1 I te tau i mate ai a Kingi Utia i kite ahau i te Ariki e noho ana i runga i te torona, he tiketike, he mea whakarewa ake ki runga, ki tonu ano hoki te temepara i te remu o tona.
In the year of King Uzziah’s death, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and honored. His long clothing spread out and filled the house of God.
2 E tu ana nga herapima i runga ake i a ia: e ono nga parirau o tetahi, o tetahi; i hipokina e ia tona mata ki tetahi rua, ona waewae hoki ki tetahi rua, a ko tetahi rua hei rere mana.
Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings. With two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.
3 A i karanga ratou tetahi ki tetahi, i mea, He tapu, he tapu, he tapu, a Ihowa o nga mano; ki katoa te whenua i tona kororia.
One called out to another and said, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of All. The whole earth is full of His shining-greatness.”
4 I oioi ano nga pou o nga tatau i te reo o tera i karanga ra, ki tonu te whare i te paowa.
And the base of the doorways shook at the voice of him who called out, while the house of God was filled with smoke.
5 N a ko taku kianga ake, Aue te mate moku! ka ngaro hoki ahau; he tangata ngutu poke hoki ahau, e noho ana i waenganui i te iwi ngutu poke; kua kite nei hoki oku kanohi i te kingi, i a Ihowa o nga mano.
Then I said, “It is bad for me, for I am destroyed! Because I am a man whose lips are unclean. And I live among a people whose lips are unclean. For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of All.”
6 N a ko te rerenga mai o tetahi o nga herapima ki ahau, he waro mura i tona ringa, he mea tango mai e ia i te aata ki te kokopi.
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, with a burning coal which he had taken from the altar using a special tool.
7 W hakapangia mai ana e ia ki toku mangai, me tana ki mai, Nana, kua pa tenei ki ou ngutu; na kua riro tou he, kua murua tou hara.
He touched my mouth with it, and said, “See, this has touched your lips, and your guilt is taken away. Your sin is forgiven.”
8 N a ka rongo ahau i te reo o te Ariki e mea ana, Ko wai taku e unga ai, ko wai ta tatou hei haere? Ano ra ko ahau, Tenei ahau, ngarea ko ahau.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom should I send? Who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
9 A no ra ko ia, Haere, mea atu ki tenei iwi, Rongo noa koutou, e kore e matau; titiro noa koutou, e kore e kite.
He said, “Go, and tell these people, ‘You hear and hear but do not understand. You look and look but do not see.’
10 M einga te ngakau o tenei iwi kia ngako, o ratou taringa kia taimaha, whakamoea o ratou kanohi; kei kite o ratou kanohi, kei rongo o ratou taringa, kei matau o ratou ngakau, a ka tahuri, ka whakaorangia.
Make the hearts of these people hard. May their ears hear little and their eyes see little. Or they will see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts, and turn again and be healed.”
11 A no ra ko ahau, E te Ariki, kia pehea te roa? Na ka mea ia, Kia ururuatia ra ano nga pa, a kore noa he tangata hei noho, kia kore ra ano he tangata mo roto i nga whare, kia tino ururuatia rawatia ano hoki te whenua.
Then I said, “Lord, how long?” And He answered, “Until cities are destroyed and empty, and until houses are without people and the land is laid waste.
12 K ia whakamataratia e Ihowa nga tangata ki tawhiti, a ka nui te whakarerenga i waenganui i te whenua.
Until the Lord has taken men far away, and there are many places with no people in the land.
13 A , ki te mau ano he whakatekau i roto i a ia, ka kainga tuaruatia ano ia: ka rite ki te terepini, ki te oki, e mau tonu nei tona uho, i te mea kua tuaina; na hei uho mona te uri tapu.
Yet one tenth part of the people will stay in it. But it will be burned again, like an oak tree whose roots are still there when it is cut down. The holy seed is all that will be left (of Israel).”