John 5 ~ John 5


1 M uri iho i enei mea he hakari ta nga Hurai; a haere ana a Ihu ki Hiruharama.

Later on there was a Jewish festival (feast) for which Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

2 N a kei Hiruharama tetahi wai kaukauranga kei te tatau hipi, tona ingoa Hiperu ko Petehera; e rima ona whakamahau.

Now there is in Jerusalem a pool near the Sheep Gate. This pool in the Hebrew is called Bethesda, having five porches (alcoves, colonnades, doorways).

3 N a kei roto i enei e takoto ana tona tini o nga turoro, o nga matapo, o nga kopa, o nga memenge, e tatari ana ki te pokarekarenga o te wai.

In these lay a great number of sick folk—some blind, some crippled, and some paralyzed (shriveled up)— waiting for the bubbling up of the water.

4 H eke iho ai hoki tetahi anahera i te wa i rite ai ki te kaukauranga, whakapokarekare ai i te wai: a ko ia kua tae wawe i muri iho o te pokarekarenga o te wai i ora i tona mate, ahakoa he aha, he aha.

For an angel of the Lord went down at appointed seasons into the pool and moved and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was cured of whatever disease with which he was afflicted.

5 N a kei reira tetahi tangata, e toru tekau ma waru nga tau e mate ana.

There was a certain man there who had suffered with a deep-seated and lingering disorder for thirty-eight years.

6 N o te kitenga o Ihu i a ia e takoto ana, ka matau kua roa ke te wa ona e mate ana, ka mea ki a ia, E pai ana ranei koe ki whakaorangia?

When Jesus noticed him lying there, knowing that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, Do you want to become well?

7 K a whakahokia e taua turoro ki a ia, E te Ariki, kahore aku tangata hei tuku i ahau ki te kaukauranga, ina whakapokarekarea te wai: heoi i ahau e haere ana, ka heke iho tetahi i mua i ahau.

The invalid answered, Sir, I have nobody when the water is moving to put me into the pool; but while I am trying to come myself, somebody else steps down ahead of me.

8 K a mea a Ihu ki a ia, Whakatika, tangohia ake tou moenga, haere.

Jesus said to him, Get up! Pick up your bed (sleeping pad) and walk!

9 A ora tonu ake taua tangata, a tangohia ake ana e ia tona moenga, haere ana. Ko te hapati ano taua ra.

Instantly the man became well and recovered his strength and picked up his bed and walked. But that happened on the Sabbath.

10 N a ka mea nga Hurai ki taua tangata i whakaorangia ra, Ko te hapati tenei: e kore e tika kia mauria e koe tou moenga.

So the Jews kept saying to the man who had been healed, It is the Sabbath, and you have no right to pick up your bed.

11 K a whakahokia e ia ki a ratou, Ko te tangata i whakaorangia ai ahau, nana i mea ki ahau, Tangohia ake tou moenga, haere.

He answered them, The Man Who healed me and gave me back my strength, He Himself said to me, Pick up your bed and walk!

12 N a ka ui ratou ki a ia, Ko wai tena tangata i mea na ki a koe, Tangohia ake toua moenga, haere?

They asked him, Who is the Man Who told you, Pick up your bed and walk?

13 O tira kihai taua tangata i whakaorangia ra i mohio ko wai ia: i pahemo atu hoki a Ihu, he tokomaha hoki nga tangata i taua wahi.

Now the invalid who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had quietly gone away, since there was a crowd in the place.

14 M uri iho i enei mea ka kite a Ihu i a ia i roto i te temepara, ka mea ki a ia, Na, ka oti nei koe te whakaora: kati te hara kei kino rawa iho te mea e pa ki a koe.

Afterward, when Jesus found him in the temple, He said to him, See, you are well! Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.

15 H aere ana taua tangata, korero ana ki nga Hurai, na Ihu ia i whakaora.

The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus Who had made him well.

16 K oia nga Hurai i whai ai ki te tukino i a Ihu, mona i mea i enei mea i te hapati.

For this reason the Jews began to persecute (annoy, torment) Jesus and sought to kill Him, because He was doing these things on the Sabbath.

17 N a ka whakahokia e Ihu ki a ratou, E mahi ana toku Matua a taea noatia tenei ra; e mahi ana ano ahau.

But Jesus answered them, My Father has worked until now, and I, too, must be at work.

18 K oia nga Hurai i tino whai rawa ai kia patua ia, ehara hoki i te mea ko tana takahi anake i te hapati, engari mona i mea ko te Atua tona Matua ake, i mea he rite ia ki te Atua te nui.

This made the Jews more determined than ever to kill Him; because He not only was breaking (weakening, violating) the Sabbath, but He actually was speaking of God as being His own Father, making Himself equal with God.

19 N a ka whakahoki a Ihu, ka mea ki a ratou, he pono, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, E kore e taea e te Tama te mea tetahi mea e ia anake, engari nga mea e kite ai ia e meatia ana e te Matua: ko tana hoki e mea ai, e meatia ana hoki e a hoki e mea ai, e tama!

So Jesus answered them by saying, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the Son is able to do nothing of Himself (of His own accord); but He is able to do only what He sees the Father doing, for whatever the Father does is what the Son does in the same way.

20 E aroha ano hoki te Matua ki te Tama, e whakakitea ana hoki ki a ia e nga mea katoa e mea ai ia: he nui atu i enei nga mahi e whakakitea e ia ki a ia, kia miharo ai koutou.

The Father dearly loves the Son and discloses to (shows) Him everything that He Himself does. And He will disclose to Him (let Him see) greater things yet than these, so that you may marvel and be full of wonder and astonishment.

21 K o ta te Matua hoki, he whakaara, he whakaora i nga tupapaku; ka pera ano te Tama, ka whakaora i ana e pai ai.

Just as the Father raises up the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whomever He wills and is pleased to give it.

22 E kore hoki te Matua e whakawa i tetahi, engari kua tukua e ia nga whakawa katoa ki te Tama:

Even the Father judges no one, for He has given all judgment (the last judgment and the whole business of judging) entirely into the hands of the Son,

23 K ia rite ai te whakahonore a nga tangata katoa i te Tama ki ta ratou whakahonore i te Matua. Ki te kahore tetahi e whakahonore i te Tama, e whakakahore ana ia i te honore mo te Matua nana nei ia i tono mai.

So that all men may give honor (reverence, homage) to the Son just as they give honor to the Father. whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, Who has sent Him.

24 H e pono, he pono taku e mea atu nei ki a koutou, Ko te tangata e rongo ana ki taku korero, e whakapono ana hoki ki toku kaitono mai, he ora tonu tona; e kore ano ia e riro ki te whakawa, engari kua whiti i te mate ki te ora.

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My words and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has (possesses now) eternal life. And he does not come into judgment, but he has already passed over out of death into life.

25 H e pono, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Meake puta te wa, a tenei ano inaianei, e rongo ai nga tupapaku i te reo o ta te Atua Tama; a ko te hunga e rongo ana ka ora.

Believe Me when I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the time is coming and is here now when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear it shall live.

26 T a te mea he ora to te Matua kei roto i a ia; waihoki kua homai e ia ki te Tama, kia whai ora i roto i a ia;

For even as the Father has life in Himself and is self-existent, so He has given to the Son to have life in Himself and be self-existent.

27 A kua homai ano ki a ia he tikanga mo te whakawa, no te mea ko ia te Tama a te tangata.

And He has given Him authority and granted Him power to execute (exercise, practice) judgment because He is a Son of man.

28 K aua e miharo ki tenei: no te mea meake puta te wa, e rongo ai i tona reo nga tangata katoa i roto i nga urupa,

Do not be surprised and wonder at this, for the time is coming when all those who are in the tombs shall hear His voice,

29 A ka puta; ko nga kaimahi i te pai ki te aranga o te ora; ko nga kaimahi i te kino ki te aranga o te whakawa.

And they shall come out—those who have practiced doing good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil will be raised for judgment.

30 E kore e ahei i ahau te mea tetahi mea e ahau anake: rite tonu taku whakawa ki taku e rongo ai: he tika hoki taku whakawa; kahore hoki ahau e rapu i taku i pai ai, engari i ta toku kaitono i pai ai.

I am able to do nothing from Myself. Even as I hear, I judge, and My judgment is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.

31 M ehemea ko ahau hei whakaatu i aku aha, i aku aha, ehara taku i te whakaatu pono.

If I alone testify in My behalf, My testimony is not valid and cannot be worth anything.

32 T era atu ano tetahi kaiwhakaatu moku; e mohio ana ano ahau he whakaatu pono tana e whakaatu nei moku.

There is Another Who testifies concerning Me, and I know and am certain that His evidence on My behalf is true and valid.

33 I tono tangata koutou ki a Hoani, a i whakaaturia e ia te pono.

You yourselves have sent to John and he has been a witness to the truth.

34 K ahore ahau e manako ki ta te tangata whakaatu: engari e korerotia ana e ahau enei mea kia ora ai koutou.

But I do not receive human witness; but I simply mention all these things in order that you may be saved (made and kept safe and sound).

35 H e rama ka tera, he rama marama tonu: he wa ano i pai ai koutou kia hari ki tona marama.

John was the lamp that kept on burning and shining, and you were willing for a while to delight (sun) yourselves in his light.

36 O tiia he kaiwhakaatu ano toku, nui atu i a Hoani: ko nga mahi hoki i homai e te Matua kia whakaotia e ahau, ko aua mahi e mahia nei e ahau, hei whakaatu moku, i tonoa mai ahau e te Matua.

But I have as My witness something greater (weightier, higher, better) than that of John; for the works that the Father has appointed Me to accomplish and finish, the very same works that I am now doing, are a witness and proof that the Father has sent Me.

37 N a, ko te Matua nana nei ahau i tono mai, kua oti ahau te whakaatu e ia. Kahore ano koutou i rongo noa i tona reo, kahore ano i kite i tona ahua.

And the Father Who sent Me has Himself testified concerning Me. Not one of you has ever given ear to His voice or seen His form (His face—what He is like).

38 K ahore ano hoki i mau tana kupu i roto i a koutou; ina kahore ano koutou i whakapono ki tenei i tonoa mai nei e ia.

And you have not His word (His thought) living in your hearts, because you do not believe and adhere to and trust in and rely on Him Whom He has sent.

39 W hakatakina ai e koutou nga tikanga o nga karaipiture; e mea ana hoki koutou kei reira te ora tonu mo koutou: ko enei hei kaiwhakaatu moku.

You search and investigate and pore over the Scriptures diligently, because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them. And these testify about Me!

40 H eoi kahore koutou e pai kia haere mai ki ahau, kia whiwhi ai ki te ora.

And still you are not willing to come to Me, so that you might have life.

41 H e kororia tangata, kahore ahau e manako atu.

I receive not glory from men,

42 N a kua matau ahau ki a koutou, kahore te aroha o te Atua i roto i a koutou.

But I know you and recognize and understand that you have not the love of God in you.

43 K ua tae mai nei ahau i runga i te ingoa o toku Matua, a kahore koutou e manako mai ki ahau; ki te haere mai tetahi i runga i tona ake ingoa, ka manako koutou ki a ia.

I have come in My Father’s name and with His power, and you do not receive Me; but if another comes in his own name and his own power and with no other authority but himself, you will receive him and give him your approval.

44 M e pehea koutou ka whakapono ai, ka riro nei i a koutou te kororia e puta ana i a koutou ano, a kahore e rapu i te kororia e puta ana i te Atua kotahi?

How is it possible for you to believe, you who receive praise and honor and glory from one another, and yet do not seek the praise and honor and glory which come from Him Who alone is God?

45 K ei mea koutou e korerotia to koutou he e ahau ki te Matua: tera te kaikorero mo to koutou he, ko Mohi, ko ta koutou e tumanako nei.

Put out of your minds the thought and do not suppose that I will accuse you before the Father. There is one who accuses you—it is Moses, the very one on whom you have built your hopes.

46 M e i whakapono hoki koutou ki a Mohi, kua whakapono ano ki ahau: ko tana hoki i tuhituhi ai he mea moku.

For if you believed and relied on Moses, you would believe and rely on Me, for he wrote about Me.

47 O tira ki te kahore koutou e whakapono ki ana i tuhituhi ai, me pehea ka whakapono ai ki aku korero?

But if you do not believe and trust his writings, how then will you believe and trust My teachings?