Psalm 104 ~ Salmos 104


1 P raise the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great. You are dressed with great honor and wonderful power.

Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová. Jehová Dios mío, mucho te has engrandecido; Te has vestido de gloria y de magnificencia.

2 H e covers Himself with light as with a coat. He spreads out the heavens like a tent.

El que se cubre de luz como de vestidura, Que extiende los cielos como una cortina,

3 H e makes His home on the waters. He makes the clouds His wagon. He rides on the wings of the wind.

Que establece sus aposentos entre las aguas, El que pone las nubes por su carroza, El que anda sobre las alas del viento;

4 H e makes the winds carry His news. He makes His helpers a burning fire.

El que hace a los vientos sus mensajeros, Y a las flamas de fuego sus ministros.

5 H e set the earth in its place so that it will stay that way forever.

El fundó la tierra sobre sus cimientos; No será jamás removida.

6 Y ou covered it with the sea as with a coat. The waters stood above the mountains.

Con el abismo, como con vestido, la cubriste; Sobre los montes estaban las aguas.

7 T he waters left at Your strong words. They went away in a hurry at the sound of Your thunder.

A tu reprensión huyeron; Al sonido de tu trueno se apresuraron;

8 T he mountains went up and the valleys went down to the place that You made for them.

Subieron los montes, descendieron los valles, Al lugar que tú les fundaste.

9 Y ou set a place that they may not pass over. The waters will never cover the earth again.

Les pusiste término, el cual no traspasarán, Ni volverán a cubrir la tierra.

10 H e sends rivers into the valleys. They flow between the mountains.

Tú eres el que envía las fuentes por los arroyos; Van entre los montes;

11 T hey give water to all the animals of the field. The wild donkeys drink until they are no longer thirsty.

Dan de beber a todas las bestias del campo; Mitigan su sed los asnos monteses.

12 T he birds of the sky nest beside them. They sing among the branches.

A sus orillas habitan las aves de los cielos; Cantan entre las ramas.

13 H e waters the mountains from His home above. The earth is filled with the fruit of His works.

El riega los montes desde sus aposentos; Del fruto de sus obras se sacia la tierra.

14 H e makes the grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to use. So He may bring food from the earth,

El hace producir el heno para las bestias, Y la hierba para el servicio del hombre, Sacando el pan de la tierra,

15 w ine that makes man’s heart glad, oil to make his face shine, and food to make his heart strong.

Y el vino que alegra el corazón del hombre, El aceite que hace brillar el rostro, Y el pan que sustenta la vida del hombre.

16 T he tall cedar trees that the Lord planted in Lebanon drink their fill.

Se llenan de savia los árboles de Jehová, Los cedros del Líbano que él plantó.

17 T he birds make their nests there. The stork has its nest in the green trees.

Allí anidan las aves; En las hayas hace su casa la cig: ueña.

18 T he high mountains are for the wild goats. The rocks are a safe place for the badgers.

Los montes altos para las cabras monteses; Las peñas, madrigueras para los conejos.

19 H e made the moon to mark the time of year. And the sun knows when to go down.

Hizo la luna para los tiempos; El sol conoce su ocaso.

20 Y ou make darkness and it becomes night. Then all the wild animals among the trees come out.

Pones las tinieblas, y es la noche; En ella corretean todas las bestias de la selva.

21 T he young lions make a loud noise as they go after meat. And they get their food from God.

Los leoncillos rugen tras la presa, Y para buscar de Dios su comida.

22 T hey go to their homes and lie down when the sun rises.

Sale el sol, se recogen, Y se echan en sus cuevas.

23 T hen man goes out to his work and works until evening.

Sale el hombre a su labor, Y a su labranza hasta la tarde.

24 O Lord, how many are Your works! You made them all in wisdom. The earth is full of what You have made.

Cuán innumerables son tus obras, oh Jehová! Hiciste todas ellas con sabiduría; La tierra está llena de tus beneficios.

25 T here is the wide sea full of both large and small animals. There are too many for us to number.

He allí el grande y anchuroso mar, En donde se mueven seres innumerables, Seres pequeños y grandes.

26 T he ships sail there. And the very large sea animal You have made plays in it.

Allí andan las naves; Allí este leviatán que hiciste para que jugase en él.

27 T hey all wait for You to give them their food at the right time.

Todos ellos esperan en ti, Para que les des su comida a su tiempo.

28 Y ou give it to them and they gather it up. You open Your hand and they are filled with good things.

Les das, recogen; Abres tu mano, se sacian de bien.

29 T hey are troubled and afraid when You hide Your face. And when You take away their breath, they die and return to the dust.

Escondes tu rostro, se turban; Les quitas el hálito, dejan de ser, Y vuelven al polvo.

30 T hey are made when You send Your Spirit. And You make the land of the earth new again.

Envías tu Espíritu, son creados, Y renuevas la faz de la tierra.

31 M ay the shining-greatness of the Lord last forever. May the Lord be glad in His works.

Sea la gloria de Jehová para siempre; Alégrese Jehová en sus obras.

32 H e looks at the earth and it shakes with fear. He touches the mountains and they smoke.

El mira a la tierra, y ella tiembla; Toca los montes, y humean.

33 I will sing to the Lord all my life. I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

A Jehová cantaré en mi vida; A mi Dios cantaré salmos mientras viva.

34 M ay the words of my heart be pleasing to Him. As for me, I will be glad in the Lord.

Dulce será mi meditación en él; Yo me regocijaré en Jehová.

35 L et sinners be destroyed from the earth. And let the sinful be no more. Honor the Lord, O my soul! Praise the Lord!

Sean consumidos de la tierra los pecadores, Y los impíos dejen de ser. Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová. Aleluya.