Matthew 6 ~ Matthew 6


1 K ia tupato kei mahi i ta koutou mea tika i te aroaro o nga tangata, hei tirohanga ma ratou: penei kahore he utu ki a koutou a to koutou Matua i te rangi.

“Be sure you do not do good things in front of others just to be seen by them. If you do, you have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 N a, ka atawhai koe i te rawakore, aua e whakatangihia te tetere i mua i a koe, kei pera me te hunga tinihanga i roto i nga whare karakia, i nga ara, kia whai kororia ai i nga tangata. He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Kei a ratou ano te utu mo ratou.

When you give to the poor, do not be as those who pretend to be someone they are not. They blow a horn in the places of worship and in the streets so people may respect them. For sure, I tell you, they have all the reward they are going to get.

3 E rangi ka atawhaitia e koe te rawakore, kei mohio tou maui ki ta tou matau e mea ai;

When you give, do not let your left hand know what your right hand gives.

4 K ia ngaro ai tau atawhainga rawakore: a ko tou Matua e kite nei i te wahi ngaro, mana koe e utu.

Your giving should be in secret. Then your Father Who sees in secret will reward you. Jesus Teaches about Prayer

5 A , ka inoi koe, kaua e pera me te hunga tinihanga; ko ta ratou hoki e pai ai ko te inoi tu i roto i nga whare karakia, i nga kokinga o nga ara, kia kitea ai e te tangata. He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Kei a ratou ano te utu mo ratou.

“When you pray, do not be as those who pretend to be someone they are not. They love to stand and pray in the places of worship or in the streets so people can see them. For sure, I tell you, they have all the reward they are going to get.

6 N a, ka inoi koe, tomo atu ki tou ruma i roto rawa, a, no ka kati tou tatau, inoi ki tou Matua i te wahi ngaro; a ko tou Matua e kite nei i te wahi ngaro, mana koe e utu.

When you pray, go into a room by yourself. After you have shut the door, pray to your Father Who is in secret. Then your Father Who sees in secret will reward you.

7 N a, ka inoi koutou, aua e whakahuatia noatia ko aua kupu ano, kei pera me nga tauiwi: ki ta ratou hoki ma nga kupu maha e rangona ai ratou.

When you pray, do not say the same thing over and over again making long prayers like the people who do not know God. They think they are heard because their prayers are long.

8 N a, kei rite koutou ki a ratou: e matau ana hoki to koutou Matua ki nga mea e matea ana e koutou, i te mea kiano koutou i inoi ki a ia.

Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

9 N a kia penei ta koutou inoi: E to matou Matua i te rangi, Kia tapu tou ingoa.

“Pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, Your name is holy.

10 K ia tae mai tou rangatiratanga. Kia meatia tau e pai ai ki runga ki te whenua, kia rite ano ki to te rangi.

May Your holy nation come. What You want done, may it be done on earth as it is in heaven.

11 H omai ki a matou aianei he taro ma matou mo tenei ra.

Give us the bread we need today.

12 M urua o matou hara, me matou hoki e muru nei i o te hunga e hara ana ki a matou.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

13 A ua hoki matou e kawea kia whakawaia; engari whakaorangia matou i te kino. Nou hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha, me te kororia, ake, ake. Amine.

‘Do not let us be tempted, but keep us from sin. Your nation is holy. You have power and shining-greatness forever. Let it be so.’ Jesus Teaches about Forgiveness

14 K i te whakarerea noatia iho hoki e koutou nga he o te tangata, ka whakarerea noatia iho ano o koutou e to koutou Matua i te rangi.

“If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also.

15 A , ki te kore e whakarerea noatia iho e koutou nga he o nga tangata, e kore ano e whakarerea noatia iho o koutou he e to koutou Matua.

If you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Jesus Teaches about Not Eating So You Can Pray Better

16 K a nohopuku hoki koutou, kei rite ki te hunga tinihanga, kaua e whakapoururu te kanohi; e whakaahua ke ana hoki ratou i o ratou kanohi, kia kitea ai e te tangata, e nohopuku ana. He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Kei a ratou ano te utu mo rato u.

“When you go without food so you can pray better, do not be as those who pretend to be someone they are not. They make themselves look sad so people will see they are going with out food. For sure, I tell you, they have all the reward they are going to get.

17 E ngari ka nohopuku koe, kaukauria tou upoko, horoia hoki tou kanohi;

When you go without food so you can pray better, put oil on your head and wash your face.

18 K ei kitea koe e te tangata e nohopuku ana, erangi e tou Matua i te wahi ngaro; a, ko tou Matua e kite nei i te wahi ngaro, mana koe e utu.

Then nobody knows you are going without food. Then your Father Who sees in secret will reward you. Jesus Teaches about Having Riches

19 K aua e purangatia he taonga mo koutou ki te whenua, ki te wahi e whakangaro ai te huhu, te waikura: ki te wahi hoki e keri ai te tahae, tahae ai.

“Do not gather together for yourself riches of this earth. They will be eaten by bugs and become rusted. Men can break in and steal them.

20 E rangi purangatia mo koutou he taonga ki te rangi, ki te wahi e kore ai e whakangaro te huhu, te waikura, ki te wahi hoki e kore ai e keri te tahae, tahae ai:

Gather together riches in heaven where they will not be eaten by bugs or become rusted. Men cannot break in and steal them.

21 K o te wahi hoki i o koutou taonga, ko reira ano o koutou ngakau.

For wherever your riches are, your heart will be there also.

22 K o te kanohi te rama o te tinana: na ki te atea tou kanohi, e marama katoa tou tinana.

The eye is the light of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.

23 T ena ki te kino tou kanohi, ka pouri katoa tou tinana. Na ki te pouri te marama i roto i a koe, ano te nui o tena pouri!

If your eye is bad, your whole body will be dark. If the light in you is dark, how dark it will be!

24 K ahore he tangata e pono te mahi ki nga rangatira tokorua: ka kino hoki ki tetahi, ka aroha ki tetahi; ka u ranei ki tetahi, a ka whakahawea ki tetahi. E kore e pono i a koutou te mahi ki te Atua, ki te taonga.

No one can have two bosses. He will hate the one and love the other. Or he will listen to the one and work against the other. You cannot have both God and riches as your boss at the same time. Jesus Teaches about Cares of Life

25 K oia ahau ka mea nei ki a koutou, Kaua e manukanuka ki to koutou ora, ki ta koutou e kai ai, ki ta koutou e inu ai; ki o koutou tinana ranei, ki ta koutou e kakahu ai. Ehara oti te ora i te rahi atu i te kai, me te tinana i te kakahu?

“I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Do not worry about what you are going to eat and drink. Do not worry about what you are going to wear. Is not life more important than food? Is not the body more important than clothes?

26 T irohia nga manu o te rangi: kahore ratou e rui, kahore e kokoti, e kohikohi ranei ki nga whare witi; heoi e whangainga ana ratou e to koutou Matua i te rangi. Ehara oti koutou i te mea pai ake i era?

Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant seeds. They do not gather grain. They do not put grain into a building to keep. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them! Are you not more important than the birds?

27 K o wai o koutou e taea e ia te whakaaro iho, te hono tetahi wahi ki tona roa, kia kotahi te whatianga?

Which of you can make himself a little taller by worrying?

28 A he aha koutou i manukanuka ai ki te kakahu? Maharatia nga rengarenga o te whenua, te tupu; e kore nei e mahi, e kore nei ano e miro:

Why should you worry about clothes? Think how the flowers grow. They do not work or make cloth.

29 K o taku kupu tenei ki a koutou, Kihai a Horomona, me tona kororia katoa, i rite ki tetahi o enei te whai kakahu.

But I tell you that Solomon in all his greatness was not dressed as well as one of these flowers.

30 H a, ki te penei ta te Atua whakakakahu i te tarutaru o te whenua, e tupu nei inaianei, a apopo ka maka ki te oumu, e kore ianei tana i a koutou e rahi ake, e te hunga whakapono iti?

God clothes the grass of the field. It lives today and is burned in the stove tomorrow. How much more will He give you clothes? You have so little faith!

31 N a kaua ra e manukanuka, e mea, He aha ta tatou e kai ai? He aha ta tatou e inu ai? Me whakakakahu tatou ki te aha?

Do not worry. Do not keep saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘What will we wear?’

32 K o enei mea katoa nei hoki ta nga tauiwi e rapu ai; e matau ana hoki to koutou Matua i te rangi e matea ana e koutou enei mea katoa.

The people who do not know God are looking for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all these things.

33 E ngari matua rapua tona rangatiratanga, me ana mea tika; a ka tapiritia enei mea katoa ma koutou.

First of all, look for the holy nation of God. Be right with Him. All these other things will be given to you also.

34 N o reira kaua e manukanuka ki o apopo: ma apopo ano ia e manukanuka. Kati ano i tona ra tona kino.

Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own worries. The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day.