Revelation 17 ~ ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺭﺅﻳﺎ 17


1 O ne of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here. I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters,

ثُمَّ أتَى أحَدُ المَلائِكَةِ السَّبعَةِ الَّذِينَ مَعَهُمُ الآنِيَةُ السَّبعَةُ، وَقالَ لِي: «تَعالَ، سَأُرِيكَ جَزاءَ العاهِرَةِ المَعرُوفَةِ الَّتِي تَجلِسُ بِجِوارِ شَلّالاتِ المِياهِ.

2 w ith whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality, and those who dwell in the earth were made drunken with the wine of her sexual immorality.”

لَقَدْ زَنَى مُلُوكُ الأرْضِ مَعَها، وَسَكِرَ سُكّانُ الأرْضِ مِنْ خَمرِ زِناها.»

3 H e carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet-colored animal, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns.

ثُمَّ حَمَلَنِي المَلاكُ إلَى البَرِّيَّةِ بِقُوَّةِ الرُّوحِ. وَهُناكَ رَأيتُ امْرأةً جالِسَةً عَلَى وَحشٍ أحمَرَ مُغَطَّىً بِالأسماءِ الَّتِي تُهينُ اللهَ، وَلَهُ سَبعَةُ رُؤُوسٍ وَعَشْرَةُ قُرُونٍ.

4 T he woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of the sexual immorality of the earth.

كانَتِ المَرأةُ تَرتَدِي ثِياباً أُرجُوانِيَّةً وَحَمراءَ، وَتَتَحَلَّى بِالذَّهَبِ وَالحِجارَةِ الكَرِيمَةِ وَاللُّؤلُؤِ. وَتَحمِلُ فِي يَدِها كُوباً ذَهَبِيَّةً مَلِيئَةً بِالشُّرُورِ وَبِقَذارَةِ زِناها.


مَكتُوبٌ عَلَى جَبهَتِها لَقَبٌ رَمزِيٌّ: «مَدِينَةُ بابِلَ العَظِيمَةُ، أُمُّ العاهِراتِ، وَكُلِّ شُرُورِ الأرْضِ.»

6 I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered with great amazement.

وَرَأيتُ أنَّ المَرأةَ سَكرَى بِدَمِ المُؤمِنينَ المُقَدَّسِينَ، وَبِدَمِ الَّذِينَ ماتُوا وَهُمْ يَشهَدُونَ لِيَسُوعَ. وَعِندَما رَأيتُها اندَهَشتُ كَثِيراً!

7 T he angel said to me, “Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.

فَسَألَنِي المَلاكُ: «لِماذا تَندَهِشُ؟ سَأُوَضِّحُ لَكَ ما تَرمُزُ إلَيهِ المَرأةُ وَالوَحشُ الَّذِي تَركَبُ عَلَيهِ الَّذِي لَهُ سَبعَةُ رُؤُوسٍ وَعَشْرَةُ قُرُونٍ.

8 T he beast that you saw was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go into destruction. Those who dwell on the earth and whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel when they see that the beast was, and is not, and shall be present.

أمّا الوَحشُ الَّذِي رَأيتَهُ، كانَ حَيّاً، وَلَمْ يَعُدْ حَيّاً. وَلَكِنَّهُ عَلَى وَشْكِ أنْ يَصْعَدَ مِنَ الهاوِيَةِ وَيَمضِي إلَى دَمارِهِ. عِندَها سَيَندَهِشُ الَّذِينَ يَسكُنُونَ عَلَى الأرْضِ، الَّذِينَ لَمْ تُكتَبْ أسماؤُهُمْ فِي كِتابِ الحَياةِ مُنذُ بِدايَةِ العالَمِ. وَهُمْ يَنظُرُونَ إلَى الوَحشِ لِأنَّهُ كانَ حَيّاً وَلَمْ يَعُدْ حَيّاً الآنَ، وَلَكِنَّهُ سَيَعُودُ!

9 H ere is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

تَحتاجُ إلَى عَقلٍ حَكِيمٍ لِتَفهَمَ هَذا. الرُّؤُوسُ السَّبعَةُ هِيَ تِلالٌ سَبعٌ، عَلَيها تَجلِسُ المَرأةُ، وَهِيَ تُمَثِّلُ أيضاً سَبعَةَ مُلُوكٍ.

10 T hey are seven kings. Five have fallen, the one is, the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must continue a little while.

سَقَطَ خَمسَةٌ مِنهُمْ، وَواحِدٌ ما يَزالُ يَحكُمُ، وَالأخِيرُ لَمْ يَأْتِ بَعدُ. عِندَما يَأتِي، سَيُعطَى أنْ يَبقَى لِفَترَةٍ قَصِيرَةٍ.

11 T he beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goes to destruction.

الوَحشُ الَّذِي كانَ حَيّاً، وَلَمْ يَعُدْ حَيّاً، هُوَ مَلِكٌ ثامِنٌ مَعَ المُلُوكِ السَّبعَةِ، وَهُوَ ماضٍ إلَى دَمارِهِ أيضاً.

12 T he ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour.

أمّا القُرُونُ العَشرَةُ الَّتِي رَأيتَها فَهِيَ عَشرَةُ مُلُوكٍ، لَمْ يَملُكُوا بَعدُ، لَكِنَّهُمْ سَيَملُكونَ لِمُدَّةِ ساعَةٍ مَعَ الوَحشِ.

13 T hese have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast.

هَؤُلاءِ المُلُوكُ العَشرُ لَهُمْ هَدَفٌ واحِدٌ، وَسَيُعطونَ الوَحشَ قُوَّتَهُمْ وَسُلْطانِهِمْ.

14 T hese will war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and those who are with him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

سَيُحارِبُونَ الحَمَلَ، لَكِنَّ الحَمَلَ سَيَهزِمَهُمْ لِأنَّهُ رَبُّ الأربابِ وَمَلِكُ المُلُوكِ، وَمَعَهُ جَمِيعُ الأُمَناءِ الَّذِينَ دَعاهُمْ وَاختارَهُمْ.»

15 H e said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages.

ثُمَّ قالَ لِي المَلاكُ: «الشَّلّالاتُ الَّتِي رَأيتَها، حَيثُ الزّانِيَةُ جالِسَةٌ، هُمْ شُعُوبٌ وَجَماهِيرٌ وَأُمَمٌ وَلُغاتٌ.

16 T he ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute, and will make her desolate, and will make her naked, and will eat her flesh, and will burn her utterly with fire.

القُرُونُ العَشرَةُ الَّتِي رَأيتَها وَالوَحشُ سَيَحتَقِرُونَ الزّانِيَةَ، وَسَيَترُكونَها مَهجُورَةً وَعارِيَةً. سَيَأكُلُونَ جَسَدَها وَيَحرِقُونَها بِالنّارِ.

17 F or God has put in their hearts to do what he has in mind, and to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God should be accomplished.

لِأنَّ اللهَ وَجَّهَ قُلُوبَهُمْ لِكَي يُحَقِّقُوا قَصدَهُ، فاتَّفَقُوا عَلَى أنْ يَمنَحُوا الوَحشَ سُلطانَهُمْ، حَتَّى يَتَحَقَّقَ كَلامُ اللهِ.

18 T he woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

المَرأةُ الَّتِي رَأيتَها هِيَ المَدِينَةُ العَظِيمَةُ، الَّتِي تَحكُمُ مُلُوكَ الأرْضِ.»