone.

I have this to say. These words are not from the Lord. If a Christian husband has a wife who is not a Christian, and she wants to live with him, he must not divorce her.

13 Y si una mujer tiene marido que no sea creyente, y él consiente en vivir con ella, no lo abandone.

If a Christian wife has a husband who is not a Christian, and he wants to live with her, she must not divorce him.

14 P orque el marido incrédulo es santificado en la mujer, y la mujer incrédula en el marido; pues de otra manera vuestros hijos serían inmundos, mientras que ahora son santos.

The husband who is not a Christian is set apart from the sin of the world because of his Christian wife. The wife who is not a Christian is set apart from the sin of the world because of her Christian husband. In this way, the lives of the children are not unclean because of sin, they are clean.

15 P ero si el incrédulo se separa, sepárese; pues no está el hermano o la hermana sujeto a servidumbre en semejante caso, sino que a paz nos llamó Dios.

If the one who is not a Christian wants to leave, let that one go. The Christian husband or wife should not try to make the other one stay. God wants you to live in peace.

16 P orque ¿qué sabes tú, oh mujer, si quizá harás salvo a tu marido? ¿O qué sabes tú, oh marido, si quizá harás salva a tu mujer?

Christian wife, how do you know you will not help your husband to become a Christian? Or Christian husband, how do you know you will not help your wife to become a Christian? Stay as You Were When God Chose You

17 P ero cada uno como el Señor le repartió, y como Dios llamó a cada uno, así haga; esto ordeno en todas las iglesias.

Everyone should live the life the Lord gave to him. He should live as he was when he became a Christian. This is what I teach in all the churches.

18 ¿ Fue llamado alguno siendo circunciso? Quédese circunciso. ¿Fue llamado alguno siendo incircunciso? No se circuncide.

If a man became a Christian after he had gone through the religious act of becoming a Jew, he should do nothing about it. If a man became a Christian before, he should not go through the religious act of becoming a Jew.

19 L a circuncisión nada es, y la incircuncisión nada es, sino el guardar los mandamientos de Dios.

If it is done or not done, it means nothing. What is important is to obey God’s Word.

20 C ada uno en el estado en que fue llamado, en él se quede.

Everyone should stay the same way he was when he became a Christian.

21 ¿ Fuiste llamado siendo esclavo? No te dé cuidado; pero también, si puedes hacerte libre, procúralo más.

Were you a servant who was owned by someone when you became a Christian? Do not worry about it. But if you are able to become free, do that.

22 P orque el que en el Señor fue llamado siendo esclavo, liberto es del Señor; asimismo el que fue llamado siendo libre, esclavo es de Cristo.

A servant who is owned by someone and who has become a Christian is the Lord’s free man. A free man who has become a Christian is a servant owned by Christ.

23 P or precio fuisteis comprados; no os hagáis esclavos de los hombres.

He paid a great price for you when He bought you. Do not let yourselves become servants owned by men.

24 C ada uno, hermanos, en el estado en que fue llamado, así permanezca para con Dios.

Christian brothers, each one should stay as he was when he became a Christian.

25 E n cuanto a las vírgenes no tengo mandamiento del Señor; mas doy mi parecer, como quien ha alcanzado misericordia del Señor para ser fiel.

I have no word from the Lord about women or men who have never been married. I will tell you what I think. You can trust me because the Lord has given me His loving-kindness.

26 T engo, pues, esto por bueno a causa de la necesidad que apremia; que hará bien el hombre en quedarse como está.

I think, because of the troubles that are coming, it is a good thing for a person not to get married.

27 ¿ Estás ligado a mujer? No procures soltarte. ¿Estás libre de mujer? No procures casarte.

Are you married to a wife? Do not try to get a divorce. If you are not married, do not look for a wife.

28 M as también si te casas, no pecas; y si la doncella se casa, no peca; pero los tales tendrán aflicción de la carne, y yo os la quisiera evitar.

If you do get married, you have not sinned. If a woman who is not married gets married, it is no sin. But being married will add problems. I would like to have you free from such problems.

29 P ero esto digo, hermanos: que el tiempo es corto; resta, pues, que los que tienen esposa sean como si no la tuviesen;

I mean this, Christian brothers. The time is short. A married man should use his time as if he did not have a wife.

30 y los que lloran, como si no llorasen; y los que se alegran, como si no se alegrasen; y los que compran, como si no poseyesen;

Those who have sorrow should keep on working as if they had no sorrow. Those who have joy should keep on working as if there was no time for joy. Those who buy should have no time to get joy from what they have.

31 y los que disfrutan de este mundo, como si no lo disfrutasen; porque la apariencia de este mundo se pasa.

While you live in this world, live as if the world has no hold on you. The way of this world will soon be gone.

32 Q uisiera, pues, que estuvieseis sin congoja. El soltero tiene cuidado de las cosas del Señor, de cómo agradar al Señor;

I want you to be free from the cares of this world. The man who is not married can spend his time working for the Lord and pleasing Him.

33 p ero el casado tiene cuidado de las cosas del mundo, de cómo agradar a su mujer.

The man who is married cares for the things of the world. He wants to please his wife.

34 H ay asimismo diferencia entre la casada y la doncella. La doncella tiene cuidado de las cosas del Señor, para ser santa así en cuerpo como en espíritu; pero la casada tiene cuidado de las cosas del mundo, de cómo agradar a su marido.

Married women and women who have never been married are different. The woman who has never been married can spend her time working for the Lord. She wants to please the Lord with her body and spirit. The woman who is married cares for the things of the world. She wants to please her husband.

35 E sto lo digo para vuestro provecho; no para tenderos lazo, sino para lo honesto y decente, y para que sin impedimento os acerquéis al Señor.

I am saying these things to help you. I am not trying to keep you from getting married. I want you to do what is best. You should work for Him without other things taking your time.

36 P ero si alguno piensa que es impropio para su hija virgen que pase ya de edad, y es necesario que así sea, haga lo que quiera, no peca; que se case.

If a man and woman expect to get married, and he thinks his desires to marry her are getting too strong, and she is getting older, they should get married. It is no sin.

37 P ero el que está firme en su corazón, sin tener necesidad, sino que es dueño de su propia voluntad, y ha resuelto en su corazón guardar a su hija virgen, bien hace.

But if a man has the power to keep from getting married and knows in his mind that he should not, he is wise if he does not get married.

38 D e manera que el que la da en casamiento hace bien, y el que no la da en casamiento hace mejor.

The man who gets married does well, but the man who does not get married does better.

39 L a mujer casada está ligada por la ley mientras su marido vive; pero si su marido muriere, libre es para casarse con quien quiera, con tal que sea en el Señor.

A wife is not free as long as her husband lives. If her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wants, if he is a Christian.

40 P ero a mi juicio, más dichosa será si se quedare así; y pienso que también yo tengo el Espíritu de Dios.

I think she will be much more happy if she does not get married again. This is what I think. I believe it is what the Holy Spirit is saying.