Genesis 43 ~ Genesis 43


1 A , he tino nui te matekai o te whenua.

The time of no food was hard in the land.

2 A , ka pau te witi i maua mai e ratou i Ihipa, na ka mea to ratou papa ki a ratou, Hoki atu ki te hoko i tetahi wahi kai ma tatou.

When they had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, their father said to them, “Go again and buy us a little food.”

3 A ka korero a Hura ki a ia, ka mea, I tino whakatupato taua tangata i a matou, i mea, E kore koutou e kite i toku mata ki te kahore to koutou teina i a koutou.

But Judah told him, “The man said to us with sharp words, ‘You will not see my face unless your brother is with you.’

4 K i te tukua e koe to matou teina hei hoa mo matou, ka haere matou ki raro ki te hoko kai mau:

If you send our brother with us, we will go to Egypt and buy you food.

5 K i te kahore ia e tukua e koe, e kore matou e haere ki raro: no te mea i ki mai taua tangata ki a matou, E kore koutou e kite i toku mata ki te kahore to koutou teina i a koutou.

But if you do not send him, we will not go. For the man said, ‘You will not see my face unless your brother is with you.’”

6 N a ka mea a Iharaira, He aha koutou i ngarahu kino ai ki ahau, i whakaatu ai ki taua tangata he teina ano to koutou?

Israel said, “Why did you do me such a wrong by telling the man that you had another brother?”

7 A ka mea ratou, I tino ui taua tangata ki o matou ahua, ki o matou whanaunga hoki, i mea mai, E ora ana ano ranei to koutou papa? tena ano ranei tetahi atu teina o koutou? a rite tonu ki enei kupu ta matou i korero ai ki a ia: tera ranei matou e ata mohio ka ki mai ia, Kawea mai to koutou teina ki raro nei?

And they said, “The man asked questions about us and our family. He said, ‘Is your father still alive? Do you have another brother?’ So we answered his questions. How could we know that he would say, ‘Bring your brother here’?”

8 N a ka mea a Hura ki tona papa, ki a Iharaira, Tukua te tamaiti ki ahau, a ka whakatika matou, ka haere; kia ora ai tatou, kei mate tahi hoki matou me koe, me a matou potiki.

Judah said to his father Israel, “Send the boy with me. And we will get up and go, so we and you and our children may live and not die.

9 K o ahau hei utu mona; me rapu ia e koe i toku ringa: ki te kahore ahau e kawe mai i a ia ki a koe, e whakatu hoki i a ia ki tou aroaro, na, hei whakahenga ahau mau i nga ra katoa:

I will put myself as trust for him. You may put him in my care. If I do not return him to you and set him in front of you, then let the blame be on me forever.

10 M e i kahore hoki matou i roa nei, kua rua enei hokinga mai o matou inaianei.

For if we had not waited, we would have returned twice by now.”

11 K atahi ka mea a Iharaira, to ratou papa ki a ratou, Ki te mea ra he penei te hanga, ko tenei ta koutou e mea ai; maua atu etahi o nga hua papai o te whenua i roto i a koutou oko, kawea atu hoki he hakari ki raro, ki taua tangata, tetahi wahi pam a, me tetahi wahi honi, etahi aramona:

Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be so, then do this: take some of the best things of the land in your bags. Carry them to the man as a gift. Give him perfume and honey and spices and special things to eat.

12 K ia takirua hoki nga hiriwa e maua atu i roto i o koutou ringa; ko te moni hoki i whakahokia mai i te waha o a koutou peke, me whakahoki atu ano tena i roto i o koutou ringa; he pohehe noa pea tena:

Take twice as much money with you to take the place of the money that was returned in your bags. It may be that it was a mistake.

13 K awea atu ano hoki to koutou teina, a whakatika, hoki atu ano ki taua tangata:

Take your brother also. Get up, and return to the man.

14 A ma te Atua Kaha Rawa e tuku mai ki a koutou kia arohaina mai e taua tangata, kia tonoa mai ano e ia tera tuakana o koutou, raua ko Pineamine. Ko ahau hoki, ki te whakapania ahau, ka whakapania ahau.

May the All-powerful God give you such favor with the man that he may let your other brother and Benjamin return. If my children are taken from me, I am filled with sorrow.”

15 N a ka mau aua tangata ki taua hakari, e rua hoki nga moni i maua atu e ratou i roto i o ratou ringa, me Pineamine hoki: a whakatika ana ratou, haere ana ki raro, ki Ihipa, a ka tu ki te aroaro o Hohepa.

So the men took the gift, and twice as much money, and Benjamin. They got up and went to Egypt, and stood in front of Joseph.

16 A , ka kitea a Pineamine e Hohepa i roto i a ratou, na ka mea ia ki te kaitohutohu o tona whare, Kawea ena tangata ki te whare, patua he kai, taka hoki; ka kai tahi hoki matou ko ena tangata ina tu te ra.

When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the man who took care of his house, “Bring the men into the house. And kill an animal and make it ready. For the men will eat with me at noon.”

17 N a ka meatia e taua tangata ta Hohepa i ki ai; a ka kawea aua tangata e taua tangata ki te whare o Hohepa.

So the man did what Joseph said, and brought the men to Joseph’s house.

18 N a ka wehi aua tangata, mo ratou i kawea ki te whare o Hohepa; a ka mea ratou, Mo te moni i whakahokia i roto i a tatou peke i te haerenga tuatahi i kawea mai ai tatou; kia whai take mai ai ia ki a tatou, mo tana rere mai ki a tatou ki te tango i a tatou hei pononga, me a tatou kaihe hoki.

The men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph’s house. They said, “We are being brought in because of the money that was returned in our bags the first time we came. He is looking for something against us. He will come down on us and take us for servants with our donkeys.”

19 N a ka whakatata ratou ki te kaitohutohu o te whare o Hohepa, ka korero ki a ia i te kuwaha o te whare,

So they came near the man who took care of Joseph’s house, and spoke to him at the door of the house.

20 K a mea, E te ariki, i haere mai ano matou i mua ki te hoko kai:

They said, “O, my lord, we came here the first time to buy food.

21 A , no to matou taenga ki te whare tira, i ta matou whakatuwheratanga i a matou peke, na, ko te moni a tenei, a tenei, i te waha o tana peke, ta matou moni, rite tonu te taimaha: a kua whakahokia mai taua mea e matou i roto i o matou ringa.

When we came to the place where we stayed the night, we opened our bags. And we found that the full weight of each man’s money was at the top of the bag. So we have brought it again with us.

22 K ua kawea mai ano e matou i roto i o matou ringa tetahi atu moni hei hoko kai: kahore matou e mohio na wai ranei i maka a matou moni ki a matou peke.

We have brought other money with us also to buy food. We do not know who put our money in our bags.”

23 A ka mea ia, Kia tau te rangimarie ki a koutou, kaua e wehi: na to koutou Atua, na te Atua hoki o to koutou papa i homai he taonga ki a koutou ki roto ki a koutou peke: i tae mai ano ta koutou moni ki ahau. A ka kawea e ia a Himiona ki a ratou.

But he answered, “Peace be with you. Do not be afraid. Your God and the God of your father has given you riches in your bags. I received your money.” Then he brought Simeon out to them.

24 N a ka kawe taua tangata i aua tangata ki te whare o Hohepa, ka hoatu e ia he wai hei horoi mo o ratou waewae; i hoatu ano e ia he kai ma a ratou kaihe.

The man brought the men into Joseph’s house and gave them water to wash their feet. And he fed their donkeys.

25 N a ka taka e ratou te hakari mo te taenga mai o Hohepa i te awatea: i rongo hoki ratou me kai taro ratou ki reira.

So they made the gift ready to give to Joseph when he came at noon. For they had heard that they were to eat there.

26 A , i te taenga mai o Hohepa ki te whare, ka kawea e ratou ki a ia te hakari a o ratou ringa ki te whare, a ka piko ki a ia ki te whenua.

When Joseph came home, they gave him the gift they had brought with them. They bowed to the ground in front of him.

27 N a ka ui ia ki a ratou ki te pai, ka mea, Kei te pai ranei to koutou papa, te koroheke i korerotia mai ra e koutou? E ora ana ano ranei ia?

Then Joseph asked them about their well-being. He said, “Is your father well, the old man you spoke about? Is he still alive?”

28 A ka mea ratou ki a ia, Kei te pai tau pononga, to matou papa, e ora ana ano ia. Na ka tuohu ratou, ka piko iho.

And they said, “Your servant, our father is well. He is still alive.” Then they bowed their heads low in honor to Joseph.

29 K a maranga tona kanohi, ka kite ia i a Pineamine, i tona teina, i te tama a tona whaea, a ka mea, Ko to koutou teina tenei, ko te whakaotinga i korerotia ra e koutou ki ahau? I mea ano ia, Kia aroha te Atua ki a koe, e taku tama.

As he looked up, he saw his brother Benjamin, his mother’s son. He said, “Is this your youngest brother whom you told me about? May God show you loving-favor, my son.”

30 N a ka hohoro a Hohepa; he tokonga ake hoki no tona ngakau aroha ki tona teina: a ka rapua e ia tetahi wahi hei tangihanga; a haere ano ia ki te ruma i roto, ki reira tangi ai.

Then Joseph went out in a hurry. For he had much feeling for his brother. He went in his room and cried.

31 N a ka horoia e ia tona mata, ka puta ki waho, ka whakamanawanui, ka mea, Whakatakotoria he taro.

Then he washed his face and came out. Hiding his feelings, he said, “Bring the food.”

32 N a ka whakatakotoria e ratou, mana ki a ia anake, ma ratou ki a ratou anake, ma nga Ihipiana, i kai tahi me ia, ki a ratou anake: e kore hoki e ahei i nga Ihipiana te kai taro tahi me nga Hiperu; he mea whakarihariha hoki tena ki nga Ihipiana.

So they brought food to Joseph by himself, and to them by themselves, and to the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves. The Egyptians could not eat bread with the Hebrews because they thought it would be sinful.

33 N a ka noho ratou ki tona aroaro, to mua rite tonu ano ki tona muanga, to muri rite tonu ano ki tona muringa; a miharo ana aua tangata tetahi ki tetahi.

Joseph’s brothers were seated in front of him by the way they were born, from the oldest to the youngest. And the men looked at each other in wonder.

34 N a ka tuwhaina atu e ia etahi o nga wahi i tona aroaro ma ratou: he nui rawa ia te wahi i a Pineamine; me i takirimatia te wahi a tetahi o ratou kua rite ki tana. Na ka inu ratou, ka koa tahi me ia.

Joseph took food to them from his own table. But Benjamin’s food was five times as much as any of theirs. And they were free in eating and drinking with him.