Oseas 5 ~ Hosea 5


1 S acerdotes, oíd esto, y estad atentos, casa de Israel, y casa del rey, escuchad; porque para vosotros es el juicio, pues habéis sido lazo en Mizpa, y red tendida sobre Tabor.

Hear this, O priests! Give heed, O house of Israel! Listen, O house of the king! For the judgment applies to you, For you have been a snare at Mizpah And a net spread out on Tabor.

2 Y haciendo víctimas han bajado hasta lo profundo; por tanto, yo castigaré a todos ellos.

The revolters have gone deep in depravity, But I will chastise all of them.

3 Y o conozco a Efraín, e Israel no me es desconocido; porque ahora, oh Efraín, te has prostituido, y se ha contaminado Israel.

I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hidden from Me; For now, O Ephraim, you have played the harlot, Israel has defiled itself.

4 N o piensan en convertirse a su Dios, porque espíritu de fornicación está en medio de ellos, y no conocen a Jehová.

Their deeds will not allow them To return to their God. For a spirit of harlotry is within them, And they do not know the Lord.

5 L a soberbia de Israel le desmentirá en su cara; Israel y Efraín tropezarán en su pecado, y Judá tropezará también con ellos.

Moreover, the pride of Israel testifies against him, And Israel and Ephraim stumble in their iniquity; Judah also has stumbled with them.

6 C on sus ovejas y con sus vacas andarán buscando a Jehová, y no le hallarán; se apartó de ellos.

They will go with their flocks and herds To seek the Lord, but they will not find Him; He has withdrawn from them.

7 C ontra Jehová prevaricaron, porque han engendrado hijos extraños; ahora en un solo mes serán consumidos ellos y sus heredades.

They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, For they have borne illegitimate children. Now the new moon will devour them with their land.

8 T ocad bocina en Gabaa, trompeta en Ramá: sonad alarma en Bet-avén; tiembla, oh Benjamín.

Blow the horn in Gibeah, The trumpet in Ramah. Sound an alarm at Beth-aven: “ Behind you, Benjamin!”

9 E fraín será asolado en el día del castigo; en las tribus de Israel hice conocer la verdad.

Ephraim will become a desolation in the day of rebuke; Among the tribes of Israel I declare what is sure.

10 L os príncipes de Judá fueron como los que traspasan los linderos; derramaré sobre ellos como agua mi ira.

The princes of Judah have become like those who move a boundary; On them I will pour out My wrath like water.

11 E fraín es vejado, quebrantado en juicio, porque quiso andar en pos de vanidades.

Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, Because he was determined to follow man’s command.

12 Y o, pues, seré como polilla a Efraín, y como carcoma a la casa de Judá.

Therefore I am like a moth to Ephraim And like rottenness to the house of Judah.

13 Y verá Efraín su enfermedad, y Judá su llaga; irá entonces Efraín a Asiria, y enviará al rey Jareb; mas él no os podrá sanar, ni os curará la llaga.

When Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And sent to King Jareb. But he is unable to heal you, Or to cure you of your wound.

14 P orque yo seré como león a Efraín, y como cachorro de león a la casa de Judá; yo, yo arrebataré, y me iré; tomaré, y no habrá quien liberte. Insinceridad del arrepentimiento de Israel

For I will be like a lion to Ephraim And like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear to pieces and go away, I will carry away, and there will be none to deliver.

15 A ndaré y volveré a mi lugar, hasta que reconozcan su pecado y busquen mi rostro. En su angustia me buscarán.

I will go away and return to My place Until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.