1 B e merciful unto me, O God; for man would swallow me up: All the day long he fighting oppresseth me.
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Ionata ereme rehokime. Na Rawiri. He Mikitama, i a ia ka mau i nga Pirihitini ki Kata. Tohungia ahau e te Atua, ka horomia hoki ahau e te tangata: e tukino ana ia ki ahau i te ra roa nei, i a ia e ngangare tonu nei.
2 M ine enemies would swallow me up all the day long; For they are many that fight proudly against me.
E whai ana oku hoariri i te ra roa nei, kia horomia ahau; he tokomaha nei hoki e whakahi ana, e whawhai mai ana ki ahau.
3 W hat time I am afraid, I will put my trust in thee.
Ka whakawhirinaki ahau ki a koe i te wa e mataku ai ahau.
4 I n God (I will praise his word), In God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid; What can flesh do unto me?
Ma te Atua ahau ka whakamoemiti ki tana kupu: e whakawhirinaki ana ahau ki te Atua, e kore ahau e wehi. He aha ta te kikokiko e mea ai ki ahau?
5 A ll the day long they wrest my words: All their thoughts are against me for evil.
E whakariroia ketia ana e ratou aku kupu i nga ra katoa; heoi ano ta ratou e whakaaro ai ko te kino moku.
6 T hey gather themselves together, they hide themselves, They mark my steps, Even as they have waited for my soul.
E huihui ana ratou, e piri ana: e titiro matatau ana ki oku hikoinga, i a ratou e whanga nei ki toku wairua.
7 S hall they escape by iniquity? In anger cast down the peoples, O God.
Ma te he koia ratou ka mawhiti ai? kia riri koe, e te Atua, whakataka iho hoki nga iwi.
8 T hou numberest my wanderings: Put thou my tears into thy bottle; Are they not in thy book?
E taua ana e koe oku kopikopikotanga: rongoatia oku roimata ki roto ki tau ipu: kahore ianei i tau pukapuka?
9 T hen shall mine enemies turn back in the day that I call: This I know, that God is for me.
I te ra e karanga ai ahau ka hoki whakamuri oku hoariri: e matau ana ahau ki tenei, kei ahau hoki te Atua.
10 I n God (I will praise his word), In Jehovah (I will praise his word),
Ma te Atua ahau ka whakamoemiti ai ki tana kupu; ma Ihowa ahau ka whakamoemiti ai ki tana kupu.
11 I n God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid; What can man do unto me?
E whakawhirinaki ana ahau ki te Atua: e kore ahau e wehi. He aha ta te tangata e mea ai ki ahau?
12 T hy vows are upon me, O God: I will render thank-offerings unto thee.
Kei ahau nga kupu taurangi ki a koe, e te Atua: me tuku e ahau nga whakamoemiti ki a koe.
13 F or thou hast delivered my soul from death: Hast thou not delivered my feet from falling, That I may walk before God In the light of the living?
Nau hoki toku wairua i whakaora kei mata: e kore ianei koe e whakau i oku waewae kei paheke, kia haere ai ahau i te aroaro o te Atua i roto i te marama o te hunga ora.