Exodus 26 ~ Exodus 26


1 M e hanga ano e koe te tapenakara, kia tekau pihi rinena miro pai; he puru hoki, he papura, he ngangana: me whatu ki roto etahi kerupima; kia tohunga rawa te mahi.

“Make the meeting tent with ten curtains of fine linen, blue and purple and red. Make them with cherubim sewed into them by an able workman.

2 K ia rua tekau ma waru whatianga te roa o te pihi kotahi, kia wha whatianga te whanui o te pihi kotahi: kia rite te nui o nga pihi katoa.

Each curtain will be as long as fourteen long steps, and as wide as two long steps, all of them the same.

3 M e hono nga pihi e rima tetahi ki tetahi; me era atu pihi e rima hoki, me hono tetahi ki tetahi.

Five curtains will be joined to one another. And the other five curtains will be joined to one another.

4 M e hanga ano etahi koropiko puru ki te taha o tetahi pihi, ki te taha e honoa ana: me pena ano e koe ki te taha ki waho o tetahi pihi, ki te taha e honoa mai ai te rua.

Take small pieces of blue cloth, longer than they are wide. Sew both ends to the side of the last curtain in the first group. Then do the same on the side of the last curtain in the second group.

5 K ia rima tekau nga koropiko e hanga e koe ki tetahi pihi, kia rima tekau hoki nga koropiko e hanga ki te taha o te pihi e honoa mai ai te rua, kia hangai ai nga koropiko tetahi ki tetahi.

Put fifty of these pieces on the one curtain. And put fifty on the side of the other curtain, so that the pieces meet each other.

6 M e hanga ano etahi toromoka koura, kia rima tekau, ka hono ai i nga pihi ki nga toromoka: a ka kotahi te tapenakara.

Make fifty hooks of gold and join the curtains together with the hooks so the meeting tent will be as one.

7 M e hanga ano hoki etahi pihi ki te huruhuru koati, hei teneti mo runga i te tapenakara: kia kotahi tekau ma tahi nga pihi e hanga e koe.

“Make curtains of goat hair for a covering over the meeting tent. Make eleven curtains in all.

8 K ia toru tekau whatianga te roa o tetahi pihi, kia wha hoki whatianga te whanui o tetahi pihi, kia rite tonu te nui o nga pihi kotahi tekau ma tahi.

Each curtain will be as long as fifteen long steps, and as wide as two long steps, all of them the same.

9 A me hono nga pihi e rima ki a ratou ano, me nga pihi e ono ki a ratou ano; a me whawhati te tuaono o nga pihi ki te wahi ki mua o te tapenakara.

Join five curtains by themselves and six curtains by themselves. Lay the sixth curtain over the front of the meeting tent twice.

10 M e hanga ano kia rima tekau nga koropiko mo te tapa o to waho pihi, i te hononga, me nga koropiko e rima tekau ki te tapa o te pihi o waho rawa, e honoa mai ai te rua.

Take fifty small pieces of cloth, longer than they are wide. Sew both ends of each to the side of the last curtain in the first group. Then sew fifty pieces onto the side of the last curtain in the second group.

11 M e hanga ano etahi toromoka parahi, kia rima tekau, a ka kuhu i nga totomoka ki nga koropiko, ka hono hoki i te teneti kia kotahi.

Make fifty hooks of brass. Put the hooks through the sewed pieces of cloth and join the tent together as one.

12 A ko te wahi i kohirahira atu o nga pihi o te teneti, te taha o te pihi i mahue atu ra, me whakapahika ki waho atu o te tuarongo o te tapenakara.

The part that is left of the tent’s curtains, the half curtain, will lie over the back of the meeting tent.

13 A , ko te wahi e roa iho ana o nga pihi o te teneti, kia kotahi whatianga o tetahi pito, kia kotahi whatianga o tetahi pito, e purero iho i nga taha o te tapenakara, i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, hei uhi.

There will be parts of the tent’s curtains left over on each side, about a cubit. These will hang over each side of the meeting tent to cover it.

14 M e hanga ano e koe etahi hiako hipi, he mea kua oti te whakawhero, hei uhi mo te teneti, me etahi hiako pateri, hei uhi mo waho atu.

Make a covering for the tent of rams’ skins made red, and a covering over that of badgers’ skins.

15 M e hanga ano etahi papa mo te tapenakara, ki te hitimi te rakau, he mea whakatu.

“Then make the standing pieces of wood for the meeting tent out of acacia wood.

16 K ia kotahi tekau whatianga te roa o te papa, kia kotahi hoki whatianga me te hawhe te whanui o te papa kotahi.

Each piece of wood will be as long as five long steps, and as wide as one step.

17 K ia rua nga arero o te papa kotahi, kia ririte ki a raua: kia pena tonu tau e mea ai ki nga papa katoa o te tapenakara.

Make two joint-pieces in each piece of wood for joining them together. Do this for all the pieces of wood of the meeting tent.

18 N a me hanga nga papa mo te tapenakara, kia rua tekau nga papa mo te taha ki te tonga whaka te tonga.

Set up twenty pieces of wood for the south side of the meeting tent.

19 M e hanga ano nga turanga hiriwa e wha tekau mo raro iho i nga papa e rua tekau; kia rua nga turanga ki raro i tetahi papa mo ona arero e rua, kia rua hoki turanga ki raro i tetahi papa mo ona arero e rua.

Make forty silver bases under the twenty pieces of wood, with two holes in each one for joining the two joint-pieces on each piece of wood.

20 K ia rua tekau hoki nga papa mo te rua o nga taha o te tapenakara, mo te taha ki te raki:

Cut twenty pieces of wood for the north side of the meeting tent.

21 M e nga turanga hiriwa e wha tekau o aua mea, nga turanga e rua mo raro i tetahi papa, me nga turanga e rua mo raro i tetahi atu papa.

And make forty silver bases, two under each piece of wood.

22 A mo te tuarongo o te tapenakara whaka te hauauru me hanga e koe kia ono nga papa.

Then cut six pieces of wood for the back or west side of the meeting tent.

23 K ia rua nga papa e hanga e koe mo nga koki o te tapenakara i te tuarongo.

Cut two pieces of wood for the back corners.

24 A me hono aua papa i raro, me hono ano hoki i runga rawa ki te mowhiti kotahi: me pena aua papa e rua; me waiho mo nga koki e rua.

They will be apart at the bottom, and joined at the top with one ring. They will both be made the same and will make the two corners.

25 N a ka waru ena papa me nga turanga hiriwa; kotahi tekau ma ono nga turanga; e rua nga turanga mo raro i tetahi papa, e rua hoki nga turanga mo raro i tetahi atu papa.

There will be eight special pieces of wood and their silver bases with sixteen holes, two holes under each piece of wood.

26 M e hanga ano hoki e koe etahi kaho, ki te hitimi te rakau; kia rima mo nga papa o tetahi taha o te tapenakara,

“Then make cross-pieces of acacia wood, five for the pieces of wood on one side of the meeting tent,

27 K ia rima hoki nga kaho mo nga papa o tetahi atu taha o te tapenakara, kia rima hoki nga kaho mo nga papa o tetahi pito o te tapenakara, ara o te tuarongo whaka te hauauru.

and five for the pieces of wood on the other side of the meeting tent. Then make five for the pieces of wood at the back of the meeting tent to the west side.

28 A ko to waenga kaho, i waenganui o nga papa, ka rere atu i tetahi pito, ki tetahi pito.

The long, cross-piece for the center of the standing pieces of wood will go through from end to end.

29 A me whakakikorua e koe nga papa ki te koura, me hanga ano hoki nga mowhiti ki te koura hei kuhunga mo nga kaho: me whakakikorua ano hoki nga kaho ki te koura.

Cover the standing pieces of wood with gold. Make rings of gold to hold the cross-pieces and cover these pieces with gold.

30 N a me whakaara e koe te tapenakara; kia rite hoki ki tona tauira i whakakitea ki a koe i te maunga.

Build the meeting tent by following the plan for it that was shown to you on the mountain.

31 M e hanga ano e koe he arai ki te mea puru, ki te papura, ki te ngangana, ki te rinena miro pai; kia whatua ano hoki he kerupima ki roto: kia tohunga rawa te mahi:

“Make a curtain of blue and purple and red cloth and fine linen. It will be made with cherubim sewed into it by an able workman.

32 K a whakairi ai ki runga ki nga pou hitimi e wha, he mea whakakikorua ki te koura: me koura nga matau, ki runga ano i nga turanga hiriwa e wha.

Hang it on four strong pillars of acacia wood covered with gold. Their hooks will be made of gold also. And the pillars will stand on four silver bases.

33 A me whakairi e koe te arai ki raro i nga toromoka, ka kawe ai i te aaka o te whakaaturanga ki reira, ki roto i te arai; a ko te arai hei wehe ma koutou i te wahi tapu, i te wahi tino tapu.

Hang the top of the curtain from the hooks. Then bring the box of the Law within the curtain. This curtain will divide the holy place from the Holiest Place of All.

34 M e whakatakoto ano e koe te taupoki ki runga ki te aaka o te whakaaturanga, ki te wahi tino tapu.

Put the mercy-seat on the box of the Law in the Holiest Place of All.

35 M e whakatu ano te tepu ki waho mai o te arai, me te turanga rama ki te ritenga atu o te tepu, ki te taha o te tapenakara whaka te tonga: me whakatu hoki e koe te tepu ki te taha ki te raki.

Set the table outside the curtain. Put the lamp-stand on the south side of the meeting tent. And put the table on the north side.

36 M e hanga ano he pa mo te whatitoka o te teneti, ki te mea puru, ki te papura, ki te ngangana, ki te rinena miro pai, he mea whakairo ki te ngira.

“Make another curtain of fine linen for the door of the tent. It will be made of blue and purple and red cloth by an able workman.

37 M e hanga ano mo te pa kia rima nga pou hitimi, ka whakakikorua ki te koura, me koura nga matau o aua mea; me whakarewa ano hoki e koe etahi turanga parahi e rima mo aua mea.

Hang it on five pillars of acacia wood covered with gold. Make their hooks of gold. And make five brass bases for them.