1 A i haere a Mohi, i korero i enei kupu ki a Iharaira katoa.
Then Moses spoke these words to all Israel.
2 I mea ia ki a ratou, Ko toku kaumatua i tenei ra ka kotahi rau e rua tekau nga tau; e kore ahau e ahei ano te kopiko atu, te kopiko mai: kua mea mai hoki a Ihowa ki ahau, E kore koe e whiti i tenei Horano.
He said to them, “I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to come and go. And the Lord has told me, ‘You will not cross this Jordan.’
3 K o Ihowa, ko tou Atua, ko ia e whakawhiti ki mua i a koe; mana e whakangaro atu enei iwi i mua i a koe, a ka riro ratou i a koe: a ko Hohua, ko ia e whiti atu i mua i a koe, ka rite ki ta Ihowa i korero ai.
The Lord your God Himself will cross before you. He will destroy these nations in front of you. And you will take their place. Joshua will cross before you also, as the Lord has said.
4 A ka rite ta Ihowa e mea ai ki a ratou ki tana i mea ai ki a Hihona raua ko Oka, ki nga kingi o nga Amori, ki to ratou whenua hoki; i huna nei e ia.
The Lord will do the same to them that He did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land when He destroyed them.
5 A ka homai ratou e Ihowa ki to koutou aroaro, a ka rite ta koutou e mea ai ki a ratou ki nga whakahau katoa i whakahau ai ahau ki a koutou.
The Lord will give them to you. Then you will do to them as I have told you.
6 K ia maia, kia toa, kaua e wehi, kaua e pawera i a ratou: no te mea ko Ihowa, ko tou Atua, ko ia te haere tahi ana i a koe; e kore ia e whakarere i a koe, e kore hoki e mawehe atu i a koe.
Be strong and have strength of heart. Do not be afraid or shake with fear because of them. For the Lord your God is the One Who goes with you. He will be faithful to you. He will not leave you alone.”
7 N a ka karanga a Mohi ki a Hohua, a ka mea ki a ia i te tirohanga a Iharaira katoa, Kia maia, kia toa: ko koe hoki e haere tahi me tenei iwi ki te whenua i oati ai a Ihowa ki o ratou matua kia homai ki a ratou; mau ano ratou e whakawhiwhi ki taua wahi.
Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in front of all Israel, “Be strong and have strength of heart. For you will go with this people into the land the Lord has promised to their fathers to give them. And you will bring them in to take it.
8 K o Ihowa ano, ko ia te haere ana i tou aroaro, hei tou taha ia, e kore ia e whakarere i a koe, e kore hoki e mawehe atu i a koe: kaua e wehi, kaua hoki e pawera.
The Lord is the One Who goes before you. He will be with you. He will be faithful to you and will not leave you alone. Do not be afraid or troubled.” Reading of the Law Every Seven Years
9 A tuhituhia iho e Mohi tenei ture, hoatu ana ki nga tohunga, ki nga tama a Riwai, ko ratou nei nga kaiamo i te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa, ki nga kaumatua katoa ano hoki o Iharaira.
So Moses wrote this Law and gave it to the religious leaders, the sons of Levi who carried the special box of the Law of the Lord, and to all the leaders of Israel.
10 I ako ano a Mohi ki a ratou, i mea, Hei te mutunga o nga tau e whitu, hei te wa ano e rite ai i te tau tuku noa, i te hakari o nga whare wharau,
Then Moses told them, “At the end of every seven years, at the time when money owed is done away with at the Special Supper of Tents,
11 I te wa e tae ai a Iharaira katoa ki te whakakite i a ratou ki te aroaro o Ihowa, o tou Atua, ki te wahi e whiriwhiri ai ia, ka korero ai koe i tenei ture ki te aroaro o Iharaira katoa, kia rongo ai ratou.
when all Israel comes to stand before the Lord your God at the place He will choose, you must read this Law so all Israel will hear it.
12 W hakaminea te iwi, nga tane, nga wahine, nga tamariki, me tou tangata iwi ke i roto i ou kuwaha, kia rongo ai ratou, kia whakaakona ai, kia wehi ai i a Ihowa, i to koutou Atua, kia mau ai ki te mahi i nga kupu katoa o tenei ture:
Gather together the people in your town, the men and the women, the children, and the stranger. So they may hear and learn and fear the Lord your God. Be careful to obey all the words of this Law.
13 K ia rongo ai hoki a ratou tamariki, kihai nei i mohio, kia whakaakona ai kia wehi i a Ihowa, i to koutou Atua, i nga ra katoa e ora ai koutou ki te whenua e whiti atu nei koutou i Horano ki reira ki te tango.
Then their children, who have not known it, will hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to take.” The Lord’s Last Words to Moses
14 N a ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Nana, ka tata ou ra e mate ai koe: karangatia atu a Hohua, e tu hoki korua ki roto ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, a maku e ako ki a ia. Na ka haere a Mohi raua ko Hohua, a tu ana raua i roto i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
The Lord said to Moses, “See, the time for you to die is near. Call Joshua, and go to the meeting tent, so I may tell him what to do.” So Moses and Joshua went to the meeting tent.
15 N a ka puta mai a Ihowa ki te tapenakara i roto ano i te pou kapua: a tu ana te pou kapua i runga i te kuwaha o te tapenakara.
The Lord showed Himself in a pillar of cloud which stayed at the door of the tent.
16 K atahi ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Nana, ka takoto koe ki ou matua; a ka whakatika te iwi nei, ka whai atu, ka puremu ki nga atua ke o te whenua, e haere na ratou ki reira noho ai ki waenganui i a ratou; ka whakarere i ahau, ka whakataka hoki i ta ku kawenata i whakaritea atu e ahau ki a ratou.
And the Lord said to Moses, “See, you will soon die and be with your fathers. Then these people will soon act like a woman who sells the use of her body. They will follow the strange gods of the land where they are going. They will turn away from Me and break My agreement which I have made with them.
17 A ka mura toku riri ki a ratou i taua ra, a ka whakarere ahau i a ratou, ka huna hoki i toku kanohi i a ratou, a ka pau ratou, ka pa ano hoki nga kino maha me nga matenga ki a ratou; a ka mea ratou i taua ra, Kahore ianei enei kino i pa mai ki a tatou, no te mea kahore to tatou Atua i roto i a tatou?
Then My anger will burn against them. I will leave them alone and hide My face from them and they will be destroyed. Many hard things and big troubles will come upon them. So they will say in that day, ‘Have not these troubles come upon us because our God is not with us?’
18 K o ahau ia, ka huna rawa ahau i toku kanohi i taua ra, mo nga kino katoa i meatia e ratou, mo ratou i tahuri ki nga atua ke.
But I will hide My face in that day because of all the sinful things they will do, for they will turn to other gods.
19 N a tuhituhia tenei hei waiata ma korua, ka whakaako hoki ki nga tama a Iharaira: hoatu hoki ki roto ki o ratou waha, kia ai tenei waiata hei kaiwhakaatu moku ki nga tama a Iharaira.
So write this song for yourselves. Teach it to the people of Israel. Put it on their lips, so this song may speak for Me against all the people of Israel.
20 N o te mea ka oti ratou te kawe e ahau ki te whenua i oati ai ahau ki o ratou matua, e rerengia nei e te waiu, e te honi; a ka kai ratou, ka makona, ka momona hoki; ko reira ratou tahuri ai ki nga atua ke, mahi ai ki a ratou, a ka whakahawea rato u ki ahau, ka whakataka hoki i taku kawenata.
For when I bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey, which I promised to their fathers, and they eat and are filled and have become rich, they will turn to other gods and serve them. They will turn against Me and break My agreement.
21 A , tenei ake, hei te panga o nga kino maha, o nga mate maha ki a ratou, na ma tenei waiata e whakaatu ki to ratou aroaro; no te mea e kore e mahue i nga waha o o ratou uri: e mohio ana hoki ahau ki o ratou whakaaro e tito nei ratou inaianei nei ano, i te mea kiano ahau i kawe noa i a ratou ki te whenua i oati ai ahau.
When many hard things and big troubles come upon them, this song will speak for Me against them. It will not be forgotten from the lips of their children and their children’s children. I know the plans they are making today, before I have brought them into the land I promised them.”
22 N a tuhituhia ana e Mohi tenei waiata i taua rangi ano, a whakaakona ana ki nga tama a Iharaira.
So Moses wrote this song the same day, and taught it to the people of Israel.
23 A i whakahau ano ia i a Hohua, i te tama a Nunu, i mea, Kia maia, kia toa: mau hoki e kawe nga tama a Iharaira ki te whenua i oati ai ahau ki a ratou: a hei a koe ahau.
Then the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, “Be strong and have strength of heart. For you will bring the people of Israel into the land I promised them. And I will be with you.”
24 A , ka oti i a Mohi te tuhi nga kupu o tenei ture ki tetahi pukapuka, a poto noa,
Moses wrote the words of this Law in a book from beginning to the end.
25 N a, ka whakahau a Mohi i nga Riwaiti, i nga kaiamo i te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa, ka mea,
Then Moses said to the Levites who carried the special box of the Law of the Lord,
26 T angohia tenei pukapuka o te ture, hoatu ki te taha o te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa, a to koutou atua, a hei reira takoto ai, hei whakaatu ki a koe.
“Take this book of the Law and put it beside the special box of the Law of the Lord your God. It will be there to speak against you.
27 N o te mea e mohio ana ahau ki tou tutu, ki tou kaki maro: nana, i ahau e ora nei ano i a koutou i tenei ra, e tutu ana ano koutou ki a Ihowa; a ka mate ahau, tera noa ake!
For I know how strong your will is and that you do not want to obey. See, while I am still alive with you today, you have gone against the Lord. How much worse it will be after my death!
28 H uihuia mai ki ahau nga kaumatua katoa o o koutou iwi, me o koutou rangatira, a ka korero ahau i enei kupu ki o ratou taringa, ka waiho hoki i te rangi, i te whenua hei kaititiro mo ratou.
Gather together and bring to me all the leaders and heads of your families. I will speak these words to them and call heaven and earth to speak against them.
29 N o te mea e mohio ana ahau, ko muri i toku matenga taka rawa ai koutou, peka ke ai i te huarahi i kiia atu e ahau ki a koutou; a ka pono mai te kino ki a koutou i nga ra whakamutunga; mo koutou ka mahi i te kino i te tirohanga a Ihowa, hei whaka pataritari i a ia ki te mahi a o koutou ringa.
For I know that after my death you will sin and turn from the way I have told you. Much trouble will come to you in the days to come. For you will do what is sinful in the eyes of the Lord. You will make Him angry through the work of your hands.”
30 A korerotia ana e Mohi nga kupu o tenei waiata ki nga taringa o te huihuinga katoa o Iharaira a poto noa.
Then Moses spoke all the words of this song to all the people of Israel.