1 N a ka haere ake te anahera a Ihowa i Kirikara ki Pokimi, a ka mea, Naku koutou i haere mai ai i Ihipa, naku hoki koutou i kawe mai ki te whenua i oati ai ahau ki o koutou matua; i mea ano ahau, E kore e taka taku kawenata ki a koutou.
Then the Angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said: “I led you up from Egypt and brought you to the land of which I swore to your fathers; and I said, ‘I will never break My covenant with you.
2 K aua ano koutou e whakarite kawenata ki nga tangata o tenei whenua; me pakaru e koutou a ratou aata. Heoi kihai nei koutou i rongo ki toku reo. He aha tenei mahi a koutou?
And you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars.’ But you have not obeyed My voice. Why have you done this?
3 K oia hoki ahau ka mea nei, E kore ahau e pei atu i a ratou i to koutou aroaro; a ka waiho ratou ano he tataramoa ki o koutou kaokao; ko o ratou atua hoki hei rore mo koutou.
Therefore I also said, ‘I will not drive them out before you; but they shall be thorns in your side, and their gods shall be a snare to you.’”
4 A , no te korerotanga a te anahera a Ihowa i enei kupu ki nga tamariki katoa a Iharaira, ka ara te reo o te iwi, ka tangi.
So it was, when the Angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voices and wept.
5 N a huaina iho e ratou te ingoa o taua wahi ko Pokimi: i patu whakahere ano hoki ratou ma Ihowa ki reira.
Then they called the name of that place Bochim; and they sacrificed there to the Lord.
6 N a, i ta Hohua tukunga i te iwi kia haere, ka haere nga tamariki a Iharaira ki tona wahi, ki tona wahi, ki te tango i te whenua.
And when Joshua had dismissed the people, the children of Israel went each to his own inheritance to possess the land. Death of Joshua
7 A i mahi te iwi ki a Ihowa i nga ra katoa o Hohua, i nga ra katoa ano o nga kaumatua i roa ake nei o ratou ra i o Hohua, i kite nei i nga mahi nunui katoa a Ihowa i meinga e ia mo Iharaira.
So the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord which He had done for Israel.
8 N a ka mate a Hohua tama a Nunu, te pononga a Ihowa, kotahi rau kotahi tekau ona tau.
Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died when he was one hundred and ten years old.
9 A tanumia iho ia e ratou ki te rohe o tona wahi, ki Timinataherehe, ki te whenua pukepuke o Eparaima, ki te taha ki te raki o Maunga Kaaha.
And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Heres, in the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of Mount Gaash.
10 N a ka kohia ano hoki taua whakatupuranga katoa ki o ratou matua: a ka ara ake tetahi whakatupuranga ke i muri i a ratou, kihai nei i mohio ki a Ihowa, ki nga mahi ano hoki i mahia e ia mo Iharaira.
When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel. Israel’s Unfaithfulness
11 N a ka mahi nga tamariki a Iharaira i te kino i te tirohanga a Ihowa, ka mahi hoki ki nga Paara.
Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served the Baals;
12 A whakarerea ake e ratou a Ihowa, te Atua o o ratou matua i whakaputa mai nei i a ratou i te whenua o Ihipa, a haere ana ki te whai i nga atua ke, i nga atua o nga iwi i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha o ratou, a koropiko ana ki a ratou, na ka mea ra tou i a Ihowa kia riri.
and they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt; and they followed other gods from among the gods of the people who were all around them, and they bowed down to them; and they provoked the Lord to anger.
13 H eoi whakarere ana ratou i a Ihowa, a mahi ana ki a Paara, ki te Ahataroto hoki.
They forsook the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtoreths.
14 N a ka mura te riri o Ihowa ki a Iharaira, a tukua ana ratou e ia ki nga ringa o nga kaipahua hei pahua i a ratou, a hokona ana ratou e ia ki te ringa o o ratou hoariri i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha; kihai hoki i taea e ratou i muri iho te tu ake i te aroaro o o ratou hoariri.
And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. So He delivered them into the hands of plunderers who despoiled them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies.
15 I o ratou haerenga katoa, i runga i a ratou te ringa o Ihowa mo te kino; i rite hoki ki ta Ihowa i korero ai, ki ta Ihowa hoki i oati ai ki a ratou; na te taea to ratou raru.
Wherever they went out, the hand of the Lord was against them for calamity, as the Lord had said, and as the Lord had sworn to them. And they were greatly distressed.
16 I whakaara ake ano a Ihowa i etahi kaiwhakarite hei whakaora i a ratou i te ringa o o ratou kaipahua.
Nevertheless, the Lord raised up judges who delivered them out of the hand of those who plundered them.
17 H eoi kihai ano ratou i whakarongo ki o ratou kaiwhakarite; na kei te puremu, kei te whai ki nga atua ke, kei te koropiko ki a ratou: hohoro tonu to ratou peka ke i te ara i haere ai o ratou matua, ara i te whakarongo ki nga whakahau a Ihowa; kih ai ratou i pera.
Yet they would not listen to their judges, but they played the harlot with other gods, and bowed down to them. They turned quickly from the way in which their fathers walked, in obeying the commandments of the Lord; they did not do so.
18 A i nga wa i whakaara ake ai a Ihowa i nga kaiwhakarite mo ratou, na i te kaiwhakarite a Ihowa, a whakaorangia ake ratou e ia i te ringa o o ratou hoariri i nga ra katoa o te kaiwhakarite: i puta ke hoki te whakaaro o Ihowa i a ratou e aue ana i o ratou kaitukino, i o ratou kaiwhakatoi.
And when the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed them and harassed them.
19 A , no te matenga o te kaiwhakarite, ka hoki ratou ki muri, nui atu to ratou takanga i to o ratou matua; i haere hoki ki te whai i nga atua ke, mahi ai ki a ratou, koropiko ai ki a ratou; kihai i mutu a ratou mahi, me ta ratou tikanga pakeke.
And it came to pass, when the judge was dead, that they reverted and behaved more corruptly than their fathers, by following other gods, to serve them and bow down to them. They did not cease from their own doings nor from their stubborn way.
20 N a ka mura te riri o Ihowa ki a Iharaira, a ka mea ia, Na, kua takahia e tenei iwi taku kawenata i whakahaua e ahau ki o ratou matua; kihai ano i rongo ki toku reo;
Then the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel; and He said, “Because this nation has transgressed My covenant which I commanded their fathers, and has not heeded My voice,
21 N a, e kore ano ahau e pei atu i tetahi tangata i mua i a ratou o nga iwi i mahue iho i a Hohua i tona matenga.
I also will no longer drive out before them any of the nations which Joshua left when he died,
22 K ia ai ratou hei whakamatautau maku i a Iharaira, e mau ranei ki te ara o Ihowa haere ai; e rite ranei te mau ki ta o ratou matua, kahore ranei.
so that through them I may test Israel, whether they will keep the ways of the Lord, to walk in them as their fathers kept them, or not.”
23 N a ka waiho era iwi e Ihowa, kihai hoki i hohoro te peia atu; kihai ano hoki i tukua ki te ringa o Hohua.
Therefore the Lord left those nations, without driving them out immediately; nor did He deliver them into the hand of Joshua.