1 H ear my voice, O God, in my complaint; guard and preserve my life from the terror of the enemy.
Escucha, oh Dios, la voz de mi queja; Guarda mi vida del temor del enemigo.
2 H ide me from the secret counsel and conspiracy of the ungodly, from the scheming of evildoers,
Escóndeme del consejo secreto de los malignos, De la conspiración de los que hacen iniquidad,
3 W ho whet their tongues like a sword, who aim venomous words like arrows,
Que afilan como espada su lengua; Lanzan cual saeta suya, palabra amarga,
4 W ho shoot from ambush at the blameless man; suddenly do they shoot at him, without self-reproach or fear.
Para asaetear a escondidas al íntegro; De repente lo asaetean, y no temen.
5 T hey encourage themselves in an evil purpose, they talk of laying snares secretly; they say, Who will discover us ?
Obstinados en su inicuo designio, Tratan de esconder los lazos, Y dicen: ¿Quién los ha de ver?
6 T hey think out acts of injustice and say, We have accomplished a well-devised thing! For the inward thought of each one and his heart is deep.
Inquieren iniquidades, hacen una investigación exacta; Y el íntimo pensamiento de cada uno de ellos, así como su corazón, es profundo.
7 B ut God will shoot an unexpected arrow at them; and suddenly shall they be wounded.
Mas Dios los herirá con saeta; De repente serán sus plagas.
8 A nd they will be made to stumble, their own tongues turning against them; all who gaze upon them will shake their heads and flee away.
Sus propias lenguas los harán caer; Se espantarán todos los que los vean.
9 A nd all men shall fear and be in awe; and they will declare the work of God, for they will wisely consider and acknowledge that it is His doing.
Entonces temerán todos los hombres, Y anunciarán la obra de Dios, Y entenderán sus hechos.
10 T he righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust and take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory and offer praise.
Se alegrará el justo en Jehová, y confiará en él; Y se gloriarán todos los rectos de corazón.