Titus 2 ~ Titus 2


1 K o koe ia, korerotia nga mea e rite ana ki to te whakaako ora:

You must teach what is right and true.

2 K o nga kaumatua kia ata whakahaere i a ratou, kia tu kaumatua, kia whai whakaaro, kia ora te whakapono, te aroha, te manawanui:

Older men are to be quiet and to be careful how they act. They are to be the boss over their own desires. Their faith and love are to stay strong and they are not to give up.

3 M e nga wahine taikaumatua hoki, kia rite nga tikanga ki a te hunga e whakaaro ana ki te tapu, kia kaua e ngautuara, kia kaua e riro hei pononga ma te waina, kia whakaako i nga mea pai;

Teach older women to be quiet and to be careful how they act also. They are not to go around speaking bad things about others or things that are not true. They are not to be chained by strong drink. They should teach what is good.

4 K ia meinga e ratou nga wahine taitamariki kia whai whakaaro, kia aroha ki a ratou tane, kia aroha ki a ratou tamariki.

Older women are to teach the young women to love their husbands and children.

5 K ia whai whakaaro, kia tika, kia pukumahi i te kainga, kia atawhai, kia ngohengohe ki a ratou tane, kei korerotia kinotia te kupu a te Atua.

They are to teach them to think before they act, to be pure, to be workers at home, to be kind, and to obey their own husbands. In this way, the Word of God is honored.

6 M e whakahau atu hoki nga taitamariki kia whai whakaaro;

Also teach young men to be wise.

7 I nga mea katoa kia kitea koe he tauira mo nga mahi pai; ko tau whakaako kia tapatahi, kia tu kaumatua,

In all things show them how to live by your life and by right teaching.

8 K ia ora te kupu, kei taea te whakahe; kia whakama ai te tangata tikanga ke, te ai he mea e korerotia kinotia ai tatou e ia.

You should be wise in what you say. Then the one who is against you will be ashamed and will not be able to say anything bad about you.

9 K o nga pononga kia ngohengohe ki o ratou rangatira, kia whakamanawarekatia ratou i nga mea katoa; kaua e whakahoki kupu;

Those who are servants owned by someone must obey their owners and please them in everything. They must not argue.

10 K aua e kaia, engari kia kitea he pai, he nui, to ratou pono; kia ai ratou i nga mea katoa hei whakapaipai i te whakaako i te Atua, a to tatou Kaiwhakaora.

They must not steal from their owners but prove they can be trusted in every way. In this way, their lives will honor the teaching of God Who saves us.

11 K ua puta mai hoki te aroha noa o te Atua e ora ai nga tangata katoa,

God’s free gift of being saved is being given to everyone.

12 H ei whakaako i a tatou, kia whakakahoretia e tatou te karakiakore me nga hiahia o te ao, kia noho whakaaro tatou, i runga ano i te tika, i te karakia pai, i tenei ao;

We are taught to have nothing to do with that which is against God. We are to have nothing to do with the desires of this world. We are to be wise and to be right with God. We are to live God-like lives in this world.

13 M e te tatari ano ki te mea whakahari e tumanakohia atu nei, ki te putanga kororia mai o to tatou Atua nui, o to tatou Kaiwhakaora ano hoki, o Ihu Karaiti;

We are to be looking for the great hope and the coming of our great God and the One Who saves, Christ Jesus.

14 I tuku nei i a ia mo tatou, hei hoko i a tatou i roto i nga kino katoa, hei horoi hoki i a tatou hei iwi mana ake, e ngakau nui ana ki nga mahi pai.

He gave Himself for us. He did this by buying us with His blood and making us free from all sin. He gave Himself so His people could be clean and want to do good.

15 K orerotia enei mea, whakahaua; kia nui tou maia ki te riri i te he. Kei whakahawea tetahi ki a koe.

Teach all these things and give words of help. Show them if they are wrong. You have the right and the power to do this. Do not let anyone think little of you.