1 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
The Lord said to Moses,
2 H anga etahi tetere hiriwa mau, kia rua; me patupatu to raua hanganga, ina hanga e koe; hei tawhiunga mau i te hiu, mo nga maunutanga ano hoki o nga puni.
“Make two silver horns of beaten silver. Use them for calling the people together and for having the people move on.
3 A ka whakatangihia aua mea, me huihui te whakaminenga katoa ki a koe, ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
When both horns sound, all the people will gather in front of you at the door of the meeting tent.
4 A ki te mea kotahi ano e whakatangihia, na me huihui ki a koe nga ariki, nga upoko o nga mano o Iharaira.
If only one horn sounds, then the leaders, the heads of the families of Israel, will gather in front of you.
5 K a whakatangihia he whakaoho e koutou, na ka hapainga nga puni e noho ana ki te taha ki te rawhiti.
When you blow the horn to tell of danger, the people whose tents are on the east side will leave.
6 A , i te rua o a koutou whakatangihanga o te whakaoho, na ka hapainga nga puni e noho ana ki te taha ki te tonga: me whakatangi he whakaoho e ratou mo o ratou maunutanga.
When you blow the horn to tell of danger a second time, the people whose tents are on the south side will leave. A horn telling of danger will be blown when they are to move on.
7 O tiia, ka meatia kia huihuia te whakaminenga, me whakatangi e koutou, engari kaua e whakatangihia he whakaoho.
But when the people are to be gathered together, you will blow the horn without the sound of danger.
8 A ma nga tama a Arona, ma nga tohunga, e whakatangi nga tetere a hei tikanga tena ki a koutou ake ake, i o koutou whakatupuranga.
Aaron’s sons, the religious leaders, will blow the horns. This will be a Law for all your people forever.
9 A ki te anga koutou ki te whawhai i to koutou whenua ki te hoariri e whakatupu kino ana i a koutou, na me whakatangi he whakaoho ki nga tetere; a ka maharatia koutou e Ihowa, e to koutou Atua, ka whakaorangia hoki i o koutou hoariri.
When you go to war in your land against those who fight you, then sound the horns to tell of war. That way you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and be saved from those who hate you.
10 I te ra ano e hari ai, i o koutou ra nunui hoki, i nga timatanga o o koutou marama, me whakatangi nga tetere ki a koutou tahunga tinana, ki a koutou patunga mo te pai; a hei whakamahara ena ki a koutou ki te aroaro o to koutou Atua: ko Ihowa aha u, ko to koutou Atua.
On the days you are glad and at the time of your special suppers and on the first days of your months, blow the horns. Blow the horns over your burnt gifts and over your peace gifts. Then you will be remembered before your God. I am the Lord your God.” The Children of Israel Leave Sinai
11 A i te rua tekau o te rua o nga marama, i te rua o nga tau, kua riro ake te kapua i runga i te tapenakara o te whakaaturanga.
On the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, the cloud was lifted from over the meeting tent of the Law.
12 N a ka hapainga e nga tama a Iharaira i te koraha o Hinai; a ka tau te kapua ki te koraha o Parana.
The people of Israel moved on from the Desert of Sinai. Then the cloud came down and rested in the desert of Paran.
13 A rite tonu ta ratou hapainga mataati ki te kupu a Ihowa i korerotia e Mohi.
So they moved for the first time as the Lord had told them through Moses.
14 K o te tuatahi i maunu, ko te kara o te puni o nga tama a Hura, me o ratou ropu: a ko te kaiwhakahaere o tana ope ko Nahahona tama a Aminarapa.
The flag of the people of Judah left first, by their armies. Amminadab’s son Nahshon was the head of their army.
15 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Ihakara ko Netaneere tama a Tuara.
Zuar’s son Nethanel was the head of the men of Issachar.
16 K o te kaiwhakahaere hoki o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Hepurona ko Eriapa tama a Herona.
And Helon’s son Eliab was the head of the men of Zebulun.
17 N a ka wahia te tapenakara; a ka turia atu e nga tama a Kerehona, ratou ko nga tama a Merari, ko ratou ki te amo i te tapenakara.
When the meeting tent was taken down, the sons of Gershon and Merari left carrying it.
18 N a ka maunu ko te kara o te puni o Reupena, me o ratou ropu: ko te kaiwhakahaere o tana ope ko Erituru tama a Hereuru.
Next the flag of the people of Reuben left, by their armies. Shedeur’s son Elizur was the head over this army.
19 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Himiona ko Herumiere tama a Turiharai.
Zurishaddai’s son Shelumiel was the head of the men of Simeon.
20 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Kara ko Eriahapa tama a Teuere.
Deuel’s son Eliasaph was the head of the men of Gad.
21 N a ka turia atu e nga Kohati me te amo i te nohoanga tapu: a tae rawa atu ratou kua tu te tapenakara i etahi.
Then the Kohathites left, carrying the holy objects. The meeting tent was set up before they came to the next place.
22 N a ka maunu atu ko te kara o te puni o nga tama a Eparaima, me o ratou ropu: a ko te kaiwhakahaere o tana ope ko Erihama tama a Amihuru.
Next the flag of the people of Ephraim left, by their armies. Ammihud’s son Elishama was the head over this army.
23 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Manahi ko Kamariere tama a Peraturu.
Pedahzur’s son Gamaliel was the head of the men of Manasseh.
24 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Pineamine ko Apirana tama a Kirioni.
Gideoni’s son Abidan was the head of the men of Benjamin.
25 N a ka maunu ko te kara o te puni o nga tama a Rana, ko te hiku tena o nga puni katoa, puta noa i o ratou ope: a ko te kaiwhakahaere o tana ope ko Ahietere tama a Amiharai.
Then the flag of the people of Dan left, by their armies. They followed behind all the people of Israel, to watch for danger. Ammishaddai’s son Ahiezer was the head over this army.
26 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Ahera ko Pakiere tama a Okorana.
Ochran’s son Pagiel was the head of the men of Asher.
27 A ko te kaiwhakahaere o te ope o te iwi o nga tama a Napatari ko Ahira tama a Enana.
And Enan’s son Ahira was the head of the men of Naphtali.
28 K o nga maunutanga enei o nga tama a Iharaira, me o ratou ope, i o ratou whakatikanga atu.
This was how the people of Israel moved on by their armies.
29 N a ka mea a Mohi ki a Hopapa, tama a Reuere Miriani, a te hungawahi o Mohi, E haere ana matou ki te wahi i mea nei a Ihowa, Ka hoatu a reira e ahau ki a koutou: haere mai tatou, a ka pai ta matou mahi ki a koe: he pai hoki te korero a Ihowa mo I haraira.
Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, “We are going to the place the Lord said He will give to us. Come with us and we will do you good. For the Lord has promised good to Israel.”
30 A ka mea tera ki a ia, E kore ahau e haere: engari me haere ahau ki toku whenua, ki oku whanaunga.
But Hobab said to him, “I will not come. I will go to my own land and family.”
31 A ka mea ia, Kaua ra matou e whakarerea; e mohio ana hoki koe ki nga puni mo matou i te koraha, a ka ai koe hei kanohi mo matou.
Moses said, “I beg you, do not leave us. For you know where we should stay in the desert. You will be like eyes for us.
32 N a, tenei ake, ki te haere koe i a matou, ina, tenei ake ko te pai e meatia mai e Ihowa ki a matou ka meatia hoki e matou ki a koe.
If you go with us, we will do for you whatever good the Lord does for us.”
33 N a ka turia atu e ratou i te maunga o Ihowa, e toru nga ra i haere ai: a i haere te aaka o te kawenata o Ihowa i mua i a ratou, i nga ra e toru i haere ai, ki te titiro okiokinga mo ratou.
So they traveled for three days from the mountain of the Lord with the special box with the Law of the Lord in front of them looking for a place for them to rest.
34 A i runga i a ratou te kapua o Ihowa i te awatea, i to ratou whakatikanga atu i te puni.
The cloud of the Lord was over them during the day, when they moved on.
35 A ka maunu te aaka, na, ka mea a Mohi, Whakatika, e Ihowa, a kia marara ou hoariri; kia rere hoki i tou; aroaro te hunga e kino ana ki a koe.
When the special box of the Lord moved on, Moses said, “Rise up, O Lord! Let those who hate You be divided. Let those who hate You run away before You.”
36 A ka tu te aaka, na ka mea ia, Hoki mai, e Ihowa, ki nga mano tini o Iharaira.
And when it rested, he said, “Return, O Lord, to the many thousands of Israel.”