Romanos 15 ~ Romans 15


1 A sí que, los que somos fuertes debemos soportar las flaquezas de los débiles, y no agradarnos a nosotros mismos.

We who have strong faith should help those who are weak. We should not live to please ourselves.

2 C ada uno de nosotros agrade a su prójimo en lo que es bueno, para edificación.

Each of us should live to please his neighbor. This will help him grow in faith.

3 P orque ni aun Cristo se agradó a sí mismo; antes bien, como está escrito: Los vituperios de los que te vituperaban, cayeron sobre mí.

Even Christ did not please Himself. The Holy Writings say, “The sharp words spoken against you fell on Me.”

4 P orque las cosas que se escribieron antes, para nuestra enseñanza se escribieron, a fin de que por la paciencia y la consolación de las Escrituras, tengamos esperanza.

Everything that was written in the Holy Writings long ago was written to teach us. By not giving up, God’s Word gives us strength and hope.

5 P ero el Dios de la paciencia y de la consolación os dé entre vosotros un mismo sentir según Cristo Jesús,

Now the God Who helps you not to give up and gives you strength will help you think so you can please each other as Christ Jesus did.

6 p ara que unánimes, a una voz, glorifiquéis al Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. El evangelio a los gentiles

Then all of you together can thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

7 P or tanto, recibíos los unos a los otros, como también Cristo nos recibió, para gloria de Dios.

Receive each other as Christ received you. This will honor God.

8 P ues os digo, que Cristo Jesús vino a ser siervo de la circuncisión para mostrar la verdad de Dios, para confirmar las promesas hechas a los padres,

Christ came to help the Jews. This proved that God had told the truth to their early fathers. This proved that God would do what He promised.

9 y para que los gentiles glorifiquen a Dios por su misericordia, como está escrito: Por tanto, yo te confesaré entre los gentiles, Y cantaré a tu nombre. m

This was done so the people who are not Jews can thank God for His loving-kindness. The Holy Writings say, “This is why I will give thanks to you among the people who are not Jews. I will sing to Your name.”

10 Y otra vez dice: Alegraos, gentiles, con su pueblo. m

It says also, “You who are not Jews, be happy with His people, the Jews.”

11 Y otra vez: Alabad al Señor todos los gentiles, Y magnificadle todos los pueblos. m

And, “Honor and give thanks to the Lord, you who are not Jews. Let everyone honor Him.”

12 Y otra vez dice Isaías: Estará la raíz de Isaí, Y el que se levantará a regir los gentiles; Los gentiles esperarán en él. m

And Isaiah says, “There will be One from the family of Jesse Who will be a leader over the people who are not Jews. Their hope will be in Him.”

13 Y el Dios de esperanza os llene de todo gozo y paz en el creer, para que abundéis en esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo.

Our hope comes from God. May He fill you with joy and peace because of your trust in Him. May your hope grow stronger by the power of the Holy Spirit.

14 P ero estoy seguro de vosotros, hermanos míos, de que vosotros mismos estáis llenos de bondad, llenos de todo conocimiento, de tal manera que podéis amonestaros los unos a los otros.

I am sure you are wise in all things and full of much good. You are able to help and teach each other.

15 M as os he escrito, hermanos, en parte con atrevimiento, como para haceros recordar, por la gracia que de Dios me es dada

I have written to you with strong words about some things. I have written so you would remember. God helped me write like this.

16 p ara ser ministro de Jesucristo a los gentiles, ministrando el evangelio de Dios, para que los gentiles le sean ofrenda agradable, santificada por el Espíritu Santo.

I am able to write these things because God made me a missionary to the people who are not Jews. I work as a servant of Jesus Christ. I preach the Good News of God so the people who are not Jews may be as a gift to God. The Holy Spirit will set them apart so God will be pleased with them.

17 T engo, pues, de qué gloriarme en Cristo Jesús en lo que a Dios se refiere.

I have reason to be proud of my work for God. It is because I belong to Christ Jesus.

18 P orque no osaría hablar sino de lo que Cristo ha hecho por medio de mí para la obediencia de los gentiles, con la palabra y con las obras,

I can only speak of what Christ has done through me. I have helped the people who are not Jews to obey Him. I have done it by words and by living with them.

19 c on potencia de señales y prodigios, en el poder del Espíritu de Dios; de manera que desde Jerusalén, y por los alrededores hasta Ilírico, todo lo he llenado del evangelio de Cristo.

God showed them His power through me. The Holy Spirit did powerful works through me in front of them. From Jerusalem to the country of Illyricum I have preached the Good News of Christ.

20 Y de esta manera me esforcé a predicar el evangelio, no donde Cristo ya hubiese sido nombrado, para no edificar sobre fundamento ajeno,

It is my desire to preach the Good News where it has never been preached. I want to preach only where Christ is not known.

21 s ino, como está escrito: Aquellos a quienes nunca les fue anunciado acerca de él, verán; Y los que nunca han oído de él, entenderán. Pablo se propone ir a Roma

The Holy Writings say, “Those who have never known about Him will see. And those who have never heard about Him will understand.”

22 P or esta causa me he visto impedido muchas veces de ir a vosotros.

This is why I have been kept many times from coming to you.

23 P ero ahora, no teniendo más campo en estas regiones, y deseando desde hace muchos años ir a vosotros,

But now I am finished with my work here. I have been wanting to come and visit you for many years.

24 c uando vaya a España, iré a vosotros; porque espero veros al pasar, y ser encaminado allá por vosotros, una vez que haya gozado con vosotros.

I hope I can now. I am making plans to go to the country of Spain. On my way there I will stop and visit you. After I have had the joy of visiting you for awhile, you can help me on my way again.

25 M as ahora voy a Jerusalén para ministrar a los santos.

But now I am going to Jerusalem to hand the Christians the gift of money.

26 P orque Macedonia y Acaya tuvieron a bien hacer una ofrenda para los pobres que hay entre los santos que están en Jerusalén.

The churches in the countries of Macedonia and Greece have decided to give money to help some of the poor Christians in Jerusalem.

27 P ues les pareció bueno, y son deudores a ellos; porque si los gentiles han sido hechos participantes de sus bienes espirituales, deben también ellos ministrarles de los materiales.

They wanted to do it. They should help them in this way because they owe much to the Christians in Jerusalem. The Jews shared the Good News with the people who are not Jews. For this reason, they should share what they can with the Jews.

28 A sí que, cuando haya concluido esto, y les haya entregado este fruto, pasaré entre vosotros rumbo a España.

I will hand this gift of money to them. Then I will stop to see you on my way to the country of Spain.

29 Y sé que cuando vaya a vosotros, llegaré con abundancia de la bendición del evangelio de Cristo.

I know that when I come to you, Christ will give me much good to share with you.

30 P ero os ruego, hermanos, por nuestro Señor Jesucristo y por el amor del Espíritu, que me ayudéis orando por mí a Dios,

I ask you from my heart, Christian brothers, to pray much for me. I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

31 p ara que sea librado de los rebeldes que están en Judea, y que la ofrenda de mi servicio a los santos en Jerusalén sea acepta;

Pray that God will keep me safe from the people in the country of Judea who are not Christians. Pray also that the work I am to do for the Christians in Jerusalem will help them.

32 p ara que con gozo llegue a vosotros por la voluntad de Dios, y que sea recreado juntamente con vosotros.

Then I will be coming to you if God wants me to come. I will be full of joy, and together we can have some rest.

33 Y el Dios de paz sea con todos vosotros. Amén.

May our God Who gives us peace, be with you all. Let it be so.