Joshua 2 ~ Joshua 2


1 N a ka tonoa atu e Hohua, e te tama a Nunu, etahi tangata tokorua i Hitimi hei tutei puku atu, i mea ia, Tikina, tirohia te whenua, me Heriko hoki. Na haere ana raua, a ka tae ki te whare o tetahi wahine kairau, ko Rahapa tona ingoa, a ka moe i re ira.

Then Joshua the son of Nun sent two men from Shittim to go in secret to learn about the land. He said to them, “Go and spy out the land, and Jericho.” So they went and came to the house of Rahab, a woman who sold the use of her body, and they stayed there.

2 N a ka korerotia ki te kingi o Heriko, ka meatia, Nana, kua tae mai etahi tangata ki konei i te po nei, no nga tama a Iharaira, he whakataki i te whenua.

Then the king of Jericho was told, “See, men of Israel have come here to spy out the land.”

3 N a ka tonoa atu e te kingi o Heriko ki a Rahapa, ka mea, Whakaputaina mai ki waho nga tangata i haere mai na ki a koe, i haere atu na ki tou whare: i haere mai hoki raua he mataki i te whenua katoa.

So the king of Jericho sent word to Rahab, saying, “Bring out the men who have come to you and have gone into your house. For they have come to spy out all the land.”

4 N a ka hopu te wahine ra ki nga tangata tokorua, a huna iho e ia; a ka mea atu ia, He tika i haere mai nga tangata ki ahau, heoi, kihai ahau i mohio no hea ranei raua:

But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, “Yes, the men came to me. But I did not know where they were from.

5 A , no te wa o te tutakitanga o te kuwaha, no te mea ka pouri nei, ka puta atu aua tangata ki waho: kahore ahau e mohio i haere aua tangata ki hea: kia hohoro te whai i muri i a raua; ka mau hoki raua i a koutou.

When it was time for the gate to be shut after dark, the men went out. I do not know where they went. Be quick to go after them, for you will catch them.”

6 K ahore ia, kua kawea raua e ia ki runga ki te tuanui, a huna ana raua ki nga kakau rinena i horahorangia e ia ki runga i te tuanui.

But she had brought them up to the roof and had hidden them under the grain she had put up there.

7 N a ka whai nga tangata i muri i a raua na te huarahi ki Horano a tae noa ki nga whakawhitinga: a, no te putanga atu ano o nga kaiwhai i a raua ki waho, ka tutakina te kuwaha.

The men went after them on the road to the Jordan as far as the river crossing. As soon as those going after them had gone out, they shut the gate.

8 A , kiano raua i takoto noa, na ka haere ake ia ki a raua ki te tuanui;

Before they lay down, she came up to them on the roof.

9 K a mea ki aua tangata, E mohio ana ahau kua hoatu te whenua nei e Ihowa ki a koutou, kua tau mai hoki te wehi o koutou ki a matou, a kei te ngohe noa nga tangata katoa o te whenua nei i a koutou.

And she said to the men, “I know that the Lord has given you the land. The fear of you has come upon us. All the people living in the land have become weak with fear because of you.

10 I rongo hoki matou ki ta Ihowa whakamaroketanga i te wai o te Moana Whero i o koutou aroaro, i to koutou putanga mai i Ihipa; ki nga mea hoki i meatia e koutou ki nga kingi tokorua o nga Amori i tawahi o Horano, ki a Hihona raua ko Oka, i huna n ei e koutou.

For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt. We have heard how you destroyed the two kings of the Amorites, Sihon and Og, on the other side of the Jordan.

11 A , i to matou rongonga ano, ka ngohe noa o matou ngakau, kahore atu hoki he tokonga ake o te wairua i roto i tetahi, na koutou hoki: no te mea ko Ihowa, ko to koutou Atua, ko ia te Atua i te rangi i runga, i te whenua hoki i raro.

When we heard it, our hearts became weak. No man had strength of heart any more because of you. For the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.

12 N a, tena, oatitia mai a Ihowa ki ahau, i te mea kua atawhaitia nei korua e ahau, ka atawhai hoki koutou ki te whare o toku matua, a ka homai he tohu pono ki ahau:

Now I have shown you kindness. So I beg of you, promise me by the Lord that you will show kindness to those of my father’s house. Give me something to show that you will be faithful.

13 K a whakaora hoki koutou i toku papa, i toku whaea, i oku tungane, i oku tuakana, me a ratou mea katoa, a ka araarai i a matou kei mate.

Do not kill my father and mother and my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them. Save us from death.”

14 N a ka mea aua tangata ki a ia, Ko to maua ora mo to koutou, ki te kahore koutou e whaki i ta maua take: a tenei ake, hei te homaitanga a Ihowa i te whenua ki a matou, ka puta hoki ta matou mahi atawhai, ta matou mahi pono ki a koe.

So the men said to her, “Our life for yours! If you do not tell anyone what we are doing, we will be faithful and show you kindness when the Lord gives us the land.”

15 N a tukua iho ana raua e ia ki tetahi taura na te matapihi: kei te taiepa tonu hoki o te pa tona whare, a noho ai ia i runga i te taiepa.

Then she let them down by a rope through the window. She lived in her house that was built on top of the city wall.

16 A ka mea ia ki a raua, Haere ki te maunga, kei tutaki nga kaiwhai ki a korua; ka piri ai ki reira kia toru nga ra, kia hoki mai ra ano nga kaiwhai: katahi korua ka haere i to korua huarahi.

She said to them, “Go to the hill country, or those who are looking for you might find you. For three days hide yourselves there until those who are looking for you return. Then you may go on your way.”

17 K atahi ka mea aua tangata ki a ia, E kore maua e whai hara mo tenei oati au i whakaoati nei koe i a maua.

The men said to her, “We will be free from this promise you have made us swear

18 N ana, ina tae mai matou ki tenei whenua, herea te miro nei, te aho whero nei ki te matapihi i tukua iho nei maua e koe na reira; a me whakahuihui mai ki a koe, ki roto ki te whare, tou papa, me tou whaea, me ou tungane, me te nohoanga katoa o to u papa.

unless, when we come into the land, you tie this red rope in the window you let us down through. Bring your father and mother, your brothers and all those of your father’s house into your house.

19 N a ahakoa ko wai te tangata e puta atu ana ki waho o nga tatau o tou whare, hei runga ano i tona mahunga ona toto, ko maua ia ka harakore; tena ko nga tangata katoa i roto tahi koutou i te whare, hei o maua mahunga ona toto, ki te pa atu tetahi ringa ki a ia.

If anyone goes out through the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his own head. We will not be guilty for his death. But if a hand is laid upon anyone who is with you in the house, his blood will be on our head.

20 O tiia, ki te korero koe i ta maua take, ka watea maua i tau oati i whakaoati nei koe i a maua.

And we will be free from the promise you made us swear if you tell anyone what we are doing.”

21 A no ra ko ia, Waiho i ta korua i mea na. A tukua atu ana raua e ia, a haere ana raua: a herea ana e ia te aho whero ki te matapihi.

She said, “Let it be as you have said.” Then she sent them away, and tied the red rope in the window.

22 N a ka haere raua, a ka tae ki te maunga, a noho ana i reira e toru nga ra, a hoki noa nga kaiwhai: a rapu noa nga kaiwhai i a raua i te huarahi katoa, a kahore i kitea.

They left and came to the hill country and stayed there for three days until those who were looking for them returned. The men had looked for them all along the road, but had not found them.

23 K atahi ka hoki aua tangata tokorua, ka heke iho i te maunga, a ka whiti, ka tae ki a Hohua, tama a Nunu, ka korero ki a ia i nga mea katoa i pono ki a raua.

Then the two men came down from the hill country, crossed over the Jordan, and came to Joshua the son of Nun. They told him all that had happened to them.

24 A ka mea raua ki a Hohua, Koia ano, kua homai e Ihowa te whenua katoa ki o tatou ringa; a ngohe kau nga tangata katoa o te whenua i a tatou.

They said to Joshua, “For sure the Lord has given all the land into our hands. All the people living in the land have become weak with fear because of us.”