Psalm 129 ~ ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 129


1 Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth,” Let Israel now say—

لِيَقُلْ إسرائِيلُ: كانَ لِي أعداءٌ كَثِيرُونَ مُنذُ شَبابِي.

2 Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth; Yet they have not prevailed against me.

كانَ لِي أعداءٌ كَثِيرُونَ مُنذُ شَبابِي، وَواحِدٌ مِنهُمْ لَمْ يَنتَصِرْ!

3 T he plowers plowed on my back; They made their furrows long.”

بِقَسوَةٍ ضَرَبُونِي، تَرَكُوا عَلَى ظَهرِي جِراحاً طَوِيلَةً، كَالأتلامِ فِي حَقلٍ مَحرُوثٍ.

4 T he Lord is righteous; He has cut in pieces the cords of the wicked.

غَيرَ أنَّ اللهَ البارَّ حَرَّرَنِي مِنْ قُيُودِ الأشرارِ.

5 L et all those who hate Zion Be put to shame and turned back.

لِيُذَلَّ كُلُّ أعداءِ صِهْيَوْنَ، وَيُرَدُّوا مَهزُومِينَ مَخْزِيِّينَ.

6 L et them be as the grass on the housetops, Which withers before it grows up,

لَيتَهُمْ يَكُونُونَ كَعُشبٍ عَلَى السُّطُوحِ يَذوِي قَبلَ أنْ يَكتَمِلَ نُمُوُّهُ.

7 W ith which the reaper does not fill his hand, Nor he who binds sheaves, his arms.

لا يَملأُ الحاصِدُونَ مِنهُ أيدِيَهُمْ، وَلا يَجِدُونَ ما يَكفِي لِحُزمَةٍ واحِدَةٍ!

8 N either let those who pass by them say, “The blessing of the Lord be upon you; We bless you in the name of the Lord!”

وَلا يَقُولُ مَنْ يَمُرُّ بِهَؤُلاءِ الأشرارِ: «لِتَكُنْ لَكُمْ بَرَكاتُ اللهِ!» أوْ «نُبارِكُكُمْ بِاسْمِ اللهِ!»